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grow room advice


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right my seeds arrived today

heres the plan

2ft x 2ft x 5ft grow cupboard

venting into the loft with some kind of bathroom extractor

cupboard open during the day (lights on ) for further ventilation

maybe a small fan on the plants

400 hps from fastlight ( is the balast removal simple enough ?)

growing in soil mix ( suggestions very welcome..)

erm what else

oh yeah, how many plants would be suitable for this space

any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated

thanks in advance

stay safe  

rs :peace:

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Set up sounds perfect mate...... :D nice one....

As for plants.....you could do just one or two real big buggers (with loooong veg times)....or you could do 16-20 small plants in square 5inch pots...(much shorter veg times, need good supply of clones though)....

For your first grow I would say 3-4 plants ideal in there.....the more you read about other people's methods, and the more experience you get with the plants, you'll find you can tailor your grow to suit you and your space........

How many seeds you got and what are they....?

You gonna love this.. :mad: I know you will....


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nice one mono,

yeah ive got 10 nirvana Northern Lights haze and 10 nirvana citral from gypsy, any experience of these ?

what do you reckon to planting say eight seeds in the hope that four will be female. im going to go for a few bigish plants for the first grow....how high should i veg too ?

no doubt ill be back soon with another load of questions

thanks again mate


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If they're not feminised seeds then that is a good idea.  Be prepared though that there is a small possibility they will ALL be female, so you're gonna have to be able to grow them all if that happens.

I am growing four plants in a similar space, and I vegged them for about 3 weeks, but that was from clones, so you will probably need to give them a few weeks longer.

Good luck mate!

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thanks splan

yeah i think ill plant six and see what i get

looking forward to this  :cool:



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Rusty spatular not an expert but how long you veg is up to you, and how big you want your plants to be .. you could veg your plant till it was six foot high if wanted ... your plant becomes naturaly mature when it s internodes grow alternatly ..but you can still veg after this point .. however this becomes longer, on the crop itself to grow, which furthers harvest times , so its best to do what suits your needs .. or expectations . personly am going for plants around 3ft and iam going from seed myself, iam going to veg till 12" giving a strech of 2ft in flower period .. fingers crossed ..

 :D hope this wasn,t to bad hope your not to stoned keep reading and most importantly of all stigh high laters stoner,s... :mad:

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hi rusty

sounds like a good set up

yeah, splitting the ballast looks very easy, a bit of chopping and then it's like wiring a couple of plugs

search on here for oldpink and that should pop up one of my posts that links to the article

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Ey up Rusty spatula

It all sounds good to me but (here i go again mono) leaving the door open for ectra ventilation could lead to trouble once you are flowering. You think that you'll be able to shut the door every day before the light goes off, but something will happen, you'll forget or something and then you get light pollution that will mess up the plants flowering. Best to sort out a ventillation system that allows you to keep the doors closed all day, without any light getting in or out!

As everyone has said you can flower them at whatever height you want. NL won't stretch too much. I flower plants quite small, and i reckon for the size of the room, and to get a quick turnaround, you could flower the at 8 - 10''. At that size, they shouldnt get too wide/bushy but you will get a good yield. You could take plenty of clones so that you take away the lower branches that may become troublesome (in the way) later as well as setting you up for the SOG grow that mono has suggested.

Good luck

mono's right, you are going to enjoy this


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my tuppence worth,

I'd do SOG too - you need clones to get it perfect - but I personally prefer to have more plants in less veg time. You use more seeds - but then you get a better pool from which to select mothers.

Also - I'd germ 8 and risk having more plants - firstly because you can trim and modify your plants so they can fit in the space and secondly because the average is 50% of each sex - when the population is small (like 8 seeds) the amount varies the most (i.e. the standard deviation from the mean is high)- so you could end up with only 2 or 3 and you're under-utilising the space.

So the plants will cost £8 to sow - if only 2 or 3 are female - then you could lost 4-6 ounces at harvest - worth about £500-£700 - and you're powering and lighting the space anyway.

Better to have too many than not enough - the most you'll lose is a few quid.

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thanks for all the advice, much appreciated.  Ive been out in the rain today angot a propogator, st john innes number 3, and some small pots.

heres the plan

germinate the seeds

plant eight seeds in eight pots, into the propogator, under compact fluros.

wait for a bit

repot when 5 inches or so, add perlite and vermiculite(?)

veg to about 1ft under hps

then flower for required time

Is that about it ? any suggestions or corrections very welcome

Im going to grow a few biggish plants for the first grow, and may change to sog when i get more confident

thanks everyone


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Make sure you get cuttings from all the plants before you flower them, and somewhere to propogate them......

Number the mothers and the cuttings so you know which plant the cuttings come from when choosing which to keep for future SOG grows.....

I dunno about flowering too soon when growing from seed...Ithink you neeed to give the plants a few...at least 6 weeks vegging so they can reach their full potential in flowering.....I know you can do less, but you want to see each plant at its best really, more vegging time will help that...

NLHaze might get very tall in 6 weeks, you need to keep an eye and top it a couple of times, getting a few cuttings.....

Sure you'll get a good range of opinion in this thread.... :)


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Hi again Rusty

Are you going to be growing NL x Haze as mono says in his last post? If so, i wouldnt bother with any veg time at all. I would grow them on 12 hours from germination. If you veg them for 6 weeks in your limited space, you are going to have severe problems.

I grew this strain for nearly 8 years. It is a fantastic and extremely vigorous plant. When i wanted to bring in new genetics and get a new mother i would just put a load of new seeds straight into the flowering chamber in decent sized pots and watch them go. They would end up about 3 - 4 ft tall with about (memory a bit dodgy) 3 - 4oz dry bud per plant. However, once you have clones, you can flower them as soon as they have rooted, at about 1'' tall, (yes 1 inch) and get fat single colas. With a little bit of tinkering with GT optimum bloom (adding extra phosphate), i was able to yield 1 1/4oz (dry) per 10-12'' plant, grown in 4'' pots with perlite.

You could pack 36 of these little monsters into your space, or a little less just to give them some room,  and have a top harvest every 10 weeks. I think with your set up, you could easily yield 3/4oz per clone!!!


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Shit rusty, I get confused, what chip says is true, but bear in mind that the Chitral will almost certainly noyt respond to this treatment....

If you want to grow the NLHaze and the Chitral...you might be better starting them all off in veg, and after 4 weeks or so take lots of cuttings from the vegging NLHazes....

In the couple of weeks it takes for the cuttings to root, the Chitral will be ready to shed cuttings and go into flower.....At this point put the NLHaze clones in the flower chamber, along with the chitrals....The NL Hazes will quickly stretch and catch up with the Chitrals.....

As you weed out the males, the females will fill up the space, and you probably take the Chitrals out before the NLHazes....

chip, I'm pretty high and I been working nonstop for a few days as well as sampling new weed, my head pretty scrambled.......If what I'm gibbering about is really bad advice just say and I remove it......



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lol, mono.

All sounds like a good idea, although i did have to read it through twice before i grasped what you were saying. Or, RS, you could leave the NLhaze out for 2 or 3 weeks, before putting it in for the last week or so of veg.

Funny this lark ain it. Might have been easier for you rusty if you'd just done it and then told us all afterwards. lol

Mono, are we both doing the same thing, supposed to be working but allowing this site to provide much needed distraction from the drudgery of academic work? lol

PS. Just read through what mono said again, and it sounds like a well cool idea. Dunno about your head being scrambled mono, sounds like its working fine to me. Is that because you are under the instruction of the Generals Daughter? lol

A tired, in much need of a smoke, lonely, bored, Chip (at work, in the office ON A SUNDAY!!)

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i tell you what i think ill do.  Im going to grow the noethern lights haze first, three or four bigguns, get used to this whole malarkey, then maybe ill go for sog, cuttings, etc etc .

Not a massive smoker, so im sure the first harvest will last me untill im in a position to harvest again, well thats the theory anyway.

Your right about this site though, its all too easy to log on for a few minutes and still be at the screen , hours later. ive got a meeting tommorow and have not yet done any of the preparation i was supposed to have done ...doh..

never mind, its all good

thanks for all the advice and i will keep you all posted

take care



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