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ok, last night I put six seeds to soak over night before putting them into soil today.

3 Tundra and 3 Think Different

7 of them floated and 1 of the think different suspended itself about midway in the jar of water.

This is not a good sign as far as I know, a bad omen that fortells of non-viable seed. Is this correct?

I have put them in soil today anyway and will see how they go.

If I do get one or more to come up and the rest fail, can I take cuttings from autos once they have developed abit.

I'm seriously concerned as I have been waiting so long to start a grow and I am refusing to buy dealer weed as its all been crap lately possibly sprayed and I need some smoke.

can someone offer me advice or reassurance.

Are Floaters definately not going to germ or is there still a reasonable chance of them coming up?

any comments and advice is welcome.


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can I take cuttings from autos once they have developed abit.

I haven't grown auto's before but I'm pretty sure you can't take cuttings from them.

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As Sawney quite correctly says, don't fret over the floaters, just keep your fingers crossed that you get a few seedlings sprouting from those seeds. And check out the new blog I will post up in the next couple of days, it is a Tundra grow diary that you may find interesting. The dude that grew the Tundra got a hell of a result.

Taking cuts from Auto's isn't really a sensible thing to do as the cutting itself contains the genetic code for the 70 day life. So if you take a cutting from a 20-day-old auto the cutting only has 50 days of life left in it and hasn't even got a root system in place. Having said that there is another forum for auto-heads where I know of a couple of guys that did actually do it and got bud off the main plant and a small amount off the cutting. I suspect that they would have been better off NOT taking the cutting as it loses valuable time laying down roots etc, AND the main plant will lose a few days recovering from the cutting process.

The best thing you can do with auto's is blaze them under a daily 20hour light regime and try to keep them as happy as possible in terms of nutrients and root health.

Edited by DutchPassionTony
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its because some seeds are coated in balsa wood

heh heh

did I explain that properly I wonder. If you take a cutting from a 20 day old auto, then both the cutting and the main plant only have an additional 50 days left. The cutting has the biggest problem, needing to grow roots as well as growing into some semblance of a plant that can support some bloom. So thats the majn reason why people don't take cuttings from auto's.....time is against them

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Cool that has reassured me muchly, next stop grow diary once they peek then :) Thanks everyone! And thanks Tony.

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my pleasure to help you man, and here is a 3-plant Tundra grow diary from one of our customers that I mentioned


I hope you get something good from these seeds too !

and if you like bud porn then take a look at this


In the 'photo gallery' under the main tundra photo you can click on the thumbnails. They are big photo's and WILL TAKE A MOMENT TO LOAD so be patient for 10 seconds or so after you click them - you will see how much resin and bud was produced under pretty normal growroom conditions (400w grown in clay pebbles in a wilma system)

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good man, thats the way to do it. How are you going to grow them? what kind of light/method?

They will do well on 20 hours of daily light with 4-hourslight-off.

Good luck man - I would love to see how they go week-by-week


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yeah I intend to do 20/4 with 600W dual spec hps but what used to be my downstairs toilet that is now my growroom is really small and so I need to do something to get rid of a hell of alot of heat, temp was up at 37 degrees when I tested earlier which is way too much, I think I will need to get a couple of large fans in there tommorrow and cool it down some.

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Hi DR - yes it sounds like you need a decent extraction fan to pull the hot air out. Maybe to pull it out via a carbon filter?

Anyway - you are off to a good start,keep it going and good luck

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