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early yellowing


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http://<a href='http://www.uk420.com/boards/index.php?app=gallery&module=images&img=139751'><img src='http://www.uk420.com/boards/uploads/1361708078/gallery_64494_6050_143100.jpg' alt='early yellowing' /></a>

. hi guys , this is my berry ryder (auto) im on day 29, i started feeding them old timers on day 20 , im using the grow at the moment at 3ml , and root juice at 1.5 ml.there in all mix so was only given water and root juice for the first 20 days,there very fast growing girls , there taking 1 litre every morning,dont think im over watering them as they are bone dry each morning....there in a 1.2 m tent under a 600w hps , i have a good enviroment temps are 86-88 and there is plenty v fresh air during the day. do i need to up the dose or feed more , maybe twice a day ?? on there morning feed they have 1 litre and there is runn off ?>>?>> any advice realy welcome , this is my first attempt at auto's as i lost my mother....i curentle have a few strains from seed as potential mothers but this takes time so autos it is 4 now , peace out ppl :wallbash: did my pic upload ???? battered my head tryin to get a pic on ere :wallbash: Edited by scowy
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is this the pict


looks like its starting to get hungry ,ive only grew autos a few times and i had this problem also,but i made the fatal mistake of overfeeding,hopefully someone else with a bit of auto grow experience will be along to clear it up.


Edited by king bong
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http://<a href='http://www.uk420.com/boards/index.php?app=gallery&module=images&img=139751'><img src='http://www.uk420.com/boards/uploads/1361708078/gallery_64494_6050_143100.jpg' alt='early yellowing' /></a>

. hi guys , this is my berry ryder (auto) im on day 29, i started feeding them old timers on day 20 , im using the grow at the moment at 3ml , and root juice at 1.5 ml.there in all mix so was only given water and root juice for the first 20 days,there very fast growing girls , there taking 1 litre every morning,dont think im over watering them as they are bone dry each morning....there in a 1.2 m tent under a 600w hps , i have a good enviroment temps are 86-88 and there is plenty v fresh air during the day. do i need to up the dose or feed more , maybe twice a day ?? on there morning feed they have 1 litre and there is runn off ?>>?>> any advice realy welcome , this is my first attempt at auto's as i lost my mother....i curentle have a few strains from seed as potential mothers but this takes time so autos it is 4 now , peace out ppl :wallbash: did my pic upload ???? battered my head tryin to get a pic on ere :wallbash:

i dont no if im correct on this but i was under the impression you only give autos bloom not grow,the medium your using should have enough nuets in to go maybe 2-3 weeks with only giving water and some root stim,then start ure bloom on low dosage and then build upon the feed

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thats the one :) they were fed only water and old timers root stym upto day 20 , then started on the grow , i was under the impretion i was to use grow for a few weeks ,( im now wondering were i heard this ) , and then bloom for a few , final 10 days on h2o .,., i defo agree they look hungry but as there autos im not sure if this could be something else ? i know that autos are light and lite feeders so i started low on the nutes,to be honest the yellowing started the day after there first feed of 3ml grow and 1.5ml root stym ?? as this is my first atempt everything is taken on board , i will do more reserch on my strain, ,anyone purchased seeds from AUTO SEEDS , what were your experiences ? ive got a few others on the go as well , ive got 4 auto bubbleicious and 4 auto lemon skunk, ( which ive herd might not be autos) think they will get just h2o for there brekfast :)peace :stoned:

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that my thoughts pal, they are on grow nutrients, started on a low dose as i was told Autos were very light feeders, have upped there dose todat to see if that changes them . thx for your reply :spliff:

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I have the same sort of problem. I used to grow using CFL and i would regularly put 4-5ml of canna feed per 1litre of water into my canna coco and they were fine but when i switched to HPS i thought as they were "light feeders" and i had a better light i would lower it down to about 2ml but this started to happen and leaves began to cup. As soon as i increased the amount to the recomended (4ml/l) they started to become healthy again. Just experment a bit i suppose if you think you've overdone it just flush them with water

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