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:stoned: Civil Dissobediance ???

Think of the consequences if next Saturday every toker in the country decided to take a stroll to their nearest police station with a couple of joints, join an orderly queue, and hand themselves in for possession. If then everybody refused the cautions that would be offered and took their cases to the crown court, within months, the judicial system would grind to a standstill with such a backlog of cases. With the numbers of cases that were on Legal Aid it may even bankrupt the Legal Aid system.

The only way to avoid this would be to drop the charges as they did in Stockport when 30 people handed themselves in support of Colin Davis and his Dutch Experience and while they may have got away with it then, (quietly dropping 30 cases), it would be almost impossible to hide the dropping of over 100,000 cases.

I know some of you will be saying it’s been tried before and I acknowledge it has and failed for the reason outlined above, apathy, but is now perhaps the time to organise, with cooperation between all the different online communities and groups such as UK420, The LCA, UKCIA, Overgrow and the many others, a national hand yourself in day that’s well coordinated and organised.

Think about it, over 100,000 cases of simple possession passing through the crown courts in a matter of months. People on remand not being able to get court dates, millions of pound worth of bills for the Legal Aid system to pay, they would have to give in.

Would it work though ?

The only thing that would stop it working is that it just would not happen. People would say, “Yes, I will turn up, I’ll do my part”, and when crunch came to crunch the usual stalwarts would be the only people standing in the front line on the police station and court steps, but, I believe that if it could be organised and carried out it would work but only if it happened simultaneously in town and city’s around the UK.

I would appreciate further views and opinions on organising such a national day and strategies on dealing with the general apathy of tokers.

High Regards to all,


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Guest FlyinHigh
legalise weed or we will make your stupid laws totally unenforcable by seeding every inch of the british countryside with highest quality acclimatised ganja seed

Nice idea, until they come along and distroy all your hard work :stoned:

whatever you do FFS get up off your arses and stop complaining , I'm willing to try all of the above but I won't get very far on my own .

Maybe because some people have other responsibilitys also. You cant predict how the law or government will react to these measures coz as you know yourself there are never two cases alike. Some people tend to put others before themselves e.g children.

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don't matter FlyinHigh , it'll cost them billions to rip it all up and all we have to do is go out the following spring a chuck a few more seeds about , in the end we'll grind them into the dirt and force them into submission . They cannot possibly win against the mass protests of 3 million estimated users , we have the numbers , but do we have the will to pull it off ?

I'm right there with you skuff , pot head apathy is indeed our biggest enemy , never before has such a large and potentially powerful minority been so good at shooting itself in the foot .




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I would appreciate further views and opinions on organising such a national day and strategies on dealing with the general apathy of tokers.

High Regards to all,


Well said Skuffy

These are our choices as i see them:

A. write a stern letter to the home office, have it ignored for 8 months and then have a junior minister tell you that you are a stuipd boy, but thanks for the letter anyway, it was a fun read

B. Stop asking for permission

I've got nothng to lose but my watered down freedom and the fuckers are lining up now to take that away from me

Count me in :stoned:

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Maybe because some people have other responsibilitys also. You cant predict how the law or government will react to these measures coz as you know yourself there are never two cases alike. Some people tend to put others before themselves e.g children.

if there's enough people involved the authorities will be powerless to act , you will essentially be taking no risk whatsoever , fear of the what the authorities might do is another big problem we need to overcome because in the face of mass public protest they would be completely impotent .

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I agree with the stunts of fathers4justice that cause no harm and keep their case in the public eye but direct confrontation will only lead to broken skulls, jail sentences, and a hardening of attitude against us. The media already portrays us as drug addicts and criminals, direct confrontation will give them some great pictures to go with their lies.

It would be of more use directing energies into convincing all growers to plead not guilty until we get a ruling from the High Court or ECHR.

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I'm with Skuff, Lizard & Joolz, the only way things will change is by a concerted campaign of civil disobedience across the entire country, every weekend until the law is changed or the legal system collapses under the weight. The political games are pointless, 'activism' is pointless, doing anything through official channels is pointless. Doubly pointless when you see the calibre of some of the 'campaigners' - Russell Cronin, that means you, you're the reason I can no longer be bothered with the LCA and their pointless political games, you aint part of the solution, you're part of the problem. I tried becoming involved, total waste of time and energy.

Sorry, but legalization aint gonna happen, cos the civil disobedience won't happen. The best we can hope for is that public opinion on the arresting of medi users will change sufficiently that at least they will some day be allowed access to the medicine they need. I'm not really arsed about legalization any more, I'll continue to do what I do regardless of the legality, but I would like the use of medi weed to be recognised as the necessity it truly is - hell, if some states in the US are ahead of us on that score, you know there's something wrong with the way this country is being run...

Edited by Boojum
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GLOUCESTERSHIRE stud owner David Redvers said today he has no regrets about storming the House of Commons in protest at the Hunting Bill.
"We wanted to show that eight not particularly intelligent people could make a protest as strong as this. There's another 200,000 behind us that will prove that the law is unworkable."


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"legalise weed or we will make your stupid laws totally unenforcable by seeding every inch of the british countryside with highest quality acclimatised ganja seed"

All very well but consider the pollen factor ? Pollen can travel miles and miles on just a whisp of wind. Do you want all that pollen in your grow room ?

only a small point but one well worth considering prior to action of this sort.


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"legalise weed or we will make your stupid laws totally unenforcable by seeding every inch of the british countryside with highest quality acclimatised ganja seed"

All very well but consider the pollen factor ? Pollen can travel miles and miles on just a whisp of wind. Do you want all that pollen in your grow room ?

only a small point but one well worth considering prior to action of this sort.


there's already fields of low grade hemp throughout the country doing just that , I'd much rather it were Passion#1 or something like that . Anyway it's more of a threat than anything else , just to prove that if we really wanted to get ganja accepted there's not a damn thing they can do about it .

we have to use every single weapon at our disposal if we are really serious about winning this fight , if your gonna start making excuses might as well go home roll a fat one and carry on as you were.

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Guest FlyinHigh
I agree with the stunts of fathers4justice that cause no harm and keep their case in the public eye but direct confrontation will only lead to broken skulls, jail sentences, and a hardening of attitude against us. The media already portrays us as drug addicts and criminals, direct confrontation will give them some great pictures to go with their lies.

It would be of more use directing energies into convincing all growers to plead not guilty until we get a ruling from the High Court or ECHR.

Well said, what is needed is for the message to get across to the public, that cannabis is a beneficial medicine. But all we hear about it is that its a harmful and addictive drug. The good side is never portrayed to the public on TV programmes, adverts. Only what the government want people to think. Maybe this is what the government wants demonstrations and the likes, so they can stamp down on it even more.

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The political games are pointless, 'activism' is pointless, doing anything through official channels is pointless.

If the hunt sabs hadn't been out in the fields for years highlighting the barbarity and pointlessness of blood sports, creating public awareness and gathering support then the anti hunt bill would never have come to be read.

If the poll tax rioters had stayed in bed that day and wrote a stiff letter to maggie instead, then we would still be paying it.

If the animal rights 'extremists' hadn't bothered then the Huntingdon scientists would be carrying out all sorts of terrible torture to our closest animal relatives.

Direct action works :stoned:

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the more I think about it the more I think now is the time to act , tony's cronies are a government under siege , possibly the most deeply unpopular government I can remember . Now is the time to apply pressure , they are already getting it from all angles , the countryside alliance , fathers4justice , anti iraq war sentiments , the list is long .

If we miss this window of opportunity we may have to wait another decade to get another chance as good as this .

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I dunno, hunting would have been banned anyway cos it's a pet project of Bliar. We still pay the poll tax, it's just called council tax now. And animal testing still goes on, I reckon the only reason it's been scaled down is cos they've finally realised how totally useless it is in any clinical sense. Democracy don't work & public opinion ain't worth a fig, governments do what governments want to do. I can't think of one group of activists, political or direct action, that have achieved much of note since the suffragettes, and I don't think the vote for women had much to do with them to be honest, it was just an inevitability (like the banning of hunting). I reckon legal herb is also an inevitability, maybe not in my lifetime, but it will happen, and I reckon there's precious little can be done to speed it up, it'll happen when the time's right. Some changes (especially changes requiring a radical shift in attitudes) can't be rushed, they need to happen in their own time, when the time's right. Evolution not revolution, I don't think any good change is ever brought about by force, you just have to let some things happen organically, so to speak.

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the more I think about it the more I think now is the time to act , tony's cronies are a government under siege , possibly the most deeply unpopular government I can remember . Now is the time to apply pressure , they are already getting it from all angles , the countryside alliance , fathers4justice , anti iraq war sentiments , the list is long .

If we miss this window of opportunity we may have to wait another decade to get another chance as good as this .

Exatly mate :stoned:

and thats why it takes the cunts 8 months to answer a letter :stoned:

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