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Enjoyed the read Tony, but IMO I doubt Canna will ever be legalised in the UK as the UK government are still very much Draconian in every sense of the word & do not want to be seen as a "drug" state, very stiff upper lip you know old chap. Very hypocritical as well seeing as GW Pharmaceutical have 20 different "secret" grow sites to grow their own Canna for Sativex but myself who suffers from Epilepsy, Asthma, abnormal brain pattern due to head injuries & fractured spine due to a car hit & run is not allowed to grow for the sake of "self medication" as the drugs I had to take for my epilepsy made me worse & I had to stop taking them so then ended up fitting 2/3 times a day. I started smoking Canna again after many years & this instantly helped although a bit miffed that I can't smoke a bit of sativa so obviously have to stick to all things indica. I hope to see legalisation but I doubt it will be in my time.


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alright H2 - man you had some bad luck there bro. But you never know. 10 years ago who would have thought the americans would have medi weed in 16 states? Fingers and everything else crossed, who knows what might happen

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I always like to say to those that think it will never happen...

50+ years ago, there were different seats, sections and ques for black people.

100+ years ago women couldnt vote or do many of the things we all do today.

So whats another 50 or 100 years going to bring?

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I first wrote to my MP about 45 years ago, and also to the Newspapers at the time, following the arrest of Mick Jagger.

I've been writing, speaking, and what have you ever since I was 15, and I'm 58 now.

I've been growing as a protest on and off for 40 years now. My first weed (Possession, dealing) bust was 43 years ago, my first grow bust was in 1972.

Progress? Zero.

No, the politicians do NOT listen, to anyone. Just themselves and the Daily Mail.

So one may as well just carry on growing and ignore the fuckers. But I sill fire off the odd letter, and if asked I would gladly stand up and speak to any crowd in the land.

In fact, I'm thinking of starting a "Christ for cannabis" talk show, to travel around with. But its a ways off being a settled item, it needs a ton of planning and prep work just yet.


Watch this space.

Edited by Arnold Layne
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I think prohibition and the system are one entity to stop prohibition first we must overthrow an antiquated system!!

Power to the people dudes :shuriken:

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there seems to be a lot more sensible political debate about drugs in general, and weed legality specifically these days.

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Guest Sid-Vicious

I always like to say to those that think it will never happen...

50+ years ago, there were different seats, sections and ques for black people.

100+ years ago women couldnt vote or do many of the things we all do today.

So whats another 50 or 100 years going to bring?

I dunno, but none of us will be here to witness it.

The UK is shite and run by a complete bunch of tossers.

No chance IMO

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The old arguments against legalisation have been blown out of the water, just take a look at Portugal. 10 years ago they more or less made all drugs legal. Following a couple of years when drug use did rise, they now have some of the lowest drug use figures in the world. The story was in The Daily Mail a few month`s back.

Once the relics running things now have the common decency to die we will have legal weed. Untill then screw the law if I want to use/grow weed I will.

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  • 2 months later...

Politicians aren't idiots, contrary to some popular knowledge. Far from it. They have to obey to a few parameters

mostly public opinion ones, but if they feel the winds are changing they'll follow fast enough. Right wingers are

harder to convince, they have too much invested in the 'war on drugs' and play on security reflexes to garner

votes. In my mind the left is on the brink of changing tack, hopefully, and engage in a serious argument about


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