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AutoWhite Widow & Think Different - HGL Sol 9 LED - Coco - 20L Air


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Day 31

The girls are now insanely behind schedule. The roots just would not stop spreading looking for a dead end. Even though I removed all the run-off after every feed, there was always a residual layer that apparently was comfy enough for them to just keep at it. I wish I had my gf was over to take some snaps. They exceeded double the length of the actual airpot height, so we're talking over 60-70cm of root spread. The two TD's even starting entangling together. Completely nuts. But as a result, near zero plant height growth.

To make things worse, I didnt check for 3 days straight without the LEDs blazing the pinkies, so I was unaware I was having a very serious Cal def. I swung the pH like in other occasions, but this time it did not work at all. Since it was my first time reusing the coco, I thought maybe the expected K overload was locking out Cal, so I was cautious to jump at it and risk Cal overdose. A few days later I tried 0.5ml of Sensi Cal Mag and boy did they bounce up in color!

So next, I decided enough was enough and did some rails for my run-off trays. Lifted the pots high enough so air does prune the escaping roots. I was gutted, but I manually pruned the roots too. Immediately, I mean only a few hours later, they clearly started shooting up. I really don´t think this is a coincidence, this is day 31 and I only had a deficiency this last week, and they are certainly not stunted.


So I do think there is a trigger in the rootzone. When the plant decides how big it can go, it then goes to try be big as she can, not the opposite. I may have lost some precious height development, but I hope to be rewarded too... fingers crossed.

TD's - you can see left over def signs on the lower leaves...





AWW - really starting to show their indica traits




Right now they're getting

0.5 ml/L Cal Mag (EC 0.2)

0.5 ml/L Liquid Silicon (EC 0.1)

1.2 ml/L Canna A&B

2.0 ml/L Rhizotonic

2.0 ml/L Sensizym

Total EC= 1.3, pH 5.7, water temp 23ºC (too high, working on it).


Edited by Groffuwiwi
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Been quite busy! Did yet another complete makeover in my tent. Moved the electrics to the other side for better access and installed a 5 point drip system which I am very proud of since its my first time looool... Luckily everything worked as planned.

Here is a quick rundown...

Main rez with pump (Hailea HX-4500), filter, airpump (Hailea 9820) feeding 4 grey round flat airstones. Continuous EC and pH monitor.

I have the timer plugged, but I am still manually turning it on as I am still figuring out the schedule. Took me 3 days to slowly and calmly

figure the ideal setup for me, and I am very very happy with it. Plus, most parts were left overs so I actually only cashed out 25€ (filter and drippers)







Yes, this is a direct consequence from me studying too much on plant physiology...

Another thing I wanted to tackle was a more even canopy so I could best use these lights. Hydrogrow advised me that the sweet spot is 15 to 22cm. The TD's are taking off like crazy, the AWW very close behind. Growth is just absolutely nuts. So I tied to top shoots to the side of the pot.






0.5 ml/L Cal Mag

0.75 ml Silicon

1.9 ml Coco A&B

1 ml Rhizotonic

2 ml Sensizym

0.5 ml Wet Betty

EC is 1.6, pH 5.7...




Edited by Groffuwiwi
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Looking good matey, the saying goes.. you get out what you put in and I can see you are taking care of these ladies very well :yep:


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This is the second time I do anything like this, still getting the hand of video editing... hope you enjoy :)

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

edit: have no idea why the third vid wont embed...

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Brilliant, it's crazy to see them grow so quick, thanks for taking the time & effort to do them groff, getting to the exciting part now looking forward to the bud porn :)

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great start with the AutoWhite Widow's Groff. And nice IT skills on the video too. Good to see all is alive and kicking in Groff Labs, take it easy bro

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I have no clue what day we're on, have to check my notes... This will be a quick photo update just to log things.

This grow is entirely different in all senses. First, I'm not timing it by days but going for max performance, and I am happy to see my idea work. An "oversized" pot with a very root-friendly medium will promote a massive plant. Well, it looks like it anyways. I can now clearly see that it is possible to extend veg time with auto's. On my other tent using biobizz nutes, they are well well well into flowering, stretch is almost done and bud fattening is a-happening - as a reference point this is... (wait for excel to open...) - day 46 !! - The biobizz have around 3 or 4 weeks left I'd say, these 20L coco plants I have no clue, budsites are still forming everywhere - its scary!! - better pics soon!

The beans are all sisters, the latitude is exactly the same, GPS coordinates vary about 5m, temperature are +3ºC in the biobizz tent... so all in all its everything except the environment and the genetics that is dictating the difference.

I was out for the weekend and had my girl water them, and my jaw dropped when I returned. I thought they were stretching, but now they are exploding. I actually feared I had too little plants for my 1.2x 1.2 x 2m tent, but boy am I in for a ride! They sure are filling up the space. My little goji plant in the corner will soon notice for sure.






I usually have white flies f*cking about, hate them buggers. Brought in some heavy artillery. Unluckily for her I managed to completely irradicate the nuisance before her arrival...


On another note, I am not happy with my auto irrigation system. I changed the drippers 'cos I felt it was not even enough - but even with a makeover... the damn hailea pump fails to pump most of the time. It sits there rattling like crazy. I have to switch off and on a couple of times for it to kick into suction, sometimes even disconnect the filter and shake the pump a little - no obvious cause/effect from it though... This is a Hailea HX 4500, I thought it to be reliable... Any input of this very welcome!- looking for an mj1000 to replace

Anyways, transitioning into bloom, I've up'ed the pH to around pH 6.0 - Feeding is exactly the same except I've up'ed the silicon which also rises the EC.

In order of apearance

Tap water - ph 7.5, EC 0.3 - sits for minimum 24 hours in a rez

Then I prep the soup.

0.5 ml/L Cal Mag Bloom (thinking of lowering, plants are starting to look too dark green - think this is a good idea entering bloom phase?)

0.75 ml/L Silicon, and pretty soon up'ing to 1ml

This puts EC to around 0.6 - 0-7

2.0ml/L Canna A&B (EC goes to 1.7 - 1.8)

1.0 ml/L Rhizo

2.0 ml/L Sensizym

0.25 ml/L Carboload

So in essence, I'm actually feeding EC 1.1 to 1.2 ... obviously cal mag is also feed, but most of it goes to buffer the coco's CEC potential.

The plan is to keep final EC around the same mark, increase silicon in this explosive growth phase, decrease cal mag supplement very gradually while inversely increasing the carbs. I may "spike" the soup with a little pk nudge flowering a little but not decided yet...

Edited by Groffuwiwi
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Girls are filling up the space! TD have been growing the most, but just when I thought stretch was over, BOOM, the AWW's did/ or are still doing/ a "finish line sprint" !

My front left AWW is now officially the tallest!









Been having a major problem, luckily the plants have not show signs if stress so far. Out of the blue I started getting some sort of saturation, folicular formation in my water rez!! I took everything out, scrubbed it like mad, pump, lines fittings, the rez, stones etc... I even put heap loads of H202 do kill any bugs. Reset the rez, and 24h we're back to the same spot. Water temps have beem 19ºC 20, lower about -4ºC than this past month, so it can't be that, but it does smell putrid in there.

I set to pH to 1.7/1.8, 24h later its down to 1.4 and solids floating around. I turn off the air pump and the white particulates sink, and EC rises back up to 1.6. I have no clue what is going on, I can only think my rez does not have a proper plastic polymer suited for nutes, possibly some chem reaction... I dont have more nute, they should arrive tomorrow, so I'll have to turn down waterings until I can mix up a new batch in another rez.

Anyone out there had a similar experience? A


This is the biggest stem. The back row TD to the right. I also couldn't believe my eyes. Growth was so explosive she swallowed the training hook !!



Feeding regime is the same, except I will not reduce cal mag. There is usually a cal mag consumption boost mid flowering, and they seem well used to it, so keeping it in the menu.

Video update soon to come!

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Nice grow brother!

You made me buy 2 x SOL 6 :)

Best of lucj


But he's only halfway through the grow?

I think you'd need 2 per tent as the spread looks limited on the photos above.

Watching with interest

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But he's only halfway through the grow?

I think you'd need 2 per tent as the spread looks limited on the photos above.

Watching with interest


Thanks brother...appreciated

I have been following on other places too, those grows but limited I have to say...

and I have also 2 x MS006 in the same place and those have proven results.

So far so good, I must say. Been using them (SOL 6) since 13 days now and well just perfect so far.

On side note, autoflowers do have calmag (more Cal defiency) defiency in the middle of flow but very less with photos.

Cannot figure out yet why?

or what to do?

I just do not want to throw Calmag just as a fix, need to fix why it is happening....

Could it be the light timing (maybe reducing auto's to 16/8)

Wha tyou think?

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The light spread is actually fantastic. It may not show, but it does reach the walls at a very tight angle. And in a very even manner. I'll try got get a good picture of it next.

But I hope you can appreciate it by the way the far side branches are keeping up in height with the middle ones.

With 2x Sol 9 you'll grow monster plants!

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Day 60

Oh my... way too many pic to sort through... So whats been going on?

First, I changed rez'es, and no more putrid smell. Pheeeewww... I was bubbling 30 to 50L of nute mix with a 60L/h air pump. Water temp have been around 25ºC which is too high, but I'm on coco, so not as demanding as pure hydro... even still

Here are some pics of the gunk...


But whats really horrifying is the amount that deposited after I turned the pump off.


So I switched back to my older and bigger 80L rez, and no problems so far. I finally got my hands on a power head inline 4w (500lph) pump to recirc my nutes to try flumming instead of bubbling. I dont have a DO meter, but so far I am seriously impressed. The nutes mix up much faster and pH becomes stable much faster too.


I also did an extensive lollipop trimming session, actually, learnt my lesson with AutoMazar :oldtoker:

This was about a weeks ago








They certainly did enjoy the beauty hairstyling... What an enormous jump this past week! I though stretch was over, but just now I had to raise the light again! Even with the tops trained, the two front AWW and TD are reaching 1.65m from the ground. The back row AWW & TB have a much different pheno and are a bit smaller, but with chunkier and more developed bud sites.

Here are today's pics

Girls seem pretty happy.... fan leaves around the light angle upwards so they can get maximum light per surface area around the outer edges. All around the light... if this isnt a sign they absolutely love LEDs I dont know what is... Notice that the outer edges the fan leaves do not point horizontally upwards, but bend sideways almost 90º


Here are some pics to try to show the light spread for those who asked


Right behind the fan and up closer...


Trying my best to maintain height while pressing my hand against the mylar and shooting a focused pic :clown:

Bird eye view lol...


A few close ups...







These are near the far end of the tent just above the heater...



And just as a comparison, these are the sister plants, slightly neglected I must confess... in biobizz and smaller pots.

AWW (left) and TD (right) in 15L pots


Same as above, but 10L pots




Back to the coco plants...

EC has been pretty much the same. around 1.7-1.8. Mixed the rez with silicon for the last time, dont want it depositing too much on the buds (harsh smoke). Hae to decide when to pk as I am still very "green" when it comes to deciding... I've been doing it too late up to now, so suggestions are very welcome.

pH 5.9 - 6.2, water temp around 22-25ºC, RH has gone up into the 60%

We are entering the coolest part! Bud fattening and possibly different nutes requirements between the strains and phenos. Lets see what happens next.

Video update soon... (got my hands on some sweet spanish outdoor weed with the deepest pine aroma... love it! Hope I'm functional enough for video editing haha!)

EDIT: lol, too many pics for one post apparently...

Edited by Groffuwiwi
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