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Barcelona Cannabis Club Plans 17 Acre Legal Grow


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At the recent Spannabis ehihibition we met a lot of members of Spanish Cannabis clubs who were chatting to the various seed companies and selecting the varieties they were going to grow this year. Whoever thought up the name 'Spannabis' needs a pat on the back , it always makes me chuckle heh heh.

The Spanish 'cannabis club' model allows for production and distribution of weed to paid up members. By and large the police leave them alone and the clubs work really well. You pay a yearly subscription and get as much weed as you need, usually very high quality stuff. This weeks DP blog is about the plans for the Barcelona Cannabis club to lease a 17 acrea plot and have a legal grow to supply all 5,000 members. This would make it europes biggest legal grow. Read on, and as always let me know what you reckon !


all the best, tony

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