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NEW blog and competition


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After numerous requests here it is. This weeks blog has a competition attached, and the 3 winners will each get a Dutch Passion collectors edition Pro-Grinder, some AutoMazar seeds and some Surprise Mix seeds.

All you have to do is read the blog (link below) and leave a comment telling us what YOU think is the most treasured stoner possession and why. The best 3 answers will get the grinder/seed package delivered to them.

Please note the competition is open for 1 week only and we only ship to european addresses. Please do not leave your answers here, put them on our website at the bottome of the blog. Your comments won't appear immediately, but they will be uploaded when our mods have OK'd them so don't worry if your answer doesn't get uploaded immediately, it often takes a few hours. You will be asked to leave an e-mail address with your answer so we can contact the winners, but email addresses are NEVER published.

So get your thinking caps on and GOOD LUCK. These metal grinders are laser engraved with our logo and will give a lifetimes pleasure to the lucky winners. In the blog I list 6 of the most treasured stoner possessions (bongs, seed collection etc) and we ask you to name a treasured stoner possession too. We are looking for answers that are true, funny and original.


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good man tripp, here is what you could be winning


that sure looks like a sharpstone grinder ..do i qualify for a free one ..i have been suffering with cheap plastic grinder syndrome ..my doc says i do ..but i know its different criteria in different countries..i got a gammy toe if that helps

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good man tripp, here is what you could be winning


that sure looks like a sharpstone grinder ..do i qualify for a free one ..i have been suffering with cheap plastic grinder syndrome ..my doc says i do ..but i know its different criteria in different countries..i got a gammy toe if that helps

the grinder is mint. The bud shreds easy in the top section and falls into the 'ground bud' chamber through the holes at the base of the shredding section. The 'ground bud' chamber is seperated from the kief section by a fine mesh. Not all customers use the kief section but over time you get crystals building up for a nice supercharged toke when you have some peace and quiet.

It's one of those designs that we loved straight away after seeing loads and loads of grinders. This one was the best, they are such an improvement over the plastic ones that so many people use. And they last a lifetime too, every serious stoner deserves a decent grinder, so we offer it at what we think is a fair price (€22.50) and I have honestly never heard a complaint about them.

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i have a generic one exactly the same as that ive had for over ten years.

they are great grinders :yep:

if you take out the middle kief screen section its a good compact grinder for getting about with ;)

i only entered cause i want one with your logo on it :)

edit... blog cover pic: who looks that relaxed finding out they lost their seed stash? hahha :rofl:

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