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Careless Fishermen's Club?


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My friend Elton is a fisherman. He's not very good. In fact, to my knowledge I don't think he's ever caught a fish! The reason he is so careless is probably because he smokes too much of his homegrown. Anyway, Elton likes to go out into the countryside to do a spot of fishing. Sometimes he forgets to bring his rod. But he never forgets his bait - hemp seed.

Now Elton doesn't go fishing in his best clothes, oh no. His pockets have holes in them from all the hooks and lures he has had in his pockets over the years. So the fish bait oft falls out of his pockets through the copious aforementioned holes.

Being forgetful, Elton has forgotton most of the places he has gone looking for a stream, river or pond to fish upon. But every so often he finds a beautiful plant growing, fruitful and stinky, and he says, "Thankyou Shiva!"

Ok, so the point I'm getting at is that there could be a whole shitload of careless fishermen out there who, like Elton, would sow the seeds of rebellion across this green and pleasant land. If the plant grew everywhere, the Police would have a lot of work on their hands trying to scour the county for wild "hemp".

BTW did you know it is illegal to remove an indigenous plant from a British hedgerow? Catch a copper tearing one down and he could be prosecuted! Kyuk kyuk. Remember to sow them so they will face the sun.

PS :

Elton's Uncle Roy has a crop-sprayer plane that he is thinking of filling with 2 tonnes of fish bait and going on a countrywide oops campaign :)

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What about all the gorilla growers that now get there lovely girls pollinated and full of seeds by Elton male hemp plants?

Elton = selfish cunt

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OK so not every careless fisherman would have to be as careless as Elton. For instance the quality of the fish bait could be improved - feminised seeds :) A guerilla campaign to spread it far and wide though, imo, is one way of getting it so prevalent that the authorities might give up on it. Thousands of careless fishermen would make rambling in the countryside in the autumn an even more enjoyable experience!!

I don't think it is that selfish - in fact it is selfless to go out and sow seeds everywhere. Malawi Gold is allowed to seed, and is still one of the strongest strains in the world. I have smoked Bedouin grown weed in Egypt, a few seeds in it, was still very strong.

I understand that guerilla sinsemilla growers might be a tad pissed off to find a few seeds in their crops, but personally I would like it if pot was growing everywhere, being sown and planted by everyone, and the Police and Politicians saying, "You know what ... sod it. We'll legalise it"

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Yep, I reckon every couple of months this subject rolls around.

You could make a lot of rope with two tonne of hempseed, wouldn't want to smoke it though.

And cannabis is not an indigenous plant to the uk so the pigs wouldnt think twice about ripping them up.

Good spirit though :yinyang:


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I think the potency of bedouin grown depends on the strength of the sun it's grown under and the length of full sun it gets. :sorry: your intentions seem good but a plant can only do so much in the environment it is presented. And as for feminised seeds ? Shhsssshh about the fems too that's a whole other debate you won't want to get into. :lucky: with your next idea

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My friend Elton is a fisherman. He's not very good. In fact, to my knowledge I don't think he's ever caught a fish! The reason he is so careless is probably because he smokes too much of his homegrown. Anyway, Elton likes to go out into the countryside to do a spot of fishing. Sometimes he forgets to bring his rod. But he never forgets his bait - hemp seed.

Now Elton doesn't go fishing in his best clothes, oh no. His pockets have holes in them from all the hooks and lures he has had in his pockets over the years. So the fish bait oft falls out of his pockets through the copious aforementioned holes.

Being forgetful, Elton has forgotton most of the places he has gone looking for a stream, river or pond to fish upon. But every so often he finds a beautiful plant growing, fruitful and stinky, and he says, "Thankyou Shiva!"

Ok, so the point I'm getting at is that there could be a whole shitload of careless fishermen out there who, like Elton, would sow the seeds of rebellion across this green and pleasant land. If the plant grew everywhere, the Police would have a lot of work on their hands trying to scour the county for wild "hemp".

BTW did you know it is illegal to remove an indigenous plant from a British hedgerow? Catch a copper tearing one down and he could be prosecuted! Kyuk kyuk. Remember to sow them so they will face the sun.

PS :

Elton's Uncle Roy has a crop-sprayer plane that he is thinking of filling with 2 tonnes of fish bait and going on a countrywide oops campaign :)

Cannabis is not indigenous to the UK.

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Cannabis is not indigenous to the UK.

The Romans introduced cannabis to the British Isles. Pieces of hemp rope were found in the well of a Roman fort on the Antonine wall at Bar Hill in Dunbartonshire. The site was occupied from 140-180 AD, but analysis of the residues of cannabis pollen show that the plant was not cultivated and retted in Britain until about 400 AD. Then hemp and flax were grown at Old Buckenhan Mere. (81)

The Saxons who occupied Britain about 600 AD also cultivated hemp and incorporated it into their medical literature. The Commonplace Book (LXIII c., folio 147a) gives a "Rite for Salve, Partly Irish" that contains hemp. (82)

Young women would sow hempseed over nine ridges of a ploughed field on Halloween night while repeating, "I sow haenep seed, and he who is to be my husband, let him come and harrow it." A similar practice was observed on Valentine's Eve in Derbyshire; a maiden would go to a church at midnight and run around it twelve times nonstop while repeating her announcement:

"I sow hempseed, hempseed I sow;

He that loves me best,

Come after me and mow."

The superstition also was practiced on the Summer Solstice, and was memorialized in an old British love poem:

"An eve last Midsummer no sleep I sought,

But to the field a bag of hemp-seed brought;

Scattered round the seed on every side,

And three time, in trembling accent, cried

This hemp-seed with my virgin hand I sow,

Who shall my true love be, the crop shall mow." (83)

What is your definition of indiginous? It's been here since Roman Times, circa 400 AD

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Hemp has many uses, I don't think the maidens or the Romans were thinking about spliffs and getting stoned but I guess hemp might have had a rep as a mild soporific if you made herb tea with it or something. It makes great rope and the seeds yield oil.

You can cultivate a lot of non-indigenous plants, most garden plants are like that, they'd never naturalise, native plants crowd them out. And you can breed and cultivate psychoactive cannabis in this country, but if plants to were left to their own devices the psychoactivity would soon be lost. Then if they actually did grow the pollen would fuck up everyone's carefully selected bred and cultivated outdoor feminine plants, as has been pointed out.

Even where hemp grows naturally it has to be selected and bred to be psychoactive as we understand it.

It's a nice thought to have, I used to have it too, but then I found out more about cannabis. Actually namkha mocked me cruelly till I learned better, it was very educative.

Edited by Ishmael
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Pope Innocent VIII, however, was not convinced of hemp's innocence. In 1484 he issued a fiat condemning the use of hemp in witchcraft. The 16th century demonologist Jean Wier warned that hemp caused one to lose one's speech, to laugh without control, and to have magnificent visions. Demonologist Giovanni De Ninault (17th cty) named hemp flowers and seed oil as a principal ingredient in Satanic unguents.

Hemp also was a principal ingredient in the disposition of witches, as itemized in an invoice from Kirkcaldy (Scotland) in 1636:

"For tows [hemp hangman' rope] 6 shillings

For hurden [hemp fabric] to be jumps for them 3 pounds, 10 shillings

For making them 8 shillings..." [&c]

Peasants continued to believe in the magical powers of hemp, and practised their superstitions as ever. On St. John's Eve, farmers would pick the flowers from some of their hemp plants and feed it to their livestock, believing that it would protect them from evil and sickness. And indeed it did just that, for cannabis hemp is endowed with great medicinal and magical potency! Hemp was a popular folk remedy for toothaches, to facilitate childbirth, to reduce convulsions, fevers, inflammations, and swollen joints and to cure rheumatism and jaundice. Cannabis was found worthy of honorable mention as a healing plant in several medieval herbals, such as those by William Turner, Mattiolo, and Dioscobas Tabermontanus. (84, 85)

If careless fishermen were quite careful in what they chose to spread by accident, the strains that would cross-breed would be hardy and potent.

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dude really they wouldn't, they would revert to dull old hemp if anything survived at all. Sorry.

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Mate I don't want to knock your enthusiasm but seeing as this has been suggested numerous occasions (as has been pointed out to you) in the two years I have been here and the country is yet to be overgrown by 'the careless fisherman club', I'd suggest your pissing in the wind slightly.

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Mate I don't want to knock your enthusiasm but seeing as this has been suggested numerous occasions (as has been pointed out to you) in the two years I have been here and the country is yet to be overgrown by 'the careless fisherman club', I'd suggest your pissing in the wind slightly.

and come to think of it, if you're going to piss into the wind, pissing slightly is not the way to go

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