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which 600W is best?

Mr Bucket

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Hi peeps

Seeing how I am now totally addicted to growing   :sarcasm:  I have decided to upgrade my 400w fastlight HPS to a 600w model. I've been looking at growell and can't decide what is best for me out of the silver wing, adjusta-shade or supernova?

I'm growing in a 3'x3'x6' space. Do you think 600w will be too much? I have the heat in there under control with the 400w (which has the ballast internally fitted). What increase in heat do you think i'd see with a 600w with the ballast outside of the room? How much additional free space would I need to leave between the lamp and the plant canopy? Are the metallic heat shields that cover the bulb from growell worthwhile?

Sorry for all the questions..I'm planning to nip down to growell today to get it seeing i'm off work so any speedy responses would be most appreciated :)



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Hi Mr B

Growell will sort you out with the most appropriate model for your needs. They are good like that. As concerns the heat, changed back to a 600w after using a 400w for a year and i have found heat control to be quite a problem. The heat shield they can sell you is helpful but, in the space you are growing in you will have to substantially increase your extraction rate to keep it cool. Mono uses a 600w in a similar space to what you have and manages to keep it cool, so it is possible. You may want to think about building an air cooled shade if ther temp is too much of a problem.

Best of luck Mr B


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Thanks chip

I just rang growell and they recommended a 250w for my space !! I told him i was already using a 400w in there with a temp of 75, so he said he would go with a 400w...he reckons that a 600w will just cook my plants :(

Hmm dunno what to do now...where's mono when you need him :D:)


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Ok I have now found a local shop that has the 600w supernova. I'm probably gonna go for this. I didn't fancy a 200 mile round trip to growell anyway :D

looking at the maxibright site, there are special end caps and glass for the reflector so you can hook it up to your extraction ducting. Hopefully this will address any heat problems I may have :(

If anyone is gonna say 'aghh don't get a supernova cos...', say it now because I'm leaving in 10 mins :)


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I'm sure it will be OK. My grow space is quite limited and i have a 600w cooking my green ladies. I have buily a cool shade using roof flashing, some nuts and bolts, glass, and an extractor fan. It does the job just right!!

Go on, do it. If its too much you can always go back to the 400w and sell the 600w if you need to.

Best wishes


PS. 200 mile round trip does sound a bit much

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I done it chip!

just got back with it.. I still need the glass and fixing kit though..I just pointed it into the area, looks bloody sunny in there :)

It only has a ducting hole in one end which might be a problem. I think you can buy different ends though to have pass through ventilation. If not i small bit of DIY will sort it..


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Shit, just sent you an irrelevant PM, glad you went for the 600w though....I foiund Growell been verry cautious recently recommending a 250 for the Victorian Closet growers.....I got a mate who uses a thou in there...it was him put me onto the 600w.....

Enjoy your even more massive yields you be getting now MrB


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Cheers mono

I'm just setting it up now :) Loads of useful info in the pm too..thanks ...gotta go and get this lamp sorted..toodloo


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Thanks chip

I'm really made up with it...The difference in light is amazing. The bottom of my jungle used to be pretty dark, now the light is really getting though to them lower branches lol

The temp was 75 in there yesterday (same as with the 400w)..today it's up to 81, but it pretty warm outside. I used to see it getting into the 80's with the 400w on a warm day too. Yippee more buds for me lol


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High guys,

The Adjusta-Shade is the best reflector on the market, but super-novas are good too.

600W will be ok in that space, as long as ventilation is sorted.

> I don't know how Mono gets away with so little ventilation?!

> I just spoke to Growell about another matter, and mentioned the above advice given to Mr Bucket. The employee I spoke to (the owner was out) said that he finds it strange that someone there would recommend a 250W in that space when he was told that 400W=75 degrees.

> I explained that users of the Internet expect to use 40-50W/sq.ft., at least, and that this is a standard regarded rule.

> There seems to be a difference between 'regular' growers and 'internet' growers, with users of the internet going for more optimal conditions and maxxing out set-ups.

> I said that grow shop advice was one thing, but on the internet, everything is pictured and explained, so the proof's in the pudding.

All the best & Happy Growing to all!


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Hi trichome

I can understand why growell would err on the side of caution. They don't want people moaning at them and returning goods cos they want to max-out their set-up. All I can say is thank f**k for the internet and uk420 lol


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High Mr.B,

Why defend them?

I was trying to help out m8: recommending a 250W light, when a 400W is at 75 degrees is simply bad advice.

All the best,


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Hi mate

;) There's me trying to be all diplomatic about it...ok mate, you win they gave me bad advice :)

Just to really rub it in - my local shop was a tenner cheaper too ;) (and it didn't cost me 15 quid in petrol!)

see ya bud


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High Mr.B,

Growell is a good shop, and will price-match items, so the £10 wouldn't make a difference.

Most of their advice is good.

They could post it to a local postal depot for collection for £10 too.

All the best,


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