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not enough being done to legalize cannabis in the uk


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CLEAR as in 'He Who Shall Not Be Named'? I wouldn't use that piece of cock cheese to wipe the dog shit off my shoes never mind give him the support to speak for me on Cannabis issues.

Edited by Mephitis
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I doubt it will happen in the UK until all the US states are legal for recreational use. My wish is for Scotland to get independence from the UK and legalise weed there.

I would love to be an activist but honestly I am afraid to bring notice to myself for fear of being busted.

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Get involved in your local CSC - you can find info thru normlUK. This is a grass roots movement akin to what successfully allowed the social club movement in Spain. Don't bother with clear - they bring nothing but shame on the community IMO

E2a - if there isn't a CSC local to you, set one up.

lol guess i was wrong about clear judging by the responses,

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There is no "Recreational Use", its all medicinal.

There is no "Medicinal Use", its all recreational.

Seriously, no joke. Think about it......


As for a single issue political party, No. It is a nonsense, a stupid and irresponsible nonsense. It abuses the political process and is nothing other than a perversion of the democratic cognitive process.

When I vote I vote as a citizen of the world, with my eyes on a multiplicity of political areas such as Peace v Warmongering, Greed versus Third World Starvation and Diseases, Free Health Care versus things like the African AIDS crisis.

Trust me, the legal status of possessing or growing or supplying a plant is so far down my list of priorities as to be invisible.

Now here's the crunch, the sharp edge, and I make no apology for what I am about to say, though I know full well many folks are not going to like it:

Voting for a single issue cannabis party is more than waste of your vote; it is a greedy, selfish bit of deliberate blindness to the many pressing issues that face our country, if not even global civilisation. To focus on just your right to smoke a damned plant, when the world is effectively on the precipice of a multitude of devastating crises.... make me feel like puking!

You value your right to a spliff, above the life of a third world child? Or above the ugly bully-boy tactics being deployed by our Government against the sick, the elderly and the unwell?

Fucking hell, people: PRIORITIES! FFS! Sorry, but this "I want my spliff, me, me ,me, me...", makes me god damned fucking annoyed. Are we so utterly myopic, so entirely devoid of care for the world around us? So self centred that we value the right to smoke dope over anything and everything else?

Because that is what we look like, of we plump for a "Single Issue cannabis Party". So locked into our bongs, so distracted by rolling our next spliff that we just don't give a shit for anyone or anything else. Just ourselves. :puke:


Edited by Arnold Layne
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There was one of those gov e-petitions a few months ago that was closing in on 30,000 sigs, which I thought was pretty good.


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@sam-i-am It's in their name and their mission, well spotted. :)

Mission Statement from NORML UK Website

NORML UK seeks to gain recognition for the rights of people to peacefully pursue activities relating to cannabis without unwarranted intervention by the authorities.

A Voice for Responsible Cannabis Users in Britain

Founded in 1970 in the USA, NORML is an international organisation representing cannabis consumers worldwide. NORML UK is a non-partisan, non-profit organisation working for more research into the benefits of the uses of the cannabis plant for all purposes. We aim to provide a support network to those seeking the normalisation of cannabis consumption and to influence a positive transformation to laws enabling responsible medical, spiritual, recreational and industrial uses in the UK.

Our founding member are a diverse group of people from all walks of life who have one thing in common: passion for individual freedom, responsibility, and liberty.

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@sam-i-am It's in their name and their mission, well spotted. :)

Really? :unsure:

They're campaigning for full normalisation? Are the PFNC now an anachronistic dinosaur? :(

Edited by sam-i-am
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Get involved in your local CSC - you can find info thru normlUK. This is a grass roots movement akin to what successfully allowed the social club movement in Spain. Don't bother with clear - they bring nothing but shame on the community IMO

E2a - if there isn't a CSC local to you, set one up.

checked out that site doesnt say anything about local csc's anywhere that i could see

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There is no "Recreational Use", its all medicinal.

There is no "Medicinal Use", its all recreational.

Seriously, no joke. Think about it......


As for a single issue political party, No. It is a nonsense, a stupid and irresponsible nonsense. It abuses the political process and is nothing other than a perversion of the democratic cognitive process.

When I vote I vote as a citizen of the world, with my eyes on a multiplicity of political areas such as Peace v Warmongering, Greed versus Third World Starvation and Diseases, Free Health Care versus things like the African AIDS crisis.

Trust me, the legal status of possessing or growing or supplying a plant is so far down my list of priorities as to be invisible.

Now here's the crunch, the sharp edge, and I make no apology for what I am about to say, though I know full well many folks are not going to like it:

Voting for a single issue cannabis party is more than waste of your vote; it is a greedy, selfish bit of deliberate blindness to the many pressing issues that face our country, if not even global civilisation. To focus on just your right to smoke a damned plant, when the world is effectively on the precipice of a multitude of devastating crises.... make me feel like puking!

You value your right to a spliff, above the life of a third world child? Or above the ugly bully-boy tactics being deployed by our Government against the sick, the elderly and the unwell?

Fucking hell, people: PRIORITIES! FFS! Sorry, but this "I want my spliff, me, me ,me, me...", makes me god damned fucking annoyed. Are we so utterly myopic, so entirely devoid of care for the world around us? So self centred that we value the right to smoke dope over anything and everything else?

Because that is what we look like, of we plump for a "Single Issue cannabis Party". So locked into our bongs, so distracted by rolling our next spliff that we just don't give a shit for anyone or anything else. Just ourselves. :puke:


. Seriously keep seeing ur posts about help the world make it a better place on some mike jacko ish if we don't make a change about how cannabis is seen then who will we all now about starving kids in Africa we see adverts and charity's etc its abit out if our grasp to directly help these kids presides sending money to charity's and even then who nos where that's going ( the fat bloke doing voice over for advert) lol
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