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jiffy pellets or straight to soil after water germing


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Im currently germing some super skunk autos in my draw in water, been in about 19 hours and can already see tips poking out of them. Im gonna veg them on my window sill, then harden them off in my back garden in a couple of weeks.

My question is, once the seeds have popped and have a bit of growth after say 24/30 hours ,whether or not to use jiffy pellets in a propagator for a few days or put them straight into soil.

I understand transplanting autos can stunt growth, and would be inclined to say straight into 30cm pots but this is my first autogrow so any advise would be appreciated.


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same as other post mate lol , think a little differently for autos though mate the breeders recommend getting them straight into their permanent home soon as possible i whacked mine straight into the 11 litre pots soon as theyd germinated and im amazed by the growth if they were left in jiffy pellets they'd have lost out a LOT on root growth as after 3-4 days from germination i could see roots at the bottom of the pots the growths amazing!! Breeders also advise against repotting any automatic plant , reg fems and regs you can just pot on , automatics ya have to use that first couple of weeks as much as possible as you cant control vegetative period , i found it easier and am havving amazing growth in plant as well as roots like i said mate , check my gallery theyre only hatched on the 17th feb and theyre little bushes now allready. :) good luck mate :)

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germinate in those little peat cups, once it has germinated and the roots start to shoot through the cups, place the cups into the main bucket/container. No root disruption or valuable time wasted.

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