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Traditional Snofflakian dark chocolate


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Unsurprisingly, a great night's sleep was had by all ...

We had a taste-testing of the non-canna chilli chocs and were delighted to discover it isn't pretentious trendy shite but actually tastes pretty damned good. So good in fact that I dried eight Masquerade chillies yesterday ready to powder to make another, hopefully hotter, batch.

I predict a big future for chilli cannachocs. In Snofflakia at least :wink:

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How hot was that?

The latest chilli chocs were a little like eating chocolate flavoured molten lava - a lot hotter than my usual chicken madras from our favourite takeaway. Quite good fun if already stoned and drinking wine, but far too hot to be really enjoyable (probably a little mild for genuine chilli-heads lol).

So it seems eight dried, powdered Masquerades to make twelve chocolates is a little OTT - to say the least - and the remaining ten have been melted down and turned into thirty hopefully milder chilli chocs. Licking the mixing spoon wasn't so painful this time so fingers crossed!

Remember kids - do not try this at home. Unless you want to.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Your thread inspired me to knock up some canna chocs Danzig style....

Started melting some chocolate....then realized I had lent my scales out :doh: ! Guessed about 3g worth of Killer Skunk....not weighed much for years so I think I may of been well over...then made 6 little chocs in my new silicon choc molds.

Licked bowl out and tried to get a few things done..... hour latter and I have given up trying to move....melting into chair ...smile on my face......think I may of added far too much weed, for such a small amount I am very very stoned.......great thread

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... I am very very stoned...


It's all gone quiet over here - but I finished the last two chocs last weekend and need to make some more :yes:

The Snoffess bought me another choccy mould from Lakeland. They do a small range of moulds at a decent price, I fancy making Halloween and Xmas themed chocs!

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I used to use ice cube trays but these silicon ones are much much better! I have a cannabis leaf shape mold....looks cool but kinda takes the stealth element out of the whole thing.

I deff prefer to make butter then add that to choc to make some truffles rather than just grinding weed in, cant get used to the grittiness!

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I deff prefer to make butter then add that to choc to make some truffles rather than just grinding weed in, cant get used to the grittiness!

I add some ground nuts and a handful of branflakes, it masks the texture of the weed really well :stoned:

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I deff prefer to make butter then add that to choc to make some truffles rather than just grinding weed in, cant get used to the grittiness!

I plan to dedicate my remaining years to finding ways of minimizing the grittiness. Purely for the benefit of others of course, and can I interest you in purchasing this bridge?

Truffles are on my ever-lengthening list of things to do/try. One day, maybe.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A bit later than planned -

It's Canna-Choccy Time

Minty Madness

Five drops of Peppermint Oil, 10g June harvest Anesthesia and 150g of dark chocolate.

The oil


The bud


I've broken up the bud and removed any trace of stalks. Then weigh it at 10g :wink:

It might look ready


But we want it to look like dust


Then being a wake & bake kind of Snoff I decided to use the new mould with unknown sized sections instead of the one I originally planned to use and had already washed and dried :smokin: For a few seconds I thought I was going to manage to get it into ten choccy pieces at 1g each but there was just too much and I had to make eleven minty chocs at approx 0.9g per choc.

Those are cooling in the fridge at the moment, so next up ginger flavour. Back, as they say, innabit.

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Mint cannachocs


Ginger Grin

Some glacé ginger, 11g June harvest Anesthesia and 150g of dark chocolate. [end of jar = 11g]



For these I filled the moulds to about two-thirds full then chucked some ginger in each section


Then top up with the rest of the canna/choc mix


And put them in the fridge to cool.

Pineapple Possibles

Experimental - I can't be bothered with a non-canna practice run.

This is 140g dark choc, 10g June Annie, 30g dried pineapple. I made the canna-choc as normal then used the coffee-grinder to blitz the dried pineapple, and added this gunk to the canna-choc. It turned into a lumpy horrible-looking mess which was a right pain to pour so I might try a different method in future (if the taste is worth the effort).

Pineapple mess


Snofflakian Bye-Laws state it's illegal to make canna-chocs without trying one on the same day so I'll be trying some minty madness once I've made sure the kitchen is clean and tidy.

I'll report back ...

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Thanks ... but they're mine, all mine! Seriously - I have friends and relations who would be delighted to receive canna-choc presents but I don't want to attract attention to myself by being overly generous with canna. Stealth first, not miserliness. Honest. Trust me, I'm a gardener.

One eaten, ten wrapped and into the choccy jar


Tasted as good as and possibly even better than I remember. I'm twenty minutes in and I can definitely feel it tickling around the edges of my senses, which is a very good sign. It's possible I may not get around to wrapping the rest tonight :naughty:

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Minty success!

The rest are now wrapped



But they had to be moved into a bigger jar


By a string of unfortunate coincidences :wassnnme: one of the Purple Pineapple chocs fell, lost its wrapper in mid-air then landed in my mouth. Just as this happened the wrapper was hit by an amazingly dextrous gust of wind which folded the wrapper and chucked it in the bin. This seemed such an unlikely set of circumstances that I was shocked into reflexively swallowing the chocolate. Quite pleasant, no major taste of pineapple until hitting one of the chewy bits at the end. Might well be worth doing more ... I'll have a better idea when I've eaten all fifteen. Not in one sitting of course :eek:

... and I'm just about to light the spliff I started rolling 2hrs 45mins ago. Canna chocs are the dog's naughty bits. Bollocks. No it's true.

Mission accomplished.


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