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Careless Fishermen's Club?


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Loved the OP. Really funny bit of writing.


I would like it if pot was growing everywhere, being sown and planted by everyone, and the Police and Politicians saying, "You know what ... sod it. We'll legalise it"







Think about the state we live under. The state who's solution to every problem for over a decade has been to throw more money at it (except the debt, which seems to be getting a perverse, not-quite-opposite treatment).

If there was weed growing in every hedgerow, park and field margin, there's no way in hell they'd just roll over and say "you win". They'd do what they always do. "Create jobs".

That or make it an obligation of all landowners to remove any hemp spotted at their own expense and then just deal with the land they directly manage.

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Mate I don't want to knock your enthusiasm but seeing as this has been suggested numerous occasions (as has been pointed out to you) in the two years I have been here and the country is yet to be overgrown by 'the careless fisherman club', I'd suggest your pissing in the wind slightly.

and come to think of it, if you're going to piss into the wind, pissing slightly is not the way to go

So you think Uncle Roy's plan, once he wins the lottery, is less slight?

Btw I should mention that I'm Bipolar, and on a bit of a manic one at the moment - nothing I can't handle. But I do get very enthusiastic in this state. When I come down I'll probably think all my ideas are wank. lol. I just make the best of my manic spurts. Sorry if I've gone over old ground. Its just that several of my friends really are careless fishermen - whenever they get bagseed they plant it and leave it. They like country walks.

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great idea mammoTHClone

if you want a bag of old Himalayan cannabis seeds (I reckon 30% of them should pop) then drop me a pm

they'll do well enough even in this shite weather

What about all the gorilla growers that now get there lovely girls pollinated and full of seeds by Elton male hemp plants?

Elton = selfish cunt

nonsense Splifi

people always raise this objection to the Overgrow idea and it's just plain wrong

pollen very very seldom travels more than a few hundred metres from a plant, except in very exceptional circumstances

how do you think they manage to grow sensimilla ganja in Bengal, or lowland Nepal?

cannabis grows wild all across that part of Asia

also, somebody says cannabis isn't indigenous to the UK --- well it's been here 2000 years, longer than most of our genes probably have, so I reckon that'll do

Edited by namkha
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Thankyou Namkha.

I've heard the only problem with Himalayan Cannabis is that it tends to attract Yetis. Heh heh.

Edited by mammoTHClone
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