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sweet cheese scrog

Guest hahahaha1

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welcome to the party fella

let see some ha's scrogging skills :skin_up:

oooo dunno bout that two in one pot malarkey mate, what happens if ones stretchity or takes a bit longer to finish :unsure:

best of luck with the grow and comp man, im sure you'll grow em out shweeeet and be joining me in the dam :wassnnme::rofl::guitar:

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Guest hahahaha1

yeah man i know 2 in a pot lol spoke to a mate on here he swears by it, i have never done it before as thought the roots would suffocate but he promised they dont. just have to wait and see, if anyone knows my suspicions are true let me know asap. if you look in my other diary i normally put two in and then pic the best 3 from 6 but this time i have been talked into leaving them two as they are

all coming on nice now, to be honest i still dont see why scrogging gets more bud then well trained plants, i dont get air bud anyway as i train the tops righjt to the sides just like you would using a net. :headpain: all good fun anyway

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Hey Ha's, I'm well confused by the start of this diary, like the OP is missing or something.

Firstly I cant believe how much of a doubting Thomas pussy you're being about two in one pot :) it'll be fine, trust me on this one. I agree with reg but it's not the end of the world is it? Hydro nft'ers deal with it all the time. And so what if one finishes a week early? The roots and stump won't go toxic over night.

Good to see what the competition is up to btw, of course you don't stand a chance now I have my eye in!

I'm starting my seeds on Monday so I won't be far behind you.

ATB mate...

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Guest hahahaha1

lol there my babies mate, well this wardrobe is going to be full mate, still debating this scrog stuff, any info on why it gives more bud would be good. i understand what it does just like i say dont see the difference to well trained plants?

cant wait for ya new diary best of luck mate

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I don't know about nets either. I just know I can't use one because I like to get in amongst it all. Well trained plant should do the same. I'm working on spreading the heads so they stay the same height and get good light an it seems to be just fine. Each to their own I suppose.

I'm looking forward to running the comp grow at the same time as you and a few others. It could be good if I don't stone my ass out the park with the stuff I have finishing now :)

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Guest hahahaha1

ilmg, i have to say mate i get all my bud level, if you look at the skunk no 1 i get the bud a all over even buds just like you do from scrog. i am yet to be convinced it does anymore then if you train the plants flat.

why is it a mini bet going on whom gets the nicest buds?


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I don't scrog. I need to be able to get each plant out. Man your stuff must be strong!!!

I'm just tying down each head to it's own pot. I like the sound of your pots too btw. Also I'm in the last two weeks of 12/12 with my current stuff and fuck me they're puttin on weight with an extra 400w in there! So maybe the bet is on anyways. Need to look at your set up and do some calculations like watts per cm2 etc. You got 450w in what size space?

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Guest hahahaha1

yeah man its strong, i know you dont scrog i am just wrecked lol ment others.

anyway had a munch out so a little more with it, my grow space is 60x100x180 i have 300 really as am about to use that 150 in a new veg room :skin_up:

the sweet cheese seem to be growing at a nice rate really strong :guitar:

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You get a good result with that though. I have double the space but 800w, I have an extra hundred watts than you roughly for the area of our spaces and lights. So it's almost comparable. You'll probably still get a better result than me. I'm using PM again I think, are you using fishmix!

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Guest hahahaha1

yeah regi man there all good :skin_up: will put some pics up when there at a week.

greenclaws, looks like we have good taste mate! what does this strain smoke like? never done a cheese before.

i had never got from sweet seeds before but defo will in the future :skin_up:

ilmg, i always use fishmix mate it stops nearly all the issues i have had with yellowing, so tend to stick to what i know. i may try the PM range when i need to get more just as i hear so many good things

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