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Fairy For Bugs


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hi guys,bugs seem to bemunchin their way through my leaves!my buddie who is an old grower says he sprays his plants with "fairy liquid"once a week!, is he pulling my pisser or is what he says a good organic way of getting rid of the bastards,these are all outdoor,and g/h plants just coming into flower,so any help is welcome guys,if its any good to use,what ratio would i mix it,thanks guys,twinkle here's a pic :alien:


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I really wouldn't worry about a few pests on an outdoor/greenhouse grow twink. My outdoor Crit Mass & Blue Widow are riddled with pests, leaves being munched, etc...the bigger the plants get the more you don't notice the damage. Let nature take its course.

I personally wouldn't spray my plants with washing up liquid. Yes you can use two or three drops as a wetting agent. That's probably what he was on about :alien:

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cheers bishie,i was just posting this pic anyhow,cheers buddie,i noticed they dont seem to go near the j/h plants just the afghani,strange eh!!!!!


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dunno about fairies mate - bit lightweight to my mind, what you really need is an ogre, but you could try pixies or elves! :alien::wacko::ghost:

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i noticed they dont seem to go near the j/h plants just the afghani,strange eh!!!!!

Aye it sure is twink. I've got spider mites on my indoor Crit Mass (Afghani parent), but they ain't bothered about the four other vars i've got indoors.

Edited by Mr.Bishie
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Never had a problem with insects. We've got 6 cats that take great delight in dealing with that type of vermin. Like to have chew occasionally, fair deal.

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ey guys,it's not fuckin insect's,see pic,i squashed 1 much bigger than this little bleeder,what do i do?anything that wont harm my smook,cheers guys twinkle :wassnnme:

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hey guys,it's not fuckin insect's,see pic,i squashed 1 much bigger than this little bleeder,what do i do?anything that wont harm my smook,cheers guys twinkle :wassnnme:


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cheers buddie,i noticed they dont seem to go near the j/h plants just the afghani,strange eh!!!!!

I have a similar problem, the little insects love munching on my c99 but they havent touched the afghani..... :smoke:


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Seen these little buggers years ago, not on this type of grow though. I think my mom told me they were caterpillars from the cabbage white butterfly which is very common in the UK (stand corrected if not) They are voracious munchers of leaves, get rid ASAP.

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Seen these little buggers years ago, not on this type of grow though. I think my mom told me they were caterpillars from the cabbage white butterfly which is very common in the UK (stand corrected if not) They are voracious munchers of leaves, get rid ASAP.

HOW?is there any proprietry bug killers which are safe to use,or have i just to keep lookin and pickin the bastards of? cheers guys twinkle :yep:

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Hi Twinkle, Check out what I think they are before commiting yourself to a resolution. Any. insect/vermin contol remedy will not directly effect your plants. Shit, these huge multy-million pound grow industries spend millions on R&D on combatting this type of viollation of natures pure process. Nature DOES what it is meant to do. Man = Nature, Man loses, but we can cheat coz we are clevererer. Insects do what they do cos that's what they do. Me -"You ate my plant you fucker" Insect - "Nice grow mate, make sure you got me and my mates on a close up on 420" SQUASH THE LITTLE GREEN BASTARDS.

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