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ps4 v's xbox one


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@ damn man, if I had a pound for every time you've switched sides in this console war lol

May join you in the cod, always said I wouldn't go activision again, but battlefield's fooked for now :angry: Bloody Dice servers.

Loving the xbone thus far, UI, media features and all!

Play forza if anyone doubts it's 1080 60 fps capabillities, stunning!

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PS4 will be kickass after they iron out the teething issues with the headset patch after xmas. BF4 looks amazing on my TV, atleast 15 times better than the PS3 :) and plays much smoother.

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Guest ickiwoo

@wu tang im very decisive eh,pleased with the xbox 1 and ghosts.Trying to get into battlefield but im not really feeling it shame i bought that on download,cos id sell that too. :rofl:

Ghosts on xbox 1 pisses all over ps4 so im happy as.

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I got my ps4 a few days ago, not really had a chance to play it much yet, not to keen on the redesigned controllers will take abit of getting use to but its at least 3 or 4 times sharper picture quality I'm really impressed - on battlefield.

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I got one of each for me and my kids :) he nice great....Then I woke up :(

None of his mates got a the new one yet, we cannot afford it, he main mates dad asked me if we was getting he wont buy one either for his son.

Best bet is to wait for the Supply to exceed demand for the wholesale to come down on the unit and games, then see how the launch hardware holds up on this gen's first six months then buy in spring time when cash flow will be better, and lot of second hand games on the shelves.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 7 months later...

Right guys seems a never ending debate but gonna grab me a console and use it to keep me indoors when bored as winters on its way. What shall I go for? I want it for nothing other games I won't so much as watch a DVD on the thing lol strictly for games. Cod and battlefield type games only aswell.

I've always been an Xbox360 guy but mainly as mates was on it. Now days everyone's mixed it up and got mates on both so doesn't matter. When I went on a mates ps3 it felt like Xbox360 had a better online community. I know that's not the games but it was easier and better for getting in competitive matches and forming clans.

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  • 4 weeks later...

my ps3 got the YLOD a few weeks back, I guess as it was bought the week PS3 originaly came out thats not too shabby, also got xbox 360 which keeps chucking up disc read errors so almost unplayable now

replaced them with an xbox one, just waiting for some half decent games to come out now, most of the interesting ones are not out untill next month lol

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  • 3 weeks later...

im picking up one or the other in the next month. weighing up the games on either?, but if far cry 4 is anything like the 3rd can not wait. Also fifa :yahoo:

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Barely played on my xbox1 in fact its pretty much redundant until Advanced warfare comes out.If thats shit I'm giving it to my lad.Im still playing MW2 on the 360 best game ever online imo.

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  • 1 year later...

Can anyone tell me if there's a monthly subscription to play online with the Xbox 1 please

My lad wants one for Xmas but I don't really want another DD, I'm trying to obtain fincial freedom not get more debt

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Can anyone tell me if there's a monthly subscription to play online with the Xbox 1 please

My lad wants one for Xmas but I don't really want another DD, I'm trying to obtain fincial freedom not get more debt

The online services cost about 28 quid a year for the Xbox, that's shopping around, MS want £40 if you get it direct from them. The PS4 has the same but I've no idea how much it costs.
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