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What Auto to Grow


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Ok what should I do Tony Anyone HELP....HELP.....HELP....HELP OK enouth yelling.

I'm finding It really hard to work out what Auto to run In my tent I'm hoping to run 3 under the LED and 3 under the HPS so 6 in total...Do you think that to much In the space 2.4x1.2x2.0 or should I go 2 per side Im going to run them In 10 liter pots using the Canna Organic Range.

I would like to get 14-16 ounces per side well more from the LED as she is really cranking

So please any suggestions...To much to choose from to many nice strains with nice names and nice looking buds....HELP

OK cheers rasta :smokin:

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alright rasta,

First of all I have listened to lots of feedback on our autos. The one thing I can say is that everyone has a different answer lol

AutoMazar. I think of this as Mr Reliable. Occasionally spectacular but mainly it is a reliably good variety for really strong weed and healthy yields. Check this video out

AutoBlueberry. Seems to be popular with the old-school types that appreciate the flavours and aroma's. I wouldn't say the heaviest yielder but there have been a few heavy yielding grows on the forums dedicated to the auto-heads. Here is a video, though I am sure we could get a better looking plant in terms of yield

Taiga. An auto version of our Power Plant. Heavy yields and according to Seymour Buds the strongest to smoke even though his grow was brought to a premature end when his plant collapsed during a res change. Here is the grow diary http://www.uk420.com/boards/index.php?showtopic=292030

Think Different. 'The special one' occasionally delivers plants of crazy proportions. Organic Jim grew a beauty in the diary section, and no doubt you saw Seymours one. Here is the pics of it http://www.dutch-passion.nl/en/news-and-development/first-public-think-different-autofem/ Funk Farmer grew one on uk420 and got about 170g of strong bud from it.

man I am going to have to write something about them all now ain't I ?

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man I am going to have to write something about them all now ain't I ?

While your at it you might as well lol

Thanks heaps Tony It really is hard to pick one as they all sound so yummy

What about the amount of plants in the space 2 or 3 per side what do you think ?

Cheers rasta :smokin:

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Guest funkfarmer(sb)

I would seriosuly consider starryder rasta,I have only seen the links to seymours grow of it but the bud looks fantastic,theres something about stacking calyxes that I find mysteriously sexy..Think different is great too,although I wouldn't describe the effect as 'functional/daytime' at all,its not devastating,but fairly stoned...

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here is a blog diary on SnowStorm #2 by Adz. It was started under HPS and finished under LED. Orange Bud genetics, here he got something like 120g per plant and rated the smoke well


And here is a grow of Tundra, an auto version of our original Passion #1. The grower got 293g from 3 plants and loved the smoke


so its a question of taking a read through and seeing what appeals the most. Seymour is running AutoBlueberry as well at the moment, it is looking really good and I will get a diary up soon

And StarRyder looks like it can yield heavily too. Choices choices. Good luck Rasta

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hi rasta

i've just run think different and automazar in coco. i had 7 in a 1.2 x 1.2 tent and 4 in a 90cm, but i would go for more (12 or maybe even 16 in the big tent) if i ran them again, treating them more like a regular sog cutting crop by pruning out the lower branches. the plants won't look as great as seymours but i think you'll get a better yeild by packing them in and pruning. i trained mine in a net to flatten them out, but you could just train the main stem over with lst.

seymour gets his plants to grow really big quickly, i think by being spot on with his dwc setup. mine were no where near that size, although i did shock them, and a mate has grown think different too with similar size plants.

smoke wise i find the mazar a heavy indica STONED. great for chilling at home, although not too great for talking to the missus if you've had a big smoke ! it does make getting up the next day a tough job though, plenty of strong coffee needed. its an easy plant to grow too.

the think different is a much lighter uppy stone, good for doing things and much more lively. much lighter the morning after and a bit easier to talk to the missus when hammered.


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