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Small Catipillar Like Insect


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write I will get straight to the point, I have noticed these littles black flies( looks like a midge ) only 1 or 2 I have seen, and waited till they flew by me and I killed them :D , but now I noticed that this small lookin catipillar was crawling round in the soil :puke: , had a look for more in the soil but couldnt find anymore looks like there was only 1, I havent got an extracter or intake coming from the outdoors so dont now why they are in my GR, I read somewere that u can get some sort of harmless insect in bio-allmix, but heard that they were harmless :woot: , av got a piccy of it but I havent been up my mums today to stick it into to camera dock, will do this tomoro :spliff: , if I have been infected, i cant spray the plants coz I'm on 6wks 12/12, only got about 3 wks left untill harevest and to date everything is going OK :beer:

thx, scint...

I am hoping that some1 can help put my mind at rest

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hmmm I do know peeps had probs with little gnats from B&Q organic soil (think they were called fungus gnat flies or summat similar)......they were quite harmless to the plants just a nuisance when you go in the room is all.

Not sure about the caterpillar thing tho....it may be the fly thing in grub form I spose.

Hope this helps!

EO edited for typos

Edited by EnigmaticOne
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quick reply EnigmaticOne thx, thats wot I read as well but it was with bio-allmix and ever1 said they were harmless, but its this catipillar grub thing that has got me worried, I was thinkin that they have been hatchin into the black flies, dont have any thrip evidence on the leaves or any webs at the buds, will get the piccy tomoro to get this ID once and for all,


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I am almost sure thrips don't look at all like grubs or caterpillars....neither do spidermites.....so I am pretty sure it is neither of those 2 things.


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scint they are almost certainly fungus gnats or shore flies of some sort, I would not worry about them unless you have clouds of them. They seem to appear spontainously anywhere plants are grown indoors.

EO whats all this with mickle??????????

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EO whats all this with mickle??????????


hehehe .... just a wind up, he admitted to buying a pair of Mr Men slippers yesterday (which amused me greatly) , then asked me not to tell anyone lol

So I just couldn't resist!

The soul of discretion me. I'll change my sig back when I figure enough people have seen it to have a chuckle.


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;) Its certainly made me laugh, just wanted to be let into the secret. :yep:

Forgot to mention fungus gnat larvia are small off white with a dark head.

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@ oldtimer1, thats cleared that up for me then, thx lol only seen about 1-2 flying about at the 1 time and waited till I seen them close enought to kill, then they were mine lol and for the larvae thats the way that it looked so av got fungus gnats, thx OT1 & EO

scint lol

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give your plants a shake mate and then u can assess how many u got.U can always put one of them sticky fly traps in there if u have a few of the little bleeders. lol

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just went up there to have a look, seen another 1 flyin about so I stood there till I seen it again and whacked it :) didnt see anymore up there after that, :D

scint... :)

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thx Out and Nowt, but av already got it cleared up, OT1 got it right on the head, small black flies with wight bodied with black head larvae, thx for ur reply.

@ EnigmaticOne, 3-0 yeehaa :ouch: die FG die :ohmygod:

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