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Why large percentages of the truely evil and truely great are Manic De

BiPolar Dave

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This is how mania and depression give great people the insights to do great music, arts, politics, leadership or become a suicide victim. It's about the freedom of mind it affords however this comes at great pain as it messes with you're very essense of self. This to explain my water analogies also. Why you have to remain free to survive manic depression and why routine and "normal life" just don't work. I feel cleansed by my experiences of the last few years so I want to try to explain that too.

Here goes.

Manic Depression is a fast track route to high energy madness driving tyranical leaders, religious figures, artists and oddballs.

You get two ways to insight and one always comes before or follows the other. Mania and Depression are when you blow it all to pieces mentally. This is the process of enlightenment and it’s not the important things that get damaged on the way: It's not your experiences and knowledge that get messed with; it is the ego shit and self image that gets cooked. This stuff makes you what you are as a person, you rely on all the time to interact and carry out the things you do. It’s this concrete structure; your ego and you build on it all your life and it grows and grows, as such it also holds you back as much as it holds you up, we all have one; some larger than others.

In the grand scheme of being a thinker or wanting to see more clearly it’s the unimportant stuff that gets messed up, that’s my point. You free your own mind from blockages and ego shit when you breakdown, it’s a chance to see things different, the breakdown which is in effect a deep depression is just shut down of self and ego, people collapse and take ages to recover as they rely on their sense of self a lot.

Destruction of the self drives via whatever process leads you to either suicide, never recovering and becoming stuck in a moment or branching off into creation of a sense of self based on something other than normalities, this is where your Hitlers are at; lost in a fantasy world of paranoid and persecutory fantasies that self power an internal dynamo of great force which in turn powers the charm, energy and charisma. Virtues of having overwhelming energy that can be created without normal simulus means these folk can literally bend reality with an overwhelming insight and dark power fueled by pure internal manias

You spend a lot of time in this fucked up state as a manic depressive, struggling to retain your sense of self and so you see life without the goggles of the ego and self image adjusting your perception of and interaction with each situation you are a part of; blocking out all the shit your ego and self don’t want to see, so the less thick your ego the more clearly you see, it’s not all pleasant either.

It’s hard to see past what is in effect a set of blinkers, the thicker the ego the less that person sees about themselves and so others too; bar low level animalistic-like weakness or strength type perceptions of other people. Average Joe with a thick ego only sees what their experiences allow them; their ego has limited the experiences they have in some areas of what it is potentially possible to see or perceive and so they are in-effect blind to many things. Depression or Mania, mental breakdown or trauma all increase the size of the mind available for picking up clues from ones environment through hard earned and painful insight; opening doors to self awareness and so insights into others, environments and situations that Average Joe misses. True vision: From having been in just about every mind state in the BiPolar Trip you see more in others and situations that average Joe can’t see; he has never had a period of ego killing depression to cleanse his vision.

From feeling like Jesus Christ, God, Hitler and Stalin through to a dying old person in the depths of depression I’ve felt harmony with the acts of all these folk with the different mind-states I get forced to experience. Manic Depression is a fast route to messing with and reducing the size of the ego at times or shutting it down for periods of time, this affords you some pretty fucked up experiences to be honest. You waste a lot of mental energy on ego shit when mine is on low level or messed up I see doors to higher states of mind there. Like the ego is a creation of man which wastes your potential in terms of self growth and true vision; the ego itself is like a cancer of the mind that takes over all the empty cells that we no longer use and sits there like a car on bricks just rotting.

The pieces scattered on the landscape in a mental breakdown are just your own old personality and self, you get so down in depression that you get the opportunity to leave the shit behind and move on, same in Mania. Naked and unhindered by anything you are carrying just your experiences and knowledge; these can only be taken at death: You are a true spaceman and there are many to achieve the same result; a psycho-naught suited booted and ready to load on the next ship of self discovery. Free to head out and grow a new sense of self that’s based on the old knowledge; all the lessons retained, but the ego down time freed blockages and constipation of the thinking and so leaving me cleansed and free to continue to grow and develop an ever changing sense self, true mind surfing. You always rediscover who you were too, sometime in the future, till then just roll with it cause when you meet again he’s a much better chap, at least until he gets all polluted again and is forced to hit the reset button.

I'm trying to explain how it messes you up but it's also a mad gift type of thing. To give context to the theories in this thread and tie it up as best I can

This why LSD was trialled for mental cases, gives time outside the ego limits, so can unblock patients minds to allows them to move on from circling over the same shit.

They want to trial magic mushrooms for depression as they blind to the serotonin receptor even if the tolerance is sky high the binding is still there giving a constant I reckon.

Basically Manic Depression offers you time outside your own self, same as being overcome with pain and suffering, being mental scared by war experiences that caused you to reach higher states of mind or when you did LSD. It's the same process done a hundred ways. It's the things you see on the other side that cause the post tramatic stress, depressions and grind you down but at the same time I'd never want to go back to being blind. It's this place that the art comes from and drives all the greats who were effected with manic depression. The thing about manic depression is the gift of having the energy and highs, the ultimate knowledge is found in depression so someone who is just PTSD or depressed will have it a plenty but they never have the energy to act on the shit they learned and saw as they aren't gifted with mania, that's why I do actually like being a manic, it's a chance for greatness.

Basically I took the Red Pill and the choice was never mine, learning to live in Wonderland is a painful experience coming from total blindness. I got my vision clean at about 20 with my first big dip, after about 10 more I'm quite happy here now.

I know what I am and have atleast some idea of what to do with myself, areas to look at working in :)

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  • 1 year later...

“The fact that a man who goes his own way ends in ruin means nothing...He must obey his own law, as if it were a daemon whispering to him of new and wonderful paths...There are not a few who are called awake by the summons of the voice, whereupon they are at once set apart from the others, feeling themselves confronted with a problem about which the others know nothing. In most cases it is impossible to explain to the others what has happened, for any understanding is walled off by impenetrable prejudices. "You are no different from anybody else," they will chorus or, "there's no such thing," and even if there is such a thing, it is immediately branded as "morbid"...He is at once set apart and isolated, as he has resolved to obey the law that commands him from within. "His own law!" everybody will cry. But he knows better: it is the law...The only meaningful life is a life that strives for the individual realization--absolute and unconditional--of its own particular law...To the extent that a man is untrue to the law of his being...he has failed to realize his own life's meaning.

The undiscovered vein within us is a living part of the psyche; classical Chinese philosophy names this interior way "Tao," and likens it to a flow of water that moves irresistibly towards its goal. To rest in Tao means fulfillment, wholeness, one's destination reached, one's mission done; the beginning, end, and perfect realization of the meaning of existence innate in all things.”

― C.G. Jung

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is bipolar dave still around? like reading about his thoughts on things

Hes waitin for the wind to change, for people to catch up, then he might reappear. Truth be told i cant stand the attitude here on this site anymore - so i will refrain from posting till i see the change happen, might be a few months, or a few decades, might be never, who cares. :yinyang:

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Guest userfriendly

Absolutely fantastic insightful gut honest post - you are a star - I didn't like this bit but I loved the rest. Big hug.

You are a true spaceman and there are many to achieve the same result; a psycho-naught suited booted and ready to load on the next ship of self discovery. Free to head out and grow a new sense of self that’s based on the old knowledge; all the lessons retained, but the ego down time freed blockages and constipation of the thinking and so leaving me cleansed and free to continue to grow and develop an ever changing sense self, true mind surfing. You always rediscover who you were too, sometime in the future, till then just roll with it cause when you meet again he’s a much better chap, at least until he gets all polluted again and is forced to hit the reset button.


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Plenty of room on the site for your thoughts and theories Dave everybody just needs to get their Ignore lists up to date and move forward.

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After the high comes the exhausted phase, i got super high in september and rode it on my mercury surfboard for 2months, been there since late november in the tired braindead d worn down crushed phase, usual kundalini, sprititual up downs, nothing major, energy came back wifh vengence few weeks ago, been down the gym burning it off.

I cant be here protecting u from dark forces when im exhausted as fkwits get into me with their endless bolox, this is as my higher mind isnt working cause i used all my power to break through further post times, i must rest then which i have done, ready for the next battle.

Re fuckwits, its easy to get caught on their level post high, that level is not a nice place to be, u wont find me on a computer at that time, nothing worth saying... especially true after seeing and having tasted the other 12 levels of (buddishm hindu etc) consciousness above the level these trolling fkwits live in, ie the level that has opinions hard as diamonds, opinions that are grown and matured in the dark of ur back passage and pop put like babies poo infecting everything in site if they not immediately contained. :yinyang:lol:unsure:

Now im powered up im quite able to sort this mess out single handed.

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Guest bazzad9

What are these dark forces youcant protect us from ?

And is there anyway we can verify what you claim ?, how do we seperate it from rambling nonsense ?

I assume you post because you want to discuss it , if your posting just to preach without backing it up we have every reason to dismiss what you say out of hand

So are you wanting discussion or just to preach ? :hippy:

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Not giving to energy vampires, soul tappers and those without the bottle to create their own philosophy is a core part of my philosophy thesedays, sorry. :yinyang:

I can see ur limits and i dont feel the need to play to them. Sorry about that.

When u get some faith in urself u can stop questioning others life changing experiences and man up and have some of ur own? :yinyang: I evny noone. Noone! For Envy is a sin.

Its about time management, energy management and my choice to do whatever i want, how i want and in what way. Playing ur games is of no interest to me. I talk at length all day down the gym to people about all this, even the normalists get the concepts.

Holographic nature of reality puts some folk here on the other side, where i have been, for about 31 years. No interest in going backwards playing word games with dark entities who's sole aim is to delay the exposure of truth. Get enough of that the media! Its a circus ur on, while they bum u. :yinyang:

I run my own philosophy. Its working out just fine. Im very very happy at the moment, wouldnt change one thing in my life, nothing, not a thing.

The point u give up on all past philosophies, religions, concepts and get power from ur own is the time of great bounty. Ive done it.

Its not what u look at that matters, for it is what u SEE. :alien2:

Edited by BiPolar Dave
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Listen, listen and listen u might work out which side u work for, everyone works for someone, unless they are in control of their higher mind: not a mental slave.

Ur just where they want u. :yinyang:

Get the rep points in boys, ur gonna need em to support the darkside.

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