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Beasties In My Compost


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;) Just when I thought everything was going tikity boo (7 weeks 12/12) I notice tiny white insects moving about on the top of the compost in my pots.Checked out faqs and thought it might be thrips.Closer examination of plants showed no sign of infestation either on stock ,leaf or bud.The insects in question are white,smaller than a pin head and can jump like fleas.

New growth seems fine .Took samples from bud and examined through microscope trich's are cloudy but dont look quite ready.

Apologies for having no images(Ive given up trying download them...its an occupational habit of being fik).

Do I treat as thrips?Ignore the problem as I reckon Im only 3 week tops to crop.There is a slight yellowing of old growth but I was putting this down to stage of grow rather than any great problem as bud looks sugar dipped.Any help greatly appreciated.



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;) Cheers Bish...Mentioned the problem to an old gardener friend and he reckoned compost contains lots of "Strange shit",hardly the horticultural sageness I expected but it has made up my mind that Im going organic next grow to see the difference,if any.

Dried a couple of Buds just incase I had to crop and I must say better than previous grow.Cure for Christmas consumption........Luverly

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those white sods will almost certainly be fungus gnat larvae, pretty harmless tbh, tho can do damage to the roots eventually... as yer 7 weeks into flower id say not to worry bout it m8... a half inch layer of sharp sand works as a preventative (by stopping the gnats laying eggs in the compost), & ive noticed if flushing my compost (due to too strong a feed being added)that if you pour more water into your pot, than can drain through the holes in the bottom (till its running over the pot sides), that cos they float they`ll just run over the sides getting rid of the majority of em...

good news on the smoke report m8 ;)

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if u clean everything and then use coco instead of compost u will not av a problem.the little bastards are in the compost when u buy it.av a spliffing day :)

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Nowt wrong with compost owderb, it's the quality that matters :guitar:


just my opinion bish.u can buy top quality compost like i av in the past and there were still bugs in it.id appreciate it if u can tell me which compost is bug free lol

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Nice one MDP the last time I seen anything jump about like that I that I had to treat with lice lotion. I managed to get olympic strenghth dose from a fat bird, bit ironic that!(the joys of yoof)

When I mentioned that I was going to have a go at organic I thought I would go with the bio range right through is this advisable and what will the benefits be?Peeps mention coco etc is there any real benefit between different brands?After all I want my ladies to have "comfy slippers".

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Guest nigfis
just my opinion bish.u can buy top quality compost like i av in the past and there were still bugs in it.id appreciate it if u can tell me which compost is bug free :blub:


Ha! Show me a hospital that is bug-free.

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