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Why large percentages of the truely evil and truely great are Manic De

BiPolar Dave

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Guest bazzad9

So you just go with what ever tickles your fancy or seems right at the time then dave , thats not having your own philosophy , thats making shit up and going with it

I have my world view if you can call it that , and what I like to do is test it against others , have it questioned and picked apart

At least this way I know it has some foundation or I need to rethink it , this way its not so easy to fool yourself , biasis are still there but it is far better than just one mind

This is why I asked if you where preaching or wanting discussion , preaching as I said can just be dismissed as ramblings and is pointless, for both us and you , discussion on the other hand can benefit everyone

The fact you bother to post on how much more enlightened you are than us mere mortals but wont expand or explain why speaks volumes I think :smokin:

You reap what you sow, engage in reasonable discussion and you will get the same , preaching unsupported assertions while telling us how backward we are for not knowing them , you get what you get :smokin:

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So we can put bazzad9 (kinda super powered knot tier), sancho (past beef), ratdog (bat mans robin), bill cooper(just likes to ride the bus the others are taking) in one reality bubble, happy together, thats fine by me, i wouldn't want to stick my prick into it.

Did we learn anything else we didnt already know today, no. Just wasted time repeating yesterdays news. :yinyang:

As u are, as u were, for ever and ever!

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So we can put bazzad9 (kinda super powered knot tier), sancho (past beef), ratdog (bat mans robin), bill cooper(just likes to ride the bus the others are taking) in one reality bubble, happy together, thats fine by me, i wouldn't want to stick my prick into it.

So, you can`t defend your view point but you can be generally abusive? shame on you Dave

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Political correctness is an enslavement method ratdog, shame on u, get control of urself and ur higher mind mate, someone is driving u. :yinyang:

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I don't think there is anything enlightened about stealing energy from others by posting things you know create issues and then continuing to feed to fire by not opting for a reasoned discussion. Also why is any need to share your high level of enlightenment on a internet forum?

I like some of things you post dave, you have enlightened me on occasion but you must be able to see what your doing here. Not the actions of an enlightened person :smokin:

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Political correctness is an enslavement method ratdog, shame on u, get control of urself and ur higher mind mate, someone is driving u. :yinyang:

Ok, firstly, what has PC got to do with any of this?

i have a pretty good control of myself most of the time, i usually do lose a little control when faced with factiods and people who claim the moral high ground without knowing anything about the people they preach to.

who is driving me Dave?

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I dont aim to be enlightened, just to be me! Follow ur own path mate. U wont get far being enlightened in the classic sense in the shit fest we call modern western worlds. Im making the next step. :yinyang:

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Ive been having a few wonderful private message sessions about this. Im not alone, lol... but if i am...

Fck it.

Stand up for what u believe in, even if u stand alone, man up!


Only u can answer that question ratdog, by using the same methods that have been used since the dawn of eastern philoshopies etc. I'm not ur teacher. Only u can free ur own mind. I taught myself and free'd myself. Its a personal quest.

I suggest u drop the obsession with me and get ur own life?

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Truth be told i cant stand the attitude here on this site anymore

The site doesn't have an attitude Dave. The site is made up of many people, sometimes some of those people have good days and other may have bad days. Sometimes people agree with each other and sometimes they don't. We all have problems in our lives and we all react differently at different times to different things. Don't take it personal if someone disagrees or takes the piss, its just life dude.

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deluded narcissism of the highest order, im outta here.


Dont leave the blinkers on the barn door, u might not like the view. :yinyang:

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