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Traditional Snofflakian dark chocolate


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I melt [400g chocolate] and to this I add 25 grams of ground bud (ground to dust in a coffee grinder)

How is the taste/texture using ground bud? It would certainly be easier to make than going the ice hash route.

As for the hash-chocolate I no longer think there's any need to double the dose lol

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How is the taste/texture using ground bud? It would certainly be easier to make than going the ice hash route.

It is a little odd at first, bit like eating chocolate on the beach with a bit of fine sand in it, you can't really taste the weed but you feel the ground bud on your tongue. The 70%+ coco solid chocolate masks any taste of weed and when I eat a piece of choc with no weed in it now it feels strange

You'll get used to it


p.s. by using a coffee grinder and grinding to dust you hardly notice the texture

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Current strength levels don't taste too bad in the chocolate, fingers crossed it stays that way at higher strengths.

As Danzig says, use 70% or stronger cocoa chocolate and i find it masks the taste really well, not that i dislike it mind you :)

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Stronger dark chocolate on order - it's the ingredient I don't have lol

The originals have had a change of clothes -


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Stronger dark chocolate on order - it's the ingredient I don't have lol

The originals have had a change of clothes -


Looking better Snoffle ;)

Don't make any more until you get the proper 70%+ coco solid chocolate, you will really notice the difference with peoper choc

Next step should be chocolate liqueurs with cannabis tincture in the middle

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Looking better Snoffle ;)

Thanks. Still room for improvement but definitely prettier. Looking almost good enough to eat ...

Don't make any more until you get the proper 70%+ coco solid chocolate, you will really notice the difference with peoper choc

I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to that, or a little bit scared :wink:

Next step should be chocolate liqueurs with cannabis tincture in the middle

It'll be a few months before the canna spirits are ready but I have my eye on a rather nice chocolate mould which would be ideal for making liqueurs. So the next step will be to experiment making choc with bud, and some small amounts with other flavours - I fancy trying coffee and mint flavours.

Withnailing the rest for now - a new toy has just been delivered!


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Next up I tried 6g of bud in 100g of 85% cocoa choccy. A good effect but the taste was a bit grim - turns out I don't particularly like that chocolate 'as is' straight from the packet. Spares are wrapped in green foil (I'm sure to forget).

Today I'm trying 6g of the same bud in the original 50% cocoa choccy as a taste test. It should be ready to pour into the mould in a minute :naughty:

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The new stuff works - I couldn't find the 'add reply' button for a while :upside: And it tastes a hell of a lot better than the upmarket 85% cocoa stuff.

One square lol

:bunny: I am not safe :bunny:


Beware the chocs in the blue wrappers :rofl:

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A 100g bar of chocolate and 6g of bud makes nine squares so approx 0.67g of Oct 2010 Annie per blue square.

Attempt the second with a blue square 2.20pm today. There were noticeable affects twenty minutes in; lift off was definitely underway at 3:10pm as I was putting the shopping on the conveyor at the checkout. I had a good look at their stuff-I-can-use-in-homemade-chocolates aisle [baking] and there are some interesting berries/nuts in handy little packs. They also had 20% of Green & Blacks 72% cocoa choccy. Bought some - mind went blank - fecking raisins to soak in alcohol and use in chocs.

Bailing out for a few mins ...

Ok. Giggles under control and I can keep a straight face. I might try speaking in a few mins :upside::stoned: must look for a chocolate smiley.

Typing is boring. Off to admire the non-canna plants lol Back innabit.


Prev iew Post is my friend!

[but not infallible :rofl:]

Edited by Snoffle
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I tried one of the green wrapper chocs yesterday, 85% cococa and bud which hadn't been ground enough. Rank. Seriously, unpleasantly revolting.

Avoid making the mistakes I have made -

1. Taste the chocolate before using any bud in it. If you don't like the chocolate plain there is no way you'll like it with ground bud in. This seems obvious now but some stoners may not realize until it's too late :wassnnme:

2. Grind the bud really really fine. When you think it's chopped fine enough - do it again to be on the safe side.

Failing to do 1. and 2. had me nearly vomiting trying to eat a green-wrapped chocolate yesterday evening. I threw five of them away - it was that bad.

Finely chop the herb in a coffee grinder, the finer ground the better, ideally the ground cannabis should resemble dust.

Wise words there by D, make sure you pay more attention than I did! Your taste buds will thank you :yes:

That red looks a bit loud for Sunday morning. Sorry but it is important lol


e2a Chocs made correctly taste quite pleasant - I could munch the blue wrapper chocs all day. I might be completely useless for any household tasks, but I'd be well fed and content (or asleep).

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Anyone used crystallized ginger as a chocolate flavouring? The Snoffess bought me a pack to try making a new choccy flavour - she's a big fan of the effect they're having on me.

I've got some raisins currently soaking in (boring standard) vodka. I'll use a few in a nine-piece choccy run as a test - then later in the year I'll be trying with raisins soaked in the canna-rum and canna-brandy or indeed the canna-vodka I've just set to 'brew' in a curing jar.

The Snofflakian 'Festival of Freezing Cold and Freaking Dark' in December could be a giggle :wassnnme:

If anyone would like to chip in with a new chocolate variety for me to try please feel free to hit the add reply button lol

It's a blue wrapper moment ... :stoned:


e2a -


Because stoners like photos, and also to see how much vodka the raisins soak up :naughty:

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I find making branflake cakes with dried blueberries is a great way of doing it, the flakes mask the weed texture and the choc/berries mask the flavour, but as i said i like it anyway lol

85% is too much for me tbh, i only go to 70% :stoned:

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Sounds like a plan to me :wink: ... and my local supermarket does a nice range in packs of dried blueberries.

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This time I'm trying to make some flavoured choccies, a few with vodka-raisins and a few with crystallized ginger. Using 12g of April KB to 200g of choc (a mix of approx 50/50 the two types - 85% cocoa and 50% cocoa) should again work out at approx two-thirds of a gram per choccy.

Raisins slowly soaking up the (boring, standard, canna-free) vodka


I may be able to arrange a taste test for later today :naughty: [e2a] of the choccies, not vodka raisins. Already tried them!

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