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Are personal growers one of the most law abiding groups of people?


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I don't think you can really be that specific, growing weed won't automatically make someone a good person just because they decide to grow a certain plant. A rapist, paedophille, thief or anyone could be growing weed for their own personal consumption.

Although maybe they don;t think that should be illegal...

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I would say no. How many people do you think are aware of what they are funding when they buy the odd 20 bag once a week or so? Not many IMO and in their eyes people who grow would maybe be considered to be committing a more serious crime. And I know you said aside from the fact its illegal to grow but how can you be law abiding but then willingly break the law? :smokin:

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I think the question being asked is whether or not growers take care not to break other laws due to needing to avoid attention more than someone without a grow on who wouldn't generally even consider it.

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Yes, I hear you both. But away from growing, most growers, I think, should be quite well behaved to avoid having to deal with the law so as to not have further scrutiny of their actions.

I am not a grower, but I think growing a plant should not be illegal, as long as the environment or people are not being harmed.

I have known a few that grow, they all seem to be very well behave at home and out and about.

edit Like what fingers said.

Edited by jahras
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I dont really undertake anything illegal...

copyrighted content online: i might see a few movies illegally..

Or when driving , I might speed a little ( where possible in a safe manner)

I might even park my car wrong for a few minutes..

but aside from growing bud,.theres really not much illegal in my life..

I feel no need to break the law..aside from a life of comfortable cannabis use, or parking my car next to the pizza shop, so i can enjoy a warm pizza when I get home..

Edited by Joolz
to remove unnecessary info !
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Hey jaked wsup,

You say willingly break the law but if there wasn't a stupid law it wouldn't get broken. Who would want to willingly put them selves at risk of being imprisoned?

I think growers believe they are doing not much wrong, it's just the rest of society that has a big issue with it... they think weed is an evil thing and so don't want it around and want to control others.

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I'm not a bad person.

I'm a drug user, and (when I can be) a drug grower.

But other than that, I'm a law abiding man - not because it is or isn't the law - I don't give a shit about the law. I do what I do (and don't do what I don't do) because of my own sense of morality. If I think something is wrong then I won't do it. If I thing something is right then (despite the law) I will do it.

Edited by Boojum
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Yo boojum,

Ever read the one on here about the teacher who got done for growing then lost his job of 14 years? During those 14 years, when did he start using or growing? Only when caught did he become a bad person, before then he was well loved by the kids at the school.

This is just an example of the world we live in... why do we have to stand for this crap?

Why are we not judged by our peers? Instead we're judged by a bunch of self righteous twats who get a kick out of criminalising otherwise decent people.

Society in general turns a blind eye, when those same people who stipulate laws, decide that it's cool to bomb another sovereign state or when they put sanctions or other measures into place that cause suffering to innocents all over the world.

What are we? Are we so powerless that we just accept injustice? most people are good people, it's them fuckers in high places that are not doing any good for mankind. What's the big deal with prosecuting people like us?

Edited by jahras
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I think that the law isn't about right & wrong, it's about control.

The vast majority of us don't need laws to tell us not to steal, or rape, or kill. The vast majority of us wouldn't do any of that even if it were legal. The vast majority of us know right from wrong, and don't need Mr policeman and Mr judge to tell us.

And using drugs isn't wrong, it isn't bad, there is no moral dimension to it at all.

We all know that.

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I think that the law isn't about right & wrong, it's about control.

The vast majority of us don't need laws to tell us not to steal, or rape, or kill. The vast majority of us wouldn't do any of that even if it were legal. The vast majority of us know right from wrong, and don't need Mr policeman and Mr judge to tell us.

And using drugs isn't wrong, it isn't bad, there is no moral dimension to it at all.

We all know that.

I agree with you, however some drugs are harmfull and the public should be protected. I'm not saying that the way the govt currently do this is the best way to go about it, but we cant legalise all drugs and turn a blind eye to it under the pretence that everyone should be responcible for themselves and make their own decisions.

We have to have a policy for harmfull drugs as the impacts on society are far reaching.

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No drug should be illegal, that's my opinion. I don't advocate a free for all, not at all, but illegal drugs means no regulation, no control, a black market that creates an entire criminal underworld. The only reason that there is a gangster culture is because of the black market in drugs. Prohibition of alcohol in the USA created the mafia. Prohibition of drugs has created gang culture and all that goes with it.

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Sadly I could not disagree more with you Dr.Who.

Prohibition is the single greatest advert for drug use. Its such basic, oh so basic psychology, that I struggle to believe that people cannot see it.

I take Drugs.

I Grow drugs.

Why did I start? I don't know the full answer ~ chasing oblivion is so complex; but I can say that I started taking Codeine (my first drug) because my parents told me I couldn't.

Like Boojum, I follow my conscience. laws are a waste of time, and cannot protect anyone from anything. If society badges Heroin as "Deadly" does that protect society from "abuse" (whatever that might mean)? Does it bollocks!

Normalise all drugs, instate truthful education, and watch those drug use figures come tumbling down.

Am I law abiding? Depends on the law.

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We have to have a policy for harmfull drugs as the impacts on society are far reaching.

I agree with this bit. Drug dealers should be subject to trading standards regulations so that users can use with confidence :guitar:

Edited by sam-i-am
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