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There was a thread about the best way of germinating, but now I cant find it. It was a small guide I think.

Can someone please link me to the thread.

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Yes I had a look.

I cant decide whether or not to plant straight into soil, or the paper towel method. When planting straight into the soil is it best to leave them in darkness in the soil for a few hours then put on the light or start straight away light?

There was something I was reading from one of them two that said they put in water first and then plastic cups sealed and then into the soil. I cant remember though, which is why I was looking for that particular thread.

Honestly its my first grow and im just being a bit of a wimp as I generally tend to fuck things up, so just want to make sure it goes well.

Thanks for responding.

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In my experience all you gotta do is get a small pot (unless theyre autos in which case they go straight into their final pots), 4" should do it completely soak it through with water until saturated, make a small hole for the seed with a pencil or something about 5mm deep, drop in the seed then cover it with a little bit of soil. I tend not to put them under direct light at least until they have sprouted. Just keep them somewhere relatively warm.

Edited by TYS
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Just don't make it too wet, more well moist than saturated I would think is best?

But yeah, just bung her in the old compoo, and stick her under the lamps. Voila!

To moisten the compost I stand it in a saucer of water and let it draw all it needs from below. Keep the saucer topped up. Or use a tray or whatever. I do it overnight, so that everything get not only moist, but room temp ;)

Then pop seed on top, cover with a half centimetre of compost, spray to moisten gently. Job's a good'un :yes:

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I'd either soak em first or do it in wet paper towel in warm dark place. Atleast ul know if it's germinated or not ,if you go straight in soil you could have the unfortunate bad luck..a non starter so to save wasting time I'd def always germ in paper towel (use plain White too nothing with ink )

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Thanks for all your replies.

I ended up soaking them first and 4/5 seeds are now showing their tap roots. I left them for about 36 hours.

I am going to place 4 of them in soil today and put back into the same place as I first put them, but leave the one that hasn't shown its tap root a few more hours to see if it cracks open. I dropped one of them on the floor (it was quite dirty) and its the one that hasnt cracked open so I hope its fine.

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