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Water Curing


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Hey yall, I was sittin around with a friend i met at a local head shop. We got into the discussion of growing and curing etc. He told me about water curing.

He said to take ur bud right from the plant, trim it, then put it in a bowl of water for a week or two, being sure to change the water when it changes slightly to a green color. After the week or two take the bud out of the water, dry it and thats it.

I was pretty baked when he told me this so i dont remember if he said to also put it in the fridge.

This sounded rebulsive to me, and im really sceptical. I never heard of such things.

Does neone out there no of this way of curing. I'd like to hear ur input either way.

Thanx All, FTM

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Just had a look around, found this :

Water Cure

Unlike other curing methods, the water cure is performed after the marijuana is dried. Powder and small pieces are most often used, but the cure also works with whole colas. The material is piled loosely in a glass or ceramic pot which is filled with luke-warm water. (When hot water is used, some of the THC is released in oils, which escape and float to the top of the water.) Within a few hours many of the non-psychoactive water-soluble substances dissolve. An occasional gentle stirring speeds the process. The water is changed and the process repeated. Then the grass is dried again for smoking.

THC is not water-soluble; so it remains on the plant when it is soaked. By eliminating water-soluble substances (pigments, proteins, sugars, and some resins), which may make up 25 percent of the plant material by weight, this cure may increase the concentration of THC by up to a third.

Marijuana cured by this method has a dark, almost black colour, and looks twisted and curled, something like tea leaves. The water cure is frequently used to cure dried fan leaves and poor-quality grass.


from this site

Edited to add that's how the trim goes from making ice hash if you dry it out & keep it, now I come to think of it.

Edited by Boojum
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Thanx Boojum, Still sounds kinda shady. I dunno i might try it with some dirt weed seeing that the article said it can increase the THC level up to a third.

As for my homegrown, i will dry it and cure it in jars as usual.

never heard of ice hash, is that like bubble bags? And can that be achived without purchasing the bags?

Nigfis: thats what i said to him,Im down to see him ruin his bud, nut not mine. i think its a bit dodgy myself. Im REAL sceptical.

Thanx again


Edited by ForTheMuziq
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I just tried this and it does work...

It took some fairly harsh mid grade and made it nearly tarless...it even smoked longer cause of the slight bit of water left over which sort of steamed it and somewhat added to the original flavor.

A few gravity bong hits will get you really stoned... :wassnnme:

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Thanx Boojum, Still sounds kinda shady. I dunno i might try it with some dirt weed seeing that the article said it can increase the THC level up to a third.

As for my homegrown, i will dry it and cure it in jars as usual.

never heard of ice hash, is that like bubble bags? And can that be achived without purchasing the bags?

Nigfis: thats what i said to him,Im down to see him ruin his bud, nut not mine. i think its a bit dodgy myself. Im REAL sceptical.

Thanx again



It says it increases the concentration of the THC, it does not say it raises the amount of THC.

You are taking substances away not adding.

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never heard of ice hash, is that like bubble bags?

Yeah, only you use household implements instead of forking out on the bags. There's a thread about it in the hash making section (I would link it but I'm Dling something at the mo & so it'll take hours for the pages to load up, do a search for it using the word household, I think it was BushDoctor who started the tread, and it's wicked - I've got some settling out in the fridge right now)

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rinsing/dissolving the residuals out of bud isnt curing imo, the curing process involves time and air to evapourate the last water molecules out the trich glands im sure(maybe too stoned already to remember right)... ive never tried water curing but i did read the thread about it a while back & remain unconvinced of it actually curing anything..

a low odour way to part dry your buds and to take some of the less desirables out im sure it probly works fine, but tbh when i read that thread and some dood suggested using rivers or ponds to dry crops i nearly pmsl :yep:

nah... i`ll stick with the traditional hang dry/cure in jars myself ;)

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Cheers Guys, Im with ya on that MDP, Ill stick to my jars.

Stealth69 - Thats what i said.........at the moment i think im gonna leave it alone and not attempt it.....

CKYabis - Did it really......see this jus want to make me try it with some dirt weed that taste nasty to begin with but im still unsure guess ill have to take a chance when i build up the gull.

Boojum - thanks for ur reply.......i didnt know u could achieve ice hash without them dern bubblebag (so expensive). Be sure to tell us how that hash smokes when its done settling...........

Have a great day guys !


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