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Gta 5 gutted


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FINISHED This game already before the online play has even been activated, thats taking the utter piss. Rockstar, you spent 170 mil on this game, youve got voice acting from the likes of Robert Downey junior going on and you cant even get online play worked out for reléase.

taking the PISS.

BUT let me say as someone who has fnished the game, worth every minute spent playing it and teres some major missions that really are great fun to play!

Trevor? My new Anti hero. Walter White can fuck off....hehehe

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i have hardly played it still....seems bit of a let down to be honest im bored fucking shitless on it and all the missions seem to take 2 minutes

as for the online , rockstar can fuck of.

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I finished it on Friday after picking it up on release day at 12, it seems really short to me and it stops on 70 odd percent for the main missions.

There's still a couple of question marks left to do which are pretty sweet missions helping people out.

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so your on 100% complete? done and found everything?

FINISHED This game already before the online play has even been activated, thats taking the utter piss. Rockstar, you spent 170 mil on this game, youve got voice acting from the likes of Robert Downey junior going on and you cant even get online play worked out for reléase.

taking the PISS.

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so your on 100% complete? done and found everything?

My mate finished it 100% complete, done and found everythings including the spaceship pieces and other pieces that you need, I'm personally on 35% and fuck knows how he completed it, but seen it and his done it lol

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Naaah ive finished the story mode and have about about another 20% left for anciallry stuff like collecting stuff but story misión finished and although hilariouss, and brilliant s always, way too short.

And back to my point, noonline mode at reléase is taking the mick, but i suppose their is an argument if they do it well and it promises to be as special as they are making out then it will be worth waiting a few weeks.

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GTA V bug: Rockstar warns about parking cars in garages

The makers of Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V) have warned players about parking cars in garages in the game until a bug can be fixed.

Rockstar Games say they are looking into a glitch that sometimes causes cars to lose upgrades or completely disappear from safe houses.

In a support forum developers said they are "looking into" the problem.

"Unfortunately, we do not currently have a workaround to recover a car if it is missing," they added.

"In the meantime, please try to avoid parking a car in a garage, driving one already in a garage, or getting in a default vehicle, when playing as a character other than the one with your upgrades."

Grand Theft Auto V, which is set in "a satirical reimagining of modern Southern California", is the first game in the series that allows players to jump in and out of the lives of three simultaneously playable lead characters.

Rockstar suggested the issue may occur if players drive different characters' personal vehicles.

They added: "Also please note that vehicles saves in the garage of one safe house (Franklin's Aunt's) may not show up in the garage of a different safe house (Franklin's Vinewood Hills)."

It has been reported that GTA V has taken more than $1 billion (£624 million) in worldwide sales since being released on 17 September.

Rockstar suggested players should subscribe to their support site feed for automatic updates on the issue.


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Use Franklin to buy Los Santos Customs and then all car mods are free for him, wish I'd known that before spending $70k on a car which dissapeared from the garage :(

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the game is a pile of stinking shit, it's glitchy, frustrating, far too many controls, endless repetition, the 3 character game play sucks donkeys balls and it wasted 20 minutes of my life doing a fucking pointless yoga mission

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