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Son grasses cannabis-growing dad to police


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I go with Apprentice on this; both my now adult offspring know exactly what the old git gets up to - and I would trust them with my life. I kept things cool till they were about 15-ish, then just answered all questions honestly.

There must have been some serious other issues going on methinks, in this US affair.

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HIgh peeps

Its terrible that its come to this, Prohibition mixed with unsteady parenting = deep shit !!

I too have a son who is five, and as far as he is concerned atm i roll up and smoke tobacco cigarettes, luckily most of my mates all toke the herb too, or roll ups. The growing side of things is much more difficult to explain, so im telling him that im learning to grow plants and dont want anyone to know about them till i can do it properly (or until i can decide what to say to him). I like to be truthful wid my boy and will explain fully to him the situation in an unbiased way as he gets older, and bear the consquences if there are any which i doubt !!

Prohibitions a bitch !!

lol  :peace:

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My two sons aged 10 and 11 are both pretty clued up on whats what and have been used to seeing me skinning up all their lives.

Neither of them take much notice, although I did catch the eldest watering my clones the other day because the soil had dried out.

I think you need to take responsibility for what your kids know and how they learn it.

It's no use relying on teachers to tell them as most of the one's I have dealt with seem only to know what is printed on the governmement guidelines, and we already know how wrong they are.

I know the anti's will probably be disgusted and outraged, but at least my kids have never had to witness me pissed up and knocking the shit out of their mother.

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This won't be the first time the kid said it to his dad,

but this time he goes to the police...

a good dad would listen to the kid ..

although (as I like weed myself  :) ) ...


k that the smell can bother you after some time,

but that won't be a reason to go to the police



he could even EARN MONEY with it  ;)

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I think you need to take responsibility for what your kids know and how they learn it.

It's no use relying on teachers to tell them as most of the one's I have dealt with seem only to know what is printed on the governmement guidelines, and we already know how wrong they are

I think that says it all really Joolz.

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I know I can trust my 17 year old. (Not my mother or sisters though) So if this man's son reported him to the Police there's obviously been a very bad break down in communication. But one wonders also why the 17 year old hadn't left home.


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well thats the u.s of a aint it

probable been on a anti drug programme at school ......his dad may be a total wanker who knows the truth eh

my boys 18 and 17 knew from an early age mums fags where ok in the home and certain venues but not for talking about ......from day one they have been educated to be and be private even when socialising .

my youngest will go out and get my weed when i am really ill........he is switched on, cool and totally trustworthy.

i dont particularly like him to do this, with the gung ho in operation like the gestapo in these parts.

as for ever grassing me up

i would seriously hurt him

and he knows this

but he loves his mum and doesnt like seeing her in pain, so he does the deed as he says

be honest with yer kids and tell em the truth always, funny how this works .......its about honour and respect ......not much of this around these days


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hi MaryJane

Please give my respect to your boys for looking after you in times of weed need, Maryjane infact show them  :oldtoker:  hi boys how are doing thanks for looking after you Mum nice one boys  ;)  


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