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early harvesting


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Glad i found this section, i want to discuss with you guys what is the earliest you could harvest a CC auto and get a reasonable effect off it.

At the moment this is just a hyperthetical, its more important i get something rather than huge quantities as i want it for a medical trial.

I've faced a few issues with the grow, not important to go over since i already got help at other sections :).

The longer i grow the more problems i can face. As much as i like these great plant pics by serpent et al i can always grow the most spectacular plant ever grown another time when its not my first you see. lol i wish.

I can post pics, im late in the 30's for days, i do plan on going up to the 60 day mark etc but i want to discuss now to weight up the odds for an emergancy early harvest.

Some example like, if you harvested at day 50 you'll likely get half the quantity of a day 64 harvest etc would be helpful. Or if you harvest at day 50 your weed wont have any effect.

that was long sorry

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Hi mate!

Well, it also depends on each plant, since there are slightly "phenotipic" differences between plants. Anyway, as you can see in my Cream Caramel Auto test grow, at day 50 they were very immature, I'm sure you'd get an effect from smoking those buds, bud not a good aroma and the effect would be the real Cream Caramel Auto effect, it would be very edgy and would go away just a little while after consumed. That would happen with any strain, not only with Cream Caramel Auto, if you chop a plant with that appearance, that's what will happen. At day 55 it would be a bit more reasonable, but I think the minimum of the minimun would be at day 57... I would never cut them with that appearance because I like to get a strong physical relaxing effect, but if you like a more energetic and psychoactive effect or if you don't care about the kind of effect at all, you could harvest them at day 57 and get a very decent and tasty weed ;)

Also, some problems during the plant growth, like overferts, nutrient deficiencies, excessive cold, excessive heat, great temperature variations, plagues, etc, can delay the whole process and can require a few more days for the plants to finish, could even be a couple of weeks if the problem is really bad ;)

Good luck with your sweets mate, hope you enjoy them! :stoned:

Sweet regards!


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hi tommy,

thanks for the very detailed responce, had a mad few days but was meaning to reply. basically i had a problem with set up which i couldn't get to the bottom of, and i cut the plants and stuck them it the freezer at day 40 - complete cock up really, had to shut down opperation though so couldnt dry them proper and didn't know what else to do.

i got to figure out the way to get the best (if anything) out of em now, had suggestions of make hash and bho which i'll be looking into.

the plants themselves were cool to grow, great smelling, wud do them again for sure.


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Ohh.. ok, I understand now, hehehe, that's bad mate, the next 15 days would do all the difference :(

Now you just have one option :) Wait and see (taste) for yourself. If you're used to bad quality smokeables from the black market then maybe you'll find your harvest acceptable. It will taste "green", with taste of fertilizers too and the high is very soft and "short lasting", almost no physical effect, but it can be interesting, give it a try. If you don't like at all you can make some hash out of it. It will also not be the best hash, since trichomes are immature, but if you don't like the taste of the weed doing hash will be a good solution.

Keep it sweet my friend, enjoy your immature sweets, hehehe :yep:

Kind regards,


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ok sounds like a good a plan as any, thanks alot very helpful:)

how long do you reckon i can keep it in the freezer before its ruined? should i be looking to do something with it asap? if i was to the get the set up running again would putting up to dry now be a better option, or should i just smoke it "wet"?

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Hi again mate!

Oh, you have the "undried" buds in the freezer? I usually have leaves for extractions in the freezer for several months, but that's leaves, the only time I freezed buds they were already dried and cured. I think they will not get ruined but given the poor quality they already had from being harvested immature, now being frozen before dry and cure will make it very hard, hehe... :unsure:

Is your harvest in the freezer or did I misunderstood what you said?

Kind regards,


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Hi again mate!

Oh, you have the "undried" buds in the freezer? I usually have leaves for extractions in the freezer for several months, but that's leaves, the only time I freezed buds they were already dried and cured. I think they will not get ruined but given the poor quality they already had from being harvested immature, now being frozen before dry and cure will make it very hard, hehe... :unsure:

Is your harvest in the freezer or did I misunderstood what you said?

Kind regards,


yep the whole plants are basically chopped and went straight in the freezer, stem, leaf and bud in well sealed bags. Im pretty clueless, whats the best way to proceed at this point?

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just gotta sort ya shit out and get back in better than eva dude! :book:


working on that, didn't want smell with no proper set up so only i could think was freeze it all

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yep the whole plants are basically chopped and went straight in the freezer, stem, leaf and bud in well sealed bags. Im pretty clueless, whats the best way to proceed at this point?

I've smoked loads of 40 day bud lol but I've never frozen them - quite the opposite in fact - they usually go in the oven for an hour :wassnnme:

To be honest, it's not going to get you "high" - an hour after a couple of spliffs, it'll be like you had a couple of pulls on a "proper" joint and that's it.

Even I'd be tempted just to bin it and start over tbh, and you'll obviously need a safer set up - look in the lighting section for a "micro growing" sub forum - you could even grow in a pc case :yep:

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yep the whole plants are basically chopped and went straight in the freezer, stem, leaf and bud in well sealed bags. Im pretty clueless, whats the best way to proceed at this point?

Hi again mate!

At this point the best way to proceed is to take it all out of the freezer and let it dry properly ;)

I can imagine the risk of getting mold will be very high, but this is what I think you should do. If they are sealed, as you said, don't open the seal right after taking it off the freezer. Let the whole package get to the room temperature and then you can open it. I think 15-30 minutes should be enough.

Good luck with it mate, sweet regards!


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yep the whole plants are basically chopped and went straight in the freezer, stem, leaf and bud in well sealed bags. Im pretty clueless, whats the best way to proceed at this point?

I've smoked loads of 40 day bud lol but I've never frozen them - quite the opposite in fact - they usually go in the oven for an hour :wassnnme:

To be honest, it's not going to get you "high" - an hour after a couple of spliffs, it'll be like you had a couple of pulls on a "proper" joint and that's it.

Even I'd be tempted just to bin it and start over tbh, and you'll obviously need a safer set up - look in the lighting section for a "micro growing" sub forum - you could even grow in a pc case :yep:

yeah i just was reading your diary hehe, i cant face bining it mate whether i eat it, oven it, hash it, stick it in my ear, whatever it, im consuming it somehow. thanks though its kinda cool to know someone else has 40 day bud. But yeah i will have to do another grow.

yep the whole plants are basically chopped and went straight in the freezer, stem, leaf and bud in well sealed bags. Im pretty clueless, whats the best way to proceed at this point?

Hi again mate!

At this point the best way to proceed is to take it all out of the freezer and let it dry properly ;)

I can imagine the risk of getting mold will be very high, but this is what I think you should do. If they are sealed, as you said, don't open the seal right after taking it off the freezer. Let the whole package get to the room temperature and then you can open it. I think 15-30 minutes should be enough.

Good luck with it mate, sweet regards!


ok cool, now i cant do that just yet though cause i think i need a new carbon filter so unless i can dry it naturally without it stinking? it will have to stay in freezer for now - hopefully its not damaging it anymore if i leave it another few days or maybe a week? Thanks for the idea about leaving the bags for room temp before opening, sounds logical. One thing i dont understand is why you can freeze leafs wet to turn into hash but freezing buds is so bad.

Anyhow cheers fellas

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ok so i smoked some of this last night, just a bit of background, i haven't had cannabis in my adult life, last time was like 15 years ago when i was a teenager i used to have it a fair bit.

so being a lightweight it definitely hit me - pretty much instantly, was a nice warm relaxing fuzzy feeling for the first 10 mins, then i did feel a tiny bit sick (nothing major) followed by a slight edgey feel for the next couple hours as explained i would get, went to sleep after. Maybe i had a little too much first go but it "works", there were some interesting sensations.

Edited by Tremont
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ok cool, now i cant do that just yet though cause i think i need a new carbon filter so unless i can dry it naturally without it stinking? it will have to stay in freezer for now - hopefully its not damaging it anymore if i leave it another few days or maybe a week? Thanks for the idea about leaving the bags for room temp before opening, sounds logical. One thing i dont understand is why you can freeze leafs wet to turn into hash but freezing buds is so bad.

Anyhow cheers fellas

Hi again mate!

Yes, it will stink a bit, so maybe you should wait for the carbon filter.

I don't think there's much difference between having it frozen one or two weeks. The damage is already done... :stoned:

Leaves to make hash will not be smoked, you'll end up only smoking the trichomes. The flowers you have in the freezer will be smoked. That's the main difference between one and other situation ;)

Like I first told you, if you are not used to have your own cannabis and you don't use it for a long time you'll enjoy it anyway. But if you were used to have a good weed, well grown, harvested with maturity, well dried and cured you wouldn't appreciate what you have in your hands right now, hehehe, hope next time you can cut in the right timing to get a good result and in the meanwhile enjoy your sweets!!!

Sweet smokes! Kind regards,


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