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Dave's dashing diary of dirt-based derring do!


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Hello and welcome to my first ever Sweet Seeds Competition Diary.

Let me start by offering my eternal thanks to Sweet Seeds for their amazing generosity, and to UK420 for being here to allow all this to happen in the first place (well, most of the time! :wassnnme: ). Secondly, let me wish each and every one of the entrants good luck, and offer my thanks to all regular posters on the boards - the wealth of information and friendship here is amazing, and is all down to you guys for sharing your experiences :hug:


So, let the derring do begin!



DR60 - freshly cleaned!

4" Ruck/Rhino with manual speed Primair controller

250W HPS Dual Spectrum bulb, Sunmaster shade.

1.2KW radiator with automatic temp controller.

6" circulating fan

Cardboard, phone book and upturned-pot shelf :wassnnme:



B+Q MP compost

PM Old TImers Grow and Bloom

PM Bio Silicon

PM Bio Wetter

PM Granules


My only growing area is the DR60. I've been continuously growing auto's in it on a constant 19/5 light cycle since April, and currently have 5 maturing (non competition) auto's in there.


*Click the names for the description of each variety*

Cream Caramel Auto's

Modelling the first set of seeds are a family of smiley face people, who shared with me the secret to that easy relaxing smile they always have - Yes, it's the Cream Caramel Auto's.


Jack 47

Next up, Austin Powers strikes a pose, although Cartman isn't too happy taking the weight of the Jack 47's while Emperor Zurg just barks orders.



And finally, Carlos the dancing Cactus, Karate Monkey and Coca Cola Panda present the Psicodelicia, a crazy bunch of guys for a (hopefully) crazy smoke



SAD Auto

So, I was just setting up my nice new seeds, when out of the corner of my eye, I notice Mr Dalek trying to get my attention - he'd seen a lonely S.A.D. Auto that had been hiding in the corner of my seed tin, and had coaxed her out so she could join the CC party. Who was I to argue with a Dalek?


So, we have our environment and we have our seeds. Pretty soon I'll tell you the story of the plants so far. Stay tuned :smokin:

Edited by Evertondave
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All the best for the grow mate.


Cheers mate, all the toys say Thank you :doctor: Wait what? where was I? Oh yeah, the competition :eek:

So, I started the grow 16th November and have a couple of updates to put up before I catch up. Here's the first, from:

20th November 2011 - Day 2

Temperatures: 21.4 - 28.9c

Humidity 40-50%

Nutrients: 0.5ml/litre PM Bio Silicon.

On 16th November The seeds were placed in a glass of room temperature water and placed in a dark cupboard for 24 hours, by which time all three CC's had cracked and were showing tails. Potted them up into B+Q MP Compost.

The SAD hadn't cracked but I also potted it up, left them all alone in a quiet corner of the tent, and three days later, they had all grown into these beautiful seedlings.

I am calling this day two as the first true leaves showed the day before. My favourite at this stage is CC #2. I love how lazy she is - "Yup... that's tall enough for me" :rofl: SAD meanwhile, is doing her sisters proud :hippy:


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Thanks for looking in, guys :yep:

Was too slow to edit the last post, so here is how this grow will pan out :yes: ............ Maybe :wassnnme:

The Plan:

I am growing the Auto's out first as they like a long light cycle. When the auto's are five weeks old, the photoperiod seeds will be planted.

It's easier to understand in picture format. Green is lights 18/6, yellow is 12/12, dark for the weeks already passed, plants on the left. Also the La Blanca is on the chart, I'll mention her in here now and again, probably moreso when I flick to 12/12 :naughty:


Edited by Evertondave
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Grabbing a seat for this one!

Best of luck EvertonDave, I'm using the same controller, the same soil, and what appears to be the same clip on fan in my own grow.

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good luck in the comp ED..

reckon you was right to do what the Dalek said to..they can be MEAN.. :angry:

(lend out yer scissors..)


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Cheers all, good luck to you all as well by the way... but not too much luck :wassnnme:lol

Right then, while the sites still up I'll get my next update in :rofl: , bringing us up to:

30th November 2011 - Day 12

Temperatures: 19.2 - 28.1c

Humidity: 40-50%

Nutrients: 0.5ml/litre PM Bio Silicon.

The girls were fine, chatting away in the corner of the tent, cc#2 teasing me with fat leaves, SAD looking sad, and the beginnings of paleness is that?

"hmm, I'm sure they'll be fine" thinks I..... :doh:


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And so it continues...

8th December 2011 - Day 19 (that's today!)

Temperatures: 17.2 - 29.1c

Humidity: 40-60%

Nutrients: None.

Well, as you'll soon see, that hint of paleness I thought would be fine took off overnight, leaving death and wanton destruction everywhere. It was carnage, lads :(

The combined Axis forces of B+Q MP and PM Bio Silicon were too much for the Allies of young roots and stems, the burns were savage and thorough.

I took the only appropriate action in such circumstances, and deployed the LTTFA* weapons array. After several days of LTTFA, they had begun recovery and green new growth was once again visible. I therefore celebrated with a potting up ceremony which I will detail later today.

But for now, here are the girls this morning. I'm off to buy some e45 cream for those poor leaves :(






*LTTFA = Leave them the fuck alone :wink:

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Ohh man, they don't look the happiest, hopefully potting up will help sort them out and I'll look forward to the next update to see how they got on :yep:

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Hi EvertonDave!

Welcome to the contest :yep:

Yep, they could be better now... Seems to me that they could use a new and bigger pot. Aren't you going to transplant them?

Well, hope they catch up soon, good luck with them mate, I'll keep passing by.

Sweet smokes :smokin:


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ouch dude..!! :huh:

is this a new soil mix you're using..never used before..?

my first impression was waterlogged..but that was literally first jump..since such small pots can't be leading to hunger issues surely..?

the SAD and CC3 still look like they're paling on the new growth too.. :(

hope you bet it sorted dude..dashing derring-do dashed..not good.. :nope:


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