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autoflower not autod


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Hi I have a dinafem cheese auto that hasnt autod my other has nearly finnished this is just showing preflower. Lucks like it will yield very well so dont want to cull it but I have other autos and only a 20/4 room cant 12/12 it is there any other options?

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Could you keep it vegging on the current lighting regime and pop some photo's in time to switch to 12/12 once the rest of your current autos are done?

You could also chop it into cuttings for your next crop if you think it's that good ,but that might be a last resort.Hope someone comes up with a better answer for you :smokin:


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Hi :v:

You could try 18/6 :hippy:

lol.. That was exactly what I was going to say..lol

Strange isn't it when fems aren't female and auto's don't automatically flower..?

Makes you wonder why people bother to mess with nature..lol

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