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I Need An Example Please Folks


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Right then guys/gals

I'm going to be starting my first grow soon; I need a good example of a set-up so my girlfriend can see what it is!

For those who don't know, I'm visually impaired and my girlfriend is going to be assisting me with the grow

What I need is a good pic of either a DR60 set-up or a DR90 set-up

We need to find a pic that's got the whole set-up showing, the light,fan/filter and anything else that needs to be in there

I hope someone can help me out

I think I'll post my idea of the grow up later on when I've got a much better picture of a good set-up

I've looked around the forems but can't seem to find a good enough pic for my girl to look at so she can tell me, so that's why I'm asking really

Thanks in advance


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Hey Kingbon,

i know you've had a look but i searched throught the gallery for a good dr90 pick and found this by uncoilingmortal.

It's got everything going on in there you would need imo.

if you need any more info i'm sure he won't mind you dropping him a pm :wassnnme:


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest hardy24

Hi Kingbon. I know its not a dr90 its a 120 but you can see every thing you need. The res is under tha frame that houses the nft trays and the trays feed into guttering that feed back into thr res. Res is 100l. The setup runs very quiet and very stable.The filter is a 8inch rino 600mm long but I'm only using a 5inch VENTS fan. Which are already silenced and have speed controllers built in. I know the filter is over kill but the slower you pull your air througha filter the less smell. And there is no smell what so ever. The blue box in the second photo is a CF PH and TEMP meter. It gives a constant reading of all three which makes checking the solution so easY. The other box is nute timer. The big box on the floor is a Haliea aquarium chiller. The nute solution is constantly recirculated through it and it set to turn on at 19c it turns back off at 18c so the solution is very stable. Before I bought it I have had nutrient solutions get as warm ar 33c in the summer. NOT GOOD. Any way if I can help in any way don't hesitate to ask mate. Cheers.



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