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Advice on organics please


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I use Maxicrop rather than the seaweed I can get here in Cornwall (full of turds and tampax). Its in my GR as part of my germination, vegging and foliar techniques. It tends to promote to much leafy growth during flowering but can be used totally alone in soil growing and still produce good results.


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Puffer, what is full of turds and tampax? Cornwall or Maxicrop??

Have just started adding a bit of maxicrop to my feed, they seem to like it!

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:oldtoker: Arnold

Hi all,

I've posted a new therad in Indoor pics with some updates on progress.  Take a look and see what you think (if you think it looks good then take a share of the credit, you've been so helpful)


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The Puffer As far as I know Ionic is a 100% chemical salt fertiliser.

Hydrotops is a chemical hydro fertiliser with organic amendments. It is not an organic fertiliser!

The John Innes compost formulations are also classed as a chemical based compost and certainly in no way organic.

The J.I. formula is the same today as when it was first introduced in 1939. It is made from:-

7 parts composted sterilised medium loam.

3 parts riddled peat.

2 parts washed course sharp sand.

To each cubic yard of this mix is added:-

5 lbs of J.I. base.

1 lb of ground chalk.

J.I. base is in parts by weight:-

2 Hoof and horn 1/8 inch grist [13% nitrogen]

2 Superphosphate of lime [18% phosphoric acid]

1 Sulphate of potash [48% pure potash]

This is J.I. Number 1

Number 2 and 3 are two or three times the weight of the base + ground chalk to the cu yard.

Lets be clear about this if you are growing with J.I. compost or any of the standard peat based composts you are growing chemically. Its no different to growing with rockwool using Ionic, Optimum, GH, Canna or come to that Miracle Grow.

The nutrient mix does make a huge difference to both the taste/smell and how well the finished grass will burn. Probably the worst nutrient especially in hard water areas is Optimum even using the HW version. It leaves so much residual phosphorous that if you smoke puff neat like I do it just wont burn even when bone dry. I have had very nice hydro grown puff as well, its down to the grower, when I asked the guy who grows with optimum why he was producing such crap, he said it makes the most weight and big hard buds, I get paid for weight I don’t give a shit if its any good or not.

We all make choices I grow my own puff and most of my veggies and fruit organically, its my choice. Every thing gets recycled, I don’t pollute the environment by flushing the waste chemicals from a hydro reservoir down the drain. All the hydro growers I know do this and just these few must represent several thousand gallons per year. What makes it even worse is that a couple of the commercial ones run with systemic fungicides and insecticides in their reservoirs continously as well. Others are taking up the use the cage and cube type designs and running drain to waste. IMHO this is really bad for the environment, none of the uk sewerage works are designed to remove any of these chemical wastes so they all end up in our rivers and streams.

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Guest The GreenFinger

Thats all good info OT1 cheers. I knew Innes was chemical but was never sure of the actual make up.

As well as hobby and commercial chemical ganja growers, There is also the major industry supermarket fruit and veg growers. As well as the waste chemicals going down the drain, there are also the millions of tiny rockwool fibres that are flushed away as well.

Theres not much use for fat profits when you life is cut short by a ghastly toxic build up in your body.



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High there oldtimer1,

Firstly, I'd like to say that I respect your opinion,

I read with interest that you say Optimum is the worst hydro nutrient. Well, I have to say that I've been enjoying pretty good results with it so far & the herb is very tasty and burns well.

I must add, however, that I do give a very thorough flush, and have used a clearing solution on my last harvest, which made it taste even better.

Maybe the grower using the Optimum whose bud you smoked didn't flush properly, or used too much nutrients throughout the grow?

It seems strange that I'm sat here smoking some very tasty herb, which burns very well, and I'm reading that a very experienced smoker and grower thinks it is not possible?

All the best,


PS. Yes, I live in a hard water area, and am using the HW version of GT Optimum. This nutrient is recommended at Growell as well.

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PPS. OT1: what do you think is the best hydro nutrient available in the UK (preferably from Growell) -


G.T. Ionic,

General Hydroponics Flora (I'm interested in getting into this & mixing ratios for more control - any advice?),

Genesis Formula,

Canna Vega & Flores.

Many thanks and all the best,


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Banking in from left-field....

Did anyone see that disturbing report that sperm counts in males have dropped to 50% of what they were 30 years ago - main culprit/finger pointing - drug giants dumping quantities of oestrogen into rivers over that period - apparently if it continues - we'll all be jaffas within a hundred years...

Put me right off my tea...

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Trichome. Hydro is not my thing to be quite honest! The Optimum guy was from 3 or 4 years back, he was running a medium sized commercial op using aeroflo and 45 Kw of lighting. Active dosamatic keeping the ppm between 1500 and 1700 ppm on all the res and auto ph balancing so there were additions of phosphoric acid as well. Of course they didn't flush yield was the only consideration. They were on a 6 week turn round using a selected top44 clone line and taking round 3.5 lbs per Kw of course this is half what the latest run to waste cage systems will do. The thing with optimum bloom is its high P value, this especially becomes apparent if you are pushing an individual plant line to its limit.

The burn is to a light grey [tobacco] and nearly white ash [bud] if the residuals of this metallic element are at an acceptable low level. That is why the American dep of agriculture set strict limits and stringent penalties for abuse on the amount of Phosphate that can be used per acre for tobacco growers. The darker grey the ash, the more residual P, the more it inhibits burning, the more carcinogenic it becomes. Ideally dry bud with low levels of residual P and adequate K should smoulder slowly when lit, the smoke should be sweet not acrid and not irritating to the lungs.

On ferts! I have tasted quite acceptable results from GH 3 part. I believe the guy who originally formulated the GH 3 part now produces an updated version of his own in Holland.

Personally I didn’t like the bud grown with canna but a lot of people like it. Neither did I like some grown with Ionic, but I haven't tried it recently I believe it has been reformulated since it first came out. Actually now I think about it I tried a sample grown with green haze that was worse than the ionic. Sorry I have never tried Genesis formula.

I used to work for a shop and get bud samples given to me every day by growers proud of their product, most was not saying to much and I just gave it to people who had none. I’m sort of out of touch nowadays with what the latest thing is, but I doubt things have changed much. IMHO none come close to my organically produced bud but I would say that wouldn't I :oldtoker:.

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Hi OT1,

Thanks for the detailed reply - much appreciated.

The bud I've grown does indeed smoulder when burned and the ash is very light grey-white.

I smoke the bud pure and it will carry on burning if not left for too long.

I've also been using Canna PK13/14 to boost late in flowering.

I think I'll try some GH 3-part soon, as I like the extra control over the food: I'll look into some starting ratios.

(3.5lb/KW is very high!)

Many thanks and all the best,


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PS. You don't happen to know the name of the nutrient which the originator of GH 3-part has now formulated, by any chance?

All the best,


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Trichome I'll ask a friend I'm seeing on Friday for the name, I think he has used it and managed to buy it here.

Sounds like you are doing a good job with your growing/clearing. The pk will help bring up the K level and balance things, keep up the good work. I will look on my backup disks and see if I have any info on levels for the 3 part. What system of hydro are you useing.

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High ot1,

Thanks for trying to get the name of the 'new' GH formula and any details on GH ratios, much appreciated :)

Also, many thanks for the kind words: I do what I can, but am always interested in improvement.

I am using Nutriculture NFT systems, but have been considering Coco-fibres/coir at some point in the future.

I would like to start using it straight away, but I'd also like to get my money's worth out of the 3 hydro systems I've bought first ;)

Take care and all the very best man,


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