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Hazy's Quick And Dirty Passion In The Woods


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Lookee lookee a haggis day pressie fae dear auld uncle Tony cheers Tony an a happy huggis day to you an all :yahoo: .


So an outdoor grow wi some auto's eh better get crackin then so the choice was Auto Frissie an StarRyder I will keep the surprise mix for when I want well a surprise I suppose :upside: .



AutoFrisian Dew is the autoflowering version of our outdoor best seller Frisian Dew.

AutoFrisian Dew is the very first AutoFem variety developed outdoors in Holland and especially developed for outdoor growing in Northern climates. AutoFrisian Dew has taken two years to develop and the selection process and breeding also take place in Holland. AutoFrisian Dew was created from a strong and robust 'green' phenotype of Frisian Dew. This results in good quality strong cannabis, ready to harvest around 10-11 weeks after the seed germinates. The use of the green Frisian Dew parent means that purple offspring account for only 10% of the AutoFrisian Dew, 90% of them are green.

AutoFrisian Dew is approximately 1m tall though it can grow up to 1.3m in good conditions. She has a strong main cola and has a sweet taste with earthy flavours. Best yields are achieved in warm, sunny outdoor location or greenhouse. Yields of 50g+ per plant are standard, 100g+ in optimum conditions. AutoFrisian Dew is a strong, hardy and mould-resistant variety which will be appreciated by outdoor growers. It should be planted outdoors from April onwards in southern Europe. In North Europe it does best when planted out after the last frost in May/mid-May.

Phew thats a fair feckin wall o text but they look good so in they go.


Next in are the StarRyders.

Mair Blurb.

StarRyder is the product of a very successful project between Dutch Passion and the Joint Doctor. The collaboration took a few years to create this outstanding AutoFem variety. An exceptional Dutch Passion Isis clone, a premium Sativa with a first class "high", was carefully hybridised by Joint Doctor with one of his best Indica dominant automatics. The result is a very potent AutoFem variety. The first part of the name refers to the outstanding quality and performance, a real Star. The second part of the name refers to the Joint Doctor, the autoflowering pioneer and producer of the original LowRyder.

I am only poppin two of these an the other is planned into the NFT at some point(fuck me Hazy anither diary :headpain: ) I am a busy Hazy indeed at the moment.

In they go too.


So I better explain why am a wee bittie late wi the diary well in true Hazy fashion shit got fucked up or to be mair acurate my plot was found all my bunny cages gone so that one was indeed now very much out. :wallbash:

So new plot needed and fast but it took me a while to find a good one however eventually we found a cracker it gets the sun almost all day and its well hidden and hard to find you canna even see the plot fae 15 feet away.

The soil looks quite loose with a few small stones through it.



Mair dirt but wi some westlands multi purpose though it.


And heres a couple o closeups of the same dirt :nerd:


See telt ye there wiz extra dirty bits. :naughty:

So thats why everythings late so I will just pray to the gods of canna (and Barry of course) for a good late summer and hope I can get summat off of em.

Now I ken that its not a huge patch that I dug ower but I figured fuck it I only got 4 autos to go in so as long as the grounds well turned ower they should do fine.

Whits that ye say

It should be 5 autos ye say aye yer right it was planned that way but its with a heavy heart that I must announce that one of the Frizzy's was stillborn (brief silence)

Ach well fuck it still got 4 and one fer the tank its not often I get that shit as they say happens.

Some mair piccies.

StarRyder a few days ago.


And the Frizzy's.



Number 2 there is a good bit smaller then her sister so just have tae hope she catches up. ;)

Which brings us to tonight me finaly gettin the wee fuckers out there telt ye I wiz late eh. :headpain:


And the wee one.


Group Hug.


All in all not a bad nights work and now am done am stoned an am sure am forgettin shit now so I will see yez aw later fowks.

Hazy :skin_up: Edit fer fucked up pics

Tunes. :band:

Edited by hazy harry
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Aw aye ya sneaky bugger. going aw ootsdey n that eh. gettin aw commando n that eh? i like going commando its proper liberating so it is :yes:

Anyway great start ma man Aw the best of luck, looking forward to seeing the starRyder outside :cheers::skin_up:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Shit I been offline longer then I realised update soon promise.

Awright en Smurfy dude cheers fer lookin in yer right commando is the way to go fer sure. lol

Hazy :skin_up:

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Okay It has indeed been a while cause I was offline fer a wee bit but am back now so here is a kind of an update kinda thing.

I only hae a few piccies an they are about a fortnight old but I will be back across at them in the next few days so we shall see if they have grown any then.

Anyways piccies.


StarRyder Outside

Auto Frisian Dew

Auto Frisian Dew

Group Hug


Not much to see atm like but hopefully that will change soon.
Aw the best fowks.
Hazy :skin_up:
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Fit like en abody visited the plot last night the bad news is that their not very big the good news however isthat they are budding up so lets see some pics then.

Auto Frisian Dew


Auto Frisian Dew #1

The smallest one here only about 10" but she will still give me a smoke I reckon.


Auto Frisian Dew #2

This one is a bit taller she is about 12-14"

StarRyder #1

This one is about the same hight as Frisian #2.

StarRyder #2A

StarRyder #2B

This one is the best one of the lot she stands around 20-22" tall and she is pretty healthy now I just need the decent weather to keep up an I should have a wee bit of lat57 outdoor bud mmmmm.
So no huge crop gonna be here I don't think but I should get a crop so as far as I'm concerned that's a result an I will be happy as :woot: .
However I do think that with some good prep work after this crop and getting them out a good bit earlier next year then I did this year then I reckon these could do quite well up here nice one.
Aw the best en fowks.
Hazy :skin_up:
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@@Smurfy Dinna ken about lookin good but they look like I should get a smoke fae them so good enough fer me mate. ;)

Aw the best blue yin.

Hazy :skin_up:

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@@Smurfy Dinna ken about lookin good but they look like I should get a smoke fae them so good enough fer me mate. ;)

Aw the best blue yin.

Hazy :skin_up:

There is feck all wrong with them dude, and as i always remind my dear wife Size aint every thing 3,2,1, annnnnd wake.

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nice to see you out in the wilds hazy ,best of luck none of theanimal world get a taste for your plants .

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Naah I keep the wildlife scared off wi a picture o a burger an a sign sayin this is you if ye touch these baby's lol.

Hazy :skin_up:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fit like en abody went out tae see the ladies last night and got a pleasent surprise.

Outdoors Group

I got some buddage :thumsup:

Auto Frisians

Auto Frisian Dew #2

Auto Frisian Dew #2

Auto Frisian Dew #1

Auto Frisian Dew #1

not huge but they are tight and they are sticky and they hum of good sweet ganja also the wee one seems to be goin a wee bit purpleish around the top bud nice.

StarRyder #1

StarRyder #1

StarRyder #2

Very happy wi the biggest one and happy enough wi the smaller one too gettin nice an frosty too am fuckin delighted wi them.
I reckon wi a bit o prep and gettin them out a wee bit earlier next year I reckon the StarRyder could produce pretty good up here dunno about the frissies tho they were never the strongest plants fae the start however I will get some bud fae them so its all good. lol.
All in all as long as nothing shitey happens ower the next wee while then I have got me a result so cheers tony and DP.
Aw the best fowks

Hazy :skin_up:

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Looking good dude :v:

They certainly caught up despite the late plant out, ive seen some autos the same size that went out allot earlier.


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