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Blueberry advice wanted please


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Hi folks wasn't sure where to put this one so being a DP strain I thought here would do mods feel free to move it if im wrong. ;)

So pretty much as the title says I was just wondering how well this strain reacts to topping and training, super cropping and the like as I have been told she is a finicky kinda bitch who can hermie when stressed.

My problem is that she is stretching waaay more than I expected from an indica dom and I need to slow her down a bit to let the rest catch up a wee bit but at the same time I don't wanna stress her too much and end up with a load of hermie seed.

A pic the Blueberry is the tall one and the short dumpy one is Isis which is meant to be mostly sativa.


So if anyone else has grown out DP's Blueberry with with any of the usual training techniques then advice would be most appreciated.

Thanks in advance folks.


And before anyone says it yes it is possible that I got the two mixed when potting up but I am pretty sure that I didn't. :spliff::wassnnme:

Hazy :skin_up:

Edited by hazy harry
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Hey Harry I have a old faithfull blueberry, not sure which seed bank but she loves to be topped, topped then topped some more! Without topping yeild goes out window with mine :yinyang:

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I’ve 2 on the go from seed 5 weeks in flower, I just let them do their thing cause didn't want stress. One indica dom and one sativa dom, should have topped the stretchy one, though there's plenty bud sites :wallbash:

Like you thought they might have got mixed up :headpain:

btw, aren’t these suppose to stink ? :nea:


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a little bit stretchy dosn't = sativa ;) unless they end up 4 foot tall after only a couple of days veg, then i'd say this is well within the realms of indica dom. and yes blueberry stinks!

Edited by scraglor
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I'm grwing some Blueberry-dominant crosses that have responded very well to triple topping. I have subjected them to quite a bit of unintended abuse too, drying thenm out and lights on 24/7 for nearly a week two weeks into flowering when my contactor failed, touch wood no sign of hermies yet. Strong growing strain but a bit stretchy - they stretched a lot when left on 24/7 but I tied them dwn and the popped up some more flowers sweetly. Best of luck with them mate.

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Long thin leaves, large internode gaps, lighter green in colour, plus the one on the right is 2 weeks behind and is near identical to some Silver Haze I have in there.

Seems to side on Sativa to me :unsure:

And no smell, but I've long given up on trying to work that one out :(

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talking about the op as not all 'sativas' are tall and lanky, and not all indicas are short and squat (Mazar i sharif as an example of a monster 'indica') the indica/sativa thing is vague at best and totally misleading and irrelevant at worst

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Hi Hazy,

Blueberry has been grown just about every way over the years, so dont worry about tieing her down if thats what you need to do.

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