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Ok folks, so I had a problem with the think different passing away a while ago & Tony was good enough to send me some Automazar in their place. Although I never did a diary with these(due to some me problems)I thought I would at least show some pics as they come to their end.

So here you are & thank you Tony & all at DP.













And a little treat I got from the fourth one that finished early in the DWC.


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lovely growing hydro ! And she will get fatter still, how many days has she gone so far ?

Hi Tony, that is actually 3 different Mazars each one of them with a nice coating of buds. I can't say for sure how many days they have been flowering as I had a bit of an episode with a family member but they germinated on the 25th of June so I started week 1 the 2nd of July, so by my reckoning they are half way through their 10th week so I would say another week or 2, the buds are starting to fill out now so they will be left to do their own thing, they will let me know themselves soon enough.

I must say I have been impressed with the bud production & the ease of growth but on the negative side(for me anyway)is the light cycle as I have always been used to photoperiod as I feel more in control, not a control freak in any way but just feel more comfortable in the fact that I can turn my ladies to flower when I feel they are ready & felt a bit bored after a while as I had nothing to do but feed them & watch for the cycle change so I missed my topping & fimming.

All that said I must say a big thanks to you & everyone at DP for their hard work in creating an awesome auto strain, that I would recommend to anyone who grows autos & hasn't tried these or wants to give autos a go & for the chance to grow & sample them for myself.

I will put some more pics up over the next few days to let you see the progress & give a weight & smoke report at the end. I look forward to doing a diary soon with one of your strains, won't be auto though, back to being in control for a while...Mmwwhhahaahaa.


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Ok so here is where I'm at. I have reached the end of week 11 & although plants are showing signs of finishing through the leaves, they seem to be behind judging by the pistels. One has been trimmed & chopped & I am happy with what came from it. But the other two just don't look ready to me & I thought you might be able to give me your view Tony. As you know this is my first time with autos & as I said, they are showing yellowing, dying leaves but the pistels are still white aplenty, My problem is I have had to move my Lady Lush into the flower tent as I need to get them under the 600w hps for their last few weeks & I also have a Green Love Potion being put to 12/12 along with them so need the room & obviously 12/12 won't be enough light cycle to finish them properly.

I have added a few pics(to say the least :wassnnme:). Someone elses opinion who is an auto grower wouldn't go amiss if Tony don't get to it.


The Mazar that came down.




The ones I trimmed & threw back in.






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lovely work hydro,GORGEOUS! it shows what you can get with a quality auto. I hope you have got that lovely hashy AutoMazar aroma going on as well.

The remaining AutoMazar's could be brought down now if you wish. But failing that I would put them in the grow tent with 12/12 light with your Lady Lush. Auto's are not just fast, they are also adaptable. Give them a week of 12/12 and see how they look at that point - that would be my advice. And enjoy the smoke of course, I would be interested to get your view on smoke quality and overall yield.

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What did you pull off the chopped one mate? Look huge still got my grow going but cant wait till i can crack on with some autos.

Just chopped it yesterday DJ so will let you know when its dry, I am saying about 3oz.

lovely work hydro,GORGEOUS! it shows what you can get with a quality auto. I hope you have got that lovely hashy AutoMazar aroma going on as well.

The remaining AutoMazar's could be brought down now if you wish. But failing that I would put them in the grow tent with 12/12 light with your Lady Lush. Auto's are not just fast, they are also adaptable. Give them a week of 12/12 and see how they look at that point - that would be my advice. And enjoy the smoke of course, I would be interested to get your view on smoke quality and overall yield.

The one that I brought down had that lovely "hashy", "earthy" smell, the other 2 don't seem to smell of anything yet but are sticky as fook. Sorted my tent out yesterday & put them back in the tent on the 12/12 so will give them to the middle/end of next week. Will defo give you a smoke & yield report. I did enjoy growing the autos but I think because I had a lot of stress around me during the grow between my manic depression knocking me sideways & then the carry on from my brother in law I never got to enjoy the grow properly.


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Hi mr H. The Mazar look nice mate, I've got one that's just sprouted now so I hope it goes as well as yours! What happened to the TD? I've got 3 on the go or I should say 4 as one has sprouted 2 heads! Putting a pic up soon but it's unique I think. Good grow mate enjoy the smoke! :smokin:

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Ok so here we are at the end. I chopped the last 2 Mazar today. I was very impressed by the amount of branches the Mazar put out for bud production but due to a couple of factors, I don't feel I did as well as I could have them. One is the size of airpots I used(10lt)as my 20lt pots were/are in use with the Lady Lush & the other is to do with me going through a very low point with my manic depression or "Bi-Polar" as its now labelled, I am quite a private person in these matters so I shall say no more.

BUT I am happy with what was produced. Two of the plants showed the 50/50 side of the strain with a mix of fatter Indica fan leaves with the buds holding more of the Sativa side whereas, the other showed a more dominant Sativa side covered in thin Sat leaves but was squat like an Indica.

Smoke report to come. :yep:











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  • 1 month later...

very nice mazars mate how did it end? :smokin:

By getting me fookin mashed AP, meant to add a smoke report but forgot....I wonder what could have done that. :wassnnme:

Anyway just let me finish by saying that the smoke was lovely, that good I don't have any left lol. Had a couple that didn't have any smell so was worried about the smoke but after a couple of weeks curing my worries were put to the side.


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