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Cream Caramel Grow Competition Diary

Cannabis Kid

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:guitar:Cannabis Kid's First Sweet Seeds Grow Competition Diary :guitar:

Hello all and welcome to my first shot at a Sweet Seeds grow competition diary.

Strain: Cream Caramel

New version of our Cream Caramel autoflowering. Result of crossing our best autoflowering strains with Cream Caramel. Top quality automatic, with dense buds and copious resin production, intense sweet earthy aroma, fast flowering, strong effect and great hybrid vigour. The revolution of autoflowering has come at the end of the flowering plants reach the same resinous and desirable than their sisters autoflowering.

THC: 18%, CBD: 1.6%, CBN: 0.4%

Yield indoor: 350-500gr/m2

Yield Outdoor: 35-100gr/plant

Flowering indoor: 5 weeks

Harvest Interior / Exterior: 8 weeks from germination

Height: 40-90cm


Nutrients & Soil;

Plant Magic Soil

Bio-Bizz Fish Mix

Plant Magic Old Timer Bloom

Plant Magic Bio Sillicon

Plant Magic Veg Boost

Plant Magic Granules



250W HID With MH Bulb & Dual Spec Bulb (Maxibright Digi Ballast)

4" RVK & Rhino Filter With Wac-1 Controller & Acoustic Ducting

5x4" Passive Intakes

2FT Tube Heater

6.5L Square Pots

4" Static Fan

8" Oscillating Clip Fan

Grow Plan

For this grow I plan on germinating my seeds by way of soaking them in warm water for 24 hours then sowing straight in to 4" wide pots. The girls will then be given 24 hours of light for the first 14 days under a MH bulb after which I will give them 20 hours light and 4 hours darkness for another week under the MH bulb. At the 21 day mark I will change to my dual spec bulb and leave the lighting schedule the same for the rest of the grow until around the 56 day mark at which time I plan to swap back to my MH bulb and gradually bring the lighting regime down by 1 hour per day. From 56 Days on they will be fed only plain water and obviously any feed I give them from now until 56 days will be played by eye and given to them when necessary.

At around the 14 day mark I will be checking root balls to see when the time is right for potting up and sprinkling some PM granules around the potting hole. When the girls are re-housed in their final 6.5 litre pots I may try out some LST on a couple of them but I am torn between just letting them grow natural and performing this so I will see how I feel cometh the time. They will also be given a dose of Veg Boost as the plants start to show sex in the period between 14 & 21 days and it will definitely be when they are in their 6.5L pots.

When my light schedule is taken down to 20/4 I plan on using my houses central heating as a means of warming the air that is being drawn in to the tent aswell as using my tube heater. Window will be open slightly at all times and I will be extracting out of the room i'm growing in.

So hopefully with no hiccups along the way we should see some healthy looking ladies in around 8-9 weeks time. I'm hoping for just over 1 0z per plant dry to get my gram per watt but who knows it could be more :)

10x Cream Caramel Seeds are currently soaking in warm water now. Still need to put some finishing touches to my grow room before its ready so i'm off to do that. Pics to follow later on..... Just a sidenote on the pics, i'm waiting for a new cam to arrive so please bear with me and the poor quality of the photos, cheers.

Happy growing all :skin_up:

Edited by Cannabis Kid
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Hey buddy!!

Welcome to the contest! :yep:

Hope you enjoy the Cream Caramel Auto and I wish you the best of luck for the plants and for your grow diary :yes:

See you around, sweet smokes!


Edited by Sweet Seeds
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Hello guys and thank you all for your messages of good luck with my grow and comp entry. I wish the same for all of you in your Sweet Seeds grow comp diaries and of course growing healthy cannabis plants in general!

I've been lurking over a few grow diaries the last couple of weeks and your's is one of them Mr. Ssssserpent hehe. I also of course have your auto growing guide bookmarked. :skin_up:

I'll try and pop in and have a look at the rest of your diaries soon, Nelly, PureSmkr, HipHip, Cheezehead & Budelaire. Gonna try and read through the grower of the month nominees' diaries firstly though so I can cast a vote on that :)

So at the minute i'm just playing the waiting game..... Soaked all my seeds for 24 hours and then planted them in to so PM soil. Slight correction on the starting pot sizes, they're 5" badboys hehe and 2 are actually 6" bohemoths. Could be worth noting any differences in growth rate between the 2 sizes for future reference.

Light is on 24/0 and I have just checked the pots just now and have 3 little skinheads just breaching the surface of the soil. Hopefully the rest will be along shortly and i'll start seeing some leafage in the next day or two.

I was originally only meant to order 8 seeds but ended up getting a deal on 10 so I threw them all in to germ and am hoping at least 8 germinate. In the past i've had almost 100% success with all the seeds i've germinated. Only ever had 1 not germ for me but i'll be happy with 8 out of the 10 and that is where I got my "Just over an 0z per plant" prediction from incase anyone was wondering about my dodgy math. If I get all ten to germ I am looking for less than an 0z per plant so maybe 6.5 litre pots are a bit big and 3.5's would do. Unfortunately I only have 2 of them so the 6.5 Litres are gonna have to do. Could work out well as I said earlier, could end up hitting over a gram per watt which would be fantastic.

Also still waiting on a camera so i'm gonna wait for that to come instead of taking dodgy shots :stoned:


Light: 24/0

Temps: 22c to 26.5c

Humidity: 22% to 46%

That's everything to report for the minute, gonna take a look at some grower of the month nominees diaries.

Happy growing guys. :smokin:

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:magic:Day 1 :magic:

Germination Rate: 100% :yahoo:

Light Distance: 9"


Light: 24/0

Temps: 24.5c to 25.4c

Humidity: 20% to 36%

Water: 200 ML each.

So today is day 1 :D

All 10 seeds have germinated and have a small set of serrated leaves. Temperature is ideal but humidity is a little low at this stage. Its probably going to be like that through out but shouldn't cause any major problems.

One out of the ten little seedlings one has 3 cotyldon leaves and 3 serrated... there's always a freak isn't there :stoned:

Here she is...


And a group shot...


Best of luck Kid. :yinyang:

Cheers mate. Had a quick look at your diary and you've done a great job filling your scrog out with just 2 plants. Hope you get a good return on them mate. I'm sure you will. Ice Cool sounds like a decent smoke :stoned:

So that is everything to report for now. Will post again in a couple of days with an update of how the seedlings are getting on :smokin:

Edited by Cannabis Kid
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:hippy:Day 4 :hippy:

Light Distance: 12"


Light: 24/0

Temps: 22c to 26.4c

Humidity: 20% to 40%

Water: 300 ml each (450 ml to 2 bigger pots)

Some pics of the 3 fastest growing seedlings. Taken this morning after watering.




So as you can see things are moving along nicely up to now. They've had a couple of waterings already until i've had run off. The soil seems to be drying out quite quick in my enviroment compared to other grows i've done. Don't know weather or not its the MH bulb, PM soil or light regime but even with misting the soil is drying very quickly. I've raised the light up to 12" from 9" to make sure I don't fry the young'uns as i've never used a MH bulb before and have read they're a bit warmer than HPS/Dual Spec. Probably being over cautious moving it up because I have good air movement inside the tent. Got rid of the small 4" fan and got a 9" desk fan in instead and that is blowing across the tops of the seedlings which will be removing a lot of radiant heat I think.

Other than the soil drying out quickly everything seems to be coming along well. Will post another update at next watering. I may give a 1/3 dose of bio-sillicon on the next watering too.

Haven't started naming any plants yet as there are quite a few but that will be done in the next couple of days.

Happy growing guys :)


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Guest ScumbagGardens

Hello,how's it going ?

Not been in here yet :smoke:

I'm always saying I must get round to giving these Auto's another go,hope I can pick up a tip or two :)

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:shuriken: Day 5 :shuriken:

Just a quick couple of photos.

Roots have begun to appear at base of a couple of plants which is healthy news. I may have to check on the root balls a little earlier than predicted in my grow plan. Had a quick look through other peoples grow diaries to see how their plants where doing and I will check on one or two of them at day 12 or 13.


I've decided to name this plant 'Tom Fumb' for obvious reasons :naughty:



And here is a little group shot just after I misted the girls this morning.


I have been misting them twice in every 24 hours period. Once in the morning and once before I go to sleep. I added some bio-sillicon in yesterdays misting and gave plain water today. I will continue to use a day on day off rota for adding bio-sillicon to the spray bottle.


Hello,how's it going ?

Not been in here yet :smoke:

I'm always saying I must get round to giving these Auto's another go,hope I can pick up a tip or two :)

Hello matey. All seems to be going according to plan up to now. Wont be long before i'm seeing some healthy buds form on my lovely sweet ladies :woot:

You should give them a go chap, nice and easy to do. You can't go wrong really :D

I'm no expert myself but i'm sure you will pick up little tid'bits about growing the auto's from mine and other peoples diaries on here that will aid you on the path to 8-9 week harvests :stoned:

Great avatar btw mate. Probably my favourite episode of The Young Ones hehe.

Stop by any time dude. All the best,

Cannabis Kid

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Hello mate. Looks like this is gonna be another good diary. some of the diary's this year have been the dogs nads. Good luck man :yinyang:

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