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Lightproofing A Wardrobe


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if you go the td160 route, sealed into a top compartment, with some deadening ducting, with the doors shut, you'll have to listen hard for it over normal background noise.....if you then have your lights on time during the night, if you have a "visitor" for a few minutes during the day, just knock the fan off for a while! :stoned:

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cheers buddy

lights are indeed off during the day for the heat more than anything.

nice tip with the carpet, got plenty of that since we just bought a house.

what exactly have you used to wedge your fan with m8?

you can buy the foam that manufacturers make couches out of from the market, that is what i meant, it would be fitted into the box and glued down but i strongly agree with the fire hazard worry.

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used a chunk of foam that was "lying about" - fairly dense ordinary furniture type stuff - cut it to about twice the thickness that you'll want it to be when compressed - that's tight enough to hold it, but not too tight so the vibes start travelling! :stoned:

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keep your eyes open, you'll find somewhere in town selling it..........a craft shop, or some old-fashioned hardware stores keep it (you want a piece to make a seat cushion if anybody asks!) :yinyang:

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Northampton market thursday friday and one other day during the week, geezer selling all shapes and sizes of Furniture grade cushion foam

cheers mate

edited to add that the scottish blood in me refuses to pay for something i can get from a skip / recycling centre

Edited by Dohped
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too bloody right m8, i throw nothing away!!

finally the answer to my space related lightproofing problems came to me like an epiphany last nite.

there i was armed with microsoft powerpoint (growroom design software, seriously) and a tape measure, furiously trying to figure out how to make all of this fit now, as the tank for the nft currently makes the hardboard doors bow in the middle, could not for the life of me figure out how to do it all and then BAM!!

the wardrobe is already 2 inches away from the wall due to the skirting board, so why not capitalise on that.......

move the drobe 6 inches away from the wall, pop off the back panel and make some adjustments and wahay, extra 6 inches floorspace.

allowing me to put in a nice big piece of chipboard as my internal door. (which i already had.....recycling again :smoke:)

i am going to slant the battoning so that the "door" leans against it, and the weight of the chipboard will do the rest (its 18mm thick!!!)

putting a wardobe into an alcove extends it's possibilities like you wouldnt believe.

as nobody can see the back of the drobe i don't even have to make the panelling match.

happy happy joy joy

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have no fear my tartan friend, brand new digicam being purchased this weekend, and hopefully all finishing touches will be applied to said wardrobe and therefore can publish my exploits.

still gunna look weak compared to your joinery m8

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  • 5 months later...

I loved reading this thread it made me laugh lol as i faced the same problem myself today with the bloody doors :)

Think i sorted problem out today with cardboard and heavy duty tape all painted white ye ha :woot: seems to be ok i cant see any light leaking out when lights on in drobe with lights off in room so i guess thats means none will be able to leak in when lights off err :smoke:

Anyway that was all before i found this and i hope your happy with extended drobe


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