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Gnu Boy

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After spending a couple of hours with a hacksaw & general buggering about with a budget light from fastlight i had a search for a site i found ( & then lost again!) some weeks ago,

Knightsbridge lighting

Good prices, a complete 400w hpi EXTERNAL ballast £84.00

& 1000w £140 (plus vat) much better quality than fastlight & much cheaper than any hydro store. If i'd found the site again earlier i'd have paid the extra £20 or so to save all the work in modding this fastlight one, i always hated metal work! check out the prices on their replacement bulbs too!

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Hi Gnu m8,

Thanks for the link its just what ive been looking for

Im just not sure what to buy

Heres my sinario:

Im moving my grow to the loft ( need more space  :) _

im looking at making a 3' x 3' pos 3' x 4' square room in the loft, made up of a wooden frame and longlife mylar for the walls.

Im planning on adding an additional light, I currently have a 250w HPS and im looking to add a 400W from the site above.

but want to add a MH lamp, what is the best ration? 250/400 (HPS/ MH) or vice versa ( I was looking for that poll on the best lamps but cant find it now, any ideas?), I intend to rotate the lamps daily

Oh yes forgot to say this for the flowering room.

Im planning on feeding via a wick as HP :oldtoker:

with a scrog net and heat shield as Tricome  ;) .

Am just not sure about the following things should be :-

The Plant Platform (i've yet to find a sutable container for the reservoir)

The Scrog net how high from the grow medium

The heat screen( is glass or acrilic better, and where    should it go (and dont say below the lamp and bove the plants  ;)))

the lamps (from the screen)

Thanks all in advance, sorry if i Jabbered

:peace: JJ

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Oh gno! someone asking MY advise!?

Well totally understandable with my vast 14 days growing knowlege :oldtoker:

The best i can tell ya Jibber is what i was told the other day,

you need approx 50watts per square foot, so if you go for 3x3 that gives you 450watts,so 400 hundred should be close enough,

this is just what i'm building now for my first batch (ever!)just waiting for my-lar,how's your lar?

as to mh or hps well from all the posts & from what i've read i'd plumb for the hps son-t agro, but you'd better get a check on that from one of the wiser ones.i wouldn't think you'd need to keep rotating them but again i'm sure one of the wiser ones'll advise ya best,i've only been a member for a few days & loads of help from 'em, so if this link repays it a bit then cool,

Have you checked those lights out on their web site,i was going for one of the glass fronted ones so you don't have to worry as much when spraying, i'm gutted i lost the address (you'll see it's impossible to remember) it was a major pain in the arse sorting this fastlight one out & these others look far superior quality, still if i ever need another.... good luck fella & let me know what it's like when ya get it?

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Hi Gnu

Sorry if you felt on the spot, None of my questions were asked of anyone, just general questions :oldtoker:

As for the lamp the 400W is to compliment the 250W ive already got I just havent decided wether to have more MH or HPS (from the research ot1 has done the argo is one of the worst bulbs, i just cant find the poll at the mo.)Help me ot1 your my only hope.

The room is now going to be 4 x 3.


(400+250)/12 = 54.16W psf ;)

Plenty of light, as for the rotation of the lamps its to spread the different spectrums ;)

I Need this built next weekend as my second grow is ready for flower but my first grow is still matureing

Thanks for the input mate

:peace: JJ

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Hi Jibber,try re posting in one of the help sections matey, they seem pretty quick at replies etc sorry i can't help ya more fella but i'm still on L plates,  :( . Good luck & let me know how it goes with the light

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Hi JJ -

I bought two tanks from growell - for about £30 each - which hold about 75 litres when full... one of those might be ideal - check their site - fro a 75 litre tank.

a 3x4' room would fit it - you can then set the pots on a palette with legs - the wicks then dangle through into the tank below - if the palette is painted white - you get very little plant growth in the tank (good to get an airstone and bubble pump (under £20)) for the tank too. I'd set up the tank and palette before you build the room, to avoid the two being different sizes. Also - bubbled tanks need to be on a lower cF rating than normal watering - probably around half what's suggested.

Good idea to section off a room - also - you'll definitely need extraction in that space too with summer coming up - it'll get very hot up there. Extract at the top - allow air in at the bottom.



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Guest bc pete

hi man, you can get a complete kit your choice of a 400 watt or 600 watt HPS with son t plus, remote ballast 10 meters of power cord. and a silver wing reflector.

i bought my 600 off them in january and it's fine. no ballast buzz. the manufacturer is century lighting ltd.

anyway the website is bullnet hydroponics. co.uk.

i am mentioning this site with a grudge though. do not under any circumstances purchase seeds from this company!!

they are genuine fakes/ crap. believe me it cost me £200 quid

apart from the "SEEDS"?? they have some good deals

i recomend them only for the fact they have a good deal right now and some of us are on a tight budget starting our journey

into the marvelous world of cultivation


later man, bc pete :peace:

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