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..:CTOAUN micro mayhem for the SWEET SEEDS COMP:..


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23/02/2012 Sweet Cheese Auto



seeds look healthy :D


yesterday at 1pm i put 2 Sweet Cheese Autos into coco jiffy plugs. jiffies are new to me so we will see how that goes ;) here they are with the +Speed in the back :)


i have the propagator under the 20w cfls because it is 30.4*C, at 1cm under the bulb, so it will keep the humidity up inside the propagator :D

Unfortunately my internet will be down for 2 weeks (I at a friends house atm) but it is because virgin are laying new fibre optics in my area, so I will try to update when ever I get the chance. I will take lots of pohtos for when that time comes. i will be starting the Mohan Ram Autos on the 5th of march, if i havent updated before then :yep: so please bare with me.


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Sweet Cheese Auto

This is how she looked this morning...



The second SCA hasn't shown yet, but if it hasnt by the time I start the Mohan Ram Autos, then I will start the other then ;)

Temps are.. high 26C & low 22C, so not too much of a drop during then dark hours.

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Will update tonight with more detailed photos, i just wanted to check my internet was working OK, which it seems to be, so things should be back to normal & regular updates are a cert :yep:

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Day 7 Sweet Cheese Auto

The roots were pouring out of the jiggy plug so she needed potting up..


She is growing fast :)


I have potted her into coco (1kg coco brick, expanded) in 3" pot


I will use coco for the duration of the grow :yep:

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Here she is with her sweet seeds cousins :yep:


No sign of the 2nd SCA, but ill be patient... I start the Mohan Ram Autos in a few days :D ill be potting up the +Speed then too.

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Great stuff mate. Are you a Coco virgin?

Cheers :smokin:

I am indeed hip, but I'm hoping its gonna be easier than soil.... plus I am trying it elsewhere & wanna see how things go on a daily basis, which is possible here & not at my other location :yep: do u have any tips?

Ta for looking in bud :yinyang:

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Great stuff mate. Are you a Coco virgin?

Cheers :smokin:

I am indeed hip, but I'm hoping its gonna be easier than soil.... plus I am trying it elsewhere & wanna see how things go on a daily basis, which is possible here & not at my other location :yep: do u have any tips?

Ta for looking in bud :yinyang:

As I have never grown in mud I can't say how it differs. Just make sure that it never dries out and keep the feed on the lower scale and you'll be amazed. HUGE rootballs that quickly fill the spaces up. Read the pinned COCO thread and prepare to be shocked. If your PH is normal then you should be fine. Keep it between 5.8 and 6.2 they say, although I am at 6.3 with no concerns. I have no e.c. pen either. Each to their own mate.

More are coming over to the use of the best medium on the earth, it's good to see. You'll love it, it's a way of life.

All the best of luck.

Cheers :smokin:

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02/03/2012 - DAY 8 Sweet Cheese Auto

I potted her into a 3" pot with coco, the roots were pouring out of the jiffy plug :)


She looks healthy....


Here she is after the pot up, she will be given a weak feed with NPK 3.5-3.5-3.5 :yep:


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& heres how she looks today...


That's all from her now, she will get lst soon ;)


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02/03/2012 - DAY 20 +Speed

These were also potted up today, they both have a decent root ball :yep:





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They have been potted into an 8ltr (approx) tray, this fits the floor space of the micro cab perfectly :)





Here they are in there new home :)


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DAY 10 Sweet Cheese Auto today.

She is growing quite quickly, with healthy new growth.


Lst tomoro me thinks :yep:


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