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Lurking in the undergrowth


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Now looking back at the pictures I'm starting to worry that she's very yellow.

That's what you get for not potting up when you should.

I'd like to apologize to sweet seeds for not doing their seeds the justice they deserve by my half arse diary. You see the problem is I'm lazy, not just normal lazy but very blah blah blah and then add weed and well.

Now I should be flipping her just after crimbo and whack the netski on then bangaram the fun begins muhahaha

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its starving mate as for potting up in in stages what a load of bollocks, excuse the banter but fuck me i never do that pot up once that`s a seed or cutting :headpain:

For autos I agree but I'm not going to stick a bean in a 11 lt pot for normal seeds, feeding would be a pain in the arse as you would not know how much to water them as you couldn't check the root development.... but if you can provide some written and photographic evidence I'd be happy to give it a whirl.

Not avin a POP but don't let the yellow plant fool ya I'm not a noob at this and if the potting up works for ya them why change.... horses for dinner/courses...

Anywhat I'm not to bothered bout the yellowing at this point as I've still got to get my jenga on and fix my net in... so all that yellow will be below the netski and jobs a carrot snippy snippy mutha fukka

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Guest uncle festa

ooops sorry i meant a cutting, as for a bean start them in a small pot 4" or summit then pot up,straight into final pot.

as to the yellowing good luck bro

Edited by uncle festa
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If I went straight to final pot wouldn't the plant use up all the feed in the soil and get root bound?.

She's been in veg for probably 8-9 wks.

That and I didn't have enough compost and had to buy some on Sunday

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The thing is bushmaster, you know your grow parameters, you know your environment, and you know your plants.

Looking great mucker.

Cheers :smokin:

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good god father oleary 8/9 wks veg i`d of done the whole crop by now,sorry bro i cant help ya now :wallbash::headpain: ache

She's a single plant scrog, so I'm taking my time to hopefully fill it properly. Is rather waste another 2 wks veg, than run out and have to spend another 3 months doing another grow

But I'm kinda wishing I put another in so I could have flowered sooner... oh well ya live n learn

All the best bud

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The thing is bushmaster, you know your grow parameters, you know your environment, and you know your plants.

Looking great mucker.

Cheers :smokin:

And yet I try to exceed them, I should be content with what I can do and be happy, but I have a addictive personality with weed..... I never have enough lol

I SEE ur girls are more advanced than my lil treacle lol

All the best mate and if ur lucky forest dogs maid should be round with the tea.... unless she's wiping up the piss of my magazine rack.... sancho panza I'm looking at u lol

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honest to god u soil growers need to learn on here, gosh im in shock,going for a big bong in shock shock :book: your plants be fucked

Why are they fucked? Because of a little yellowing or because they've had 8 wks veg.... sorry am I being simple

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No Bushmaster, you are not being simple.

I'm starting to think festa is on a one man mission to mess up everybodies grow.

The longer you veg, the bigger the plant and the higher the yield. Simples

A good rootball is essential to healthy growth and is achieved by potting up in stages.

Good luck with the grow and competition :)

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ahh i see, fester strikes again.. nothing but a mine of bad info from you sofar, and im not just talking about this thread ive corrected a couple of your errors in past posts and i know fuck all really.... you should be reading more and potching less mate before you messup someones grow.

good luck bushy

E2a to remove a f@#k and add some content ;)

Edited by Sancho Panza
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A few pics of the tent in its surroundings the net, bob the scutter.

And the nl auto which will be ending its life soon.




Edited by bushmaster82
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