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Moisture Metre

Mr Peebs

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if you mean a moisture meter - I'd go with the above advice -you really don't need any meters at all for the medium in organic growing - if you mean an air humidity meter, you can get perfectly satisfactory ones from any garden centre for about £3! lol

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Hi,Can anyone please recomend a Moisture Metre.


Hi Mr Peeps, boy can I understand you're quandary I have asked the same questions recently but I found the best way is to get to know your plants and not to rely on meters and gizzmo's to give you the answers. Saying that though does not mean they do not help. Ph and moisture meters are available at most garden centres around the uk and at a reasonable price. These will just confirm everything is ok or not as the case maybe. Then you will quickly start to get to know you’re plants and when they do or don’t look ok. After that the meters just gather dust and become antiques, which is fine for when the road show comes to town. I have a ph meter which helped at the beginning and now to confirm the current condition of the soil but I am logging the values of ph, water intake and feed dosage for future reference and to post on the forum so as other noobs like me have a guide which may or may not help them. Just one thing don't buy the soil mix shake em up thingybobies they are crap. (technical terminology)

One thing though if you post a picture with the details of the plant and grow room then there is always someone on the forum who will help. People on here are knowledgably and very friendly.

Happy days………..Om

Edited by Organicman
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When I first pot a plant, I weigh it before watering and record the dry weight. Then weigh each day untill it's back to it's dry weight, then have an accurate idea of how long between waterings.

Edited by binary
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