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Somethings Not Right


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I watched a vid where it tells to not water the plant for its last 7 days then chop and hang upside down in the dark for another week or so.

Well I followed these instructions but now its lost its beautiful smell and now while its drying, it just smells like cut grass. Is this normal?, will the smell come back or have I missed a step.

Thanks for any help- Its too late for me to cock it up now surely!

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well thats because it IS cut grass... Give it a while for all the chloroplast/chemicals to turn into sugar.


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yeah u need to cure it in some airtight tub/jar.

ive put stuff in and next day it has already lost that fresh cut grass taste.

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once it's dry (proper dry, so the stems are brittle) then cure it by putting them in air tight jars...and wait...and wait...and wait....open the jar every few days to let fresh air in and check there is no moisture, the longer you can wait the better.

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yes within a day of chopping my plants, they always smell like fresh cut grass. like everybody else says, let them dry COMPLETELY, then put them in jars.... takes mine 5 days to a week to air dry.

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i might have made a mistake.

I have been growing mine out doors and once chopped i put in my shed which is pitch black inside, i left it there for about 2 weeks but i dont think it had completely dried out, it didnt look all that grey.

It might be because in spain, its very humid.

anyway i then stuffed it in an air tight bag in the dark again.

a. should i have left it longer to dry out?

b. have i done the right thing by putting it in the bags now?


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idried out, it didnt look all that grey.

It might be because in spain, its very humid.

MOLD :spliff: How big are they? we need a wee bit more info on your grow the HUMIDITY! From what I've read, you chop em down and hang them in a DRY COOL place humidity under 60%, anything over 60% yer gona be deeling wi mold, I know, I lost my first crop to MOLD :smug: They should be hung in a dry cool place til the stem snaps like a peice of dry wood, then placed in brown paper bags, organic of course :wassnnme: , and then in to air tight jars, the whole cure should take about 6 weeks :spliff: can you wait that long? I made it to the brown paper bag lol

P.S u dont want em in plastic bags either.....PAPER bags, brown organic

Edited by scottyDog
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Oh yes, another thing, after I left it to dry out, it has lost all of its skicky ness, why would that be, I tried some tonight and its very weak.

It was sticky when i first chopped it but after drying its gone.

A friend tried some and said that although its still green and not grey, he thinks it might have dried out too much.

im lost

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right 1st thing is uptil now i cant see much youve done wrong :yep:

hanging the chopped plant in your shed for two weeks was the right thing to do, before the next stage you should check the fattest stems and makes sure they snap with a crack as you bend them in your fingers... if that was the case then they were dry enough for bags(plastic bags are manky things, all the trichomes that contain the thc(stickyness) can get stuck to the plastic caused by static electricity) as said before brown paper bags are ideal if you can get them or we use greaseproof sandwich bags here.

but the key to a great smoke is in curing, this takes place once the plant is dry and in an airtight container, after a few days when you open the container you`ll notice the smell come back to the weed(if done properly) and day after day the strength will increase till it peaks around 2 or 3 months later...

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Hey Coleburg, Everything sounds pretty right to me except the plastic bag thing.

When they say container they mean a jar, something of that sorts.

And also i noticed u mentioned ur weed not being grey.......why would u want it to be grey? GREY = MOLD.


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Im just repeating things I have been told.

From the stuff I have purchased, it has looked much lighter than my home grown as my stuff looks very green, I thought this may have been wrong.

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