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Just a HI and intro!


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Hi Everyone, I've just aquired some Misty seeds (10) I have also bought an HID Sodium light & Ballast (250w)a bit of Mylar, fan, ph kits and thermometer ect. I've set the lot up and I germinated the seeds (which I got from the pot march in Brixton!). I chose to start with 4 as I'm sure I have a bit to learn and a test run should be good! They went into soil (sterilized) about 6 days ago and I'm seeing them progress nicely, (if 3 sets of leaves is nicely?). Just a couple of Questions, How much and how often should I water? Does it matter that I'm growing throughout with a sodium bulb (Trying to keep it low budget, so I didn't get different types!!)? And I'm a little concerned about there obvious side of getting caught, but it outweighs the fact that I'd rather grow it myself and take the risk, rather than pay a huge markup and get it from some dodgy characters! Can anyone answer what the law deems as Personal Cultivation, as i don't particularly want cultivation with intent to supply (Doesn't look great on my CV!)

Anyway, Nice to see a great site for advice, info and real views! All this fuss just because they can't make a plant legal... Sigh We all know the arguments but I still can't understand what kind of threat I pose at home, relaxed playing some playstation and having a smoke with friends. :rock:

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Sounds like it's going fine so far.  You'll probably want to clone 5 or six plants off the best female out of the four you've started (were they feminised seeds dya know?)

HPS is the best all round light and will be fine for the whole grow.

You don't need to water very often (once every 5 days or so), over watering is a common mistake.  Let the pots almost dry out before you water, check by hefting them for weight or with a hydrometer.  Limp and deflated leaves starting from the bottom up shows it's definitely time for water.

Bustability: # of plants, projected yield, technology, corruption of minors, evidence of supply, etc. are all factors.  There are a couple of extensive threads on here on the subject so take a look around.

Happy growing! :)

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Nothing to add really except some reassurance....

I have 2 White Widow Ladies about 3 weeks from Harvest all done under a 250w HPS from seed...And they look delish!!

(With a Bit of help from the guys and gals in here too....*S*)


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hi dooda1999

Please make your self at home and welcome  :)

As for police and growing so long as you keep silent and come to places like this to exspress yourself or just need help should be kool, this is the safest place to come for advice and friendship and ppl on your wave ;)

Please enjoy your stay  :D



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Thanks Guys (and Gals) I must of spent ages looking around here today, Everyone is really helpfull and easy going on here (But then again so are most green smokers  :D .

I can see this turning into a full time hobby and it keeps grabbing my attention everytime I'm home, just to "Check how their doing" and to see the progress is astounding.

Thanks for the advice all! Will get a camera and sort out some progress pictures.

I'm going to leave a message on the strains board, but i was just curious to see if anyone had any views on the seeds i'm using (Misty) or if anyone else has grown it. Also any suggestions for a really good indoor bud, I'm thinking of splashing out on all females and something rather nice and fruity.... suggestions appreciated... Cheers all you Ganja Guru's :(

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Hi and welcome,

hee hee that's it! 'hooked for life' :(.. truely a force to be reckoned with this growin lark!

good luck with your first grow


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Welcome dooda always nice to see new growers popping up....you're right once you start you just can't stop!!!

Anything we can help you with just holla :(

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Checked my babies this morning, They have their first full 3 leafers! Im so proud <insert sobbing> Heh.....

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Aaah, ain it sweet, a grown man reduced to tears by a little green plant. Its probably done it to all of us. Wait till you smoke it, you might be inconsoleable! :)



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inconsoleable? Im hoping for unconcious! (sorry bout spellings, got a week off and woke up to a pre-roll!)

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