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Male Potency


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Hello! New to this and have tried searching but to no avail....

We're growing our first two plants (ruderalis skunk) and have one male and one female. The female goes outside during the day to get as much London sun as possible.

We've been keeping them apart but the male looks very weak in comparison to the female so we're thinking of killing him off. He has flower buds and reasonable leaves. If we dry him what's the likely THC content?


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Don't mean to sound nasty but your post looks like the sort of thing school child having a laugh would post..I say this because everyone here knows anything ruderalis has little or no potency -if it has been crossed with skunk no.1 then you may yield something..secondly if you know you got one male and one female you should also know that males are useless for anything except breeding..

Get rid of the male...better still get a better breed.

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sensi seeds ruderalis cross is an auto flowering plant i grew it a few years back...the buzz is a bit of a mong iirc but the plant was a vigorous big yielder

give the girl loads of light (like your doing) and bin the boy.

(hows that for helpful?)


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New to this and have tried searching but to no avail....

So am I :smoke: I am guessing that this is your first attempt at growing and you havent got any stock except the stuff you can get from a dealer.

We've been keeping them apart but the male looks very weak in comparison to the female so we're thinking of killing him off. He has flower buds and reasonable leaves. If we dry him what's the likely THC content?

Low I would think, bearing in mind he is male, and he has ruderalis in his system means there is a good chance it will be a low THC content.

However, it does have skunk in it and so you never know.

No one can tell you how potent your male is, or how good the quality will be unless you give it a try. And if you have no stock then by all means give it a go!

Males only contain THC "inside" its leaves (females contain it in buds, stems, leaves, and on the outside too) , to harvest a male for smoking you should chop it as soon as you know its sex, its THC content wont improve from then and there is a risk even if keeping your plants seperate that you could pollinate the female, just as a bee does.

Just chop it down, take off the top 25% - 50% of the leaves, put em in a brown bag and shove them in a draw for a week.

Then take em out, bang em in a jar, and open the jar once a day for an hour or three for a total of two weeks minimum.

Now naturally you will need more, and because the THC is coated on green matter you are going to have a very harsh smoke. There is also a chance, with it being ruderalis that it just wont get you high at all, this all depends on your tollerence.

However, I belive that everyone with no stock should at least have a try of the males, as they might provide a "low quality but does the trick" smoke about 8 weeks before your normal harvest ;)

There isnt a strain base for male potency (yet) but if ever one is created then we might well see a different attitude to smoking male leaves.

Hope this helped.

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Thanks Kondor, that's very helpful advice. Unfortunately don't have a dealer, so home growing only option!


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hi flannel,

if you want a load of seeds in your female you can keep your male,

if you want buds without seeds then it's best to get rid of the male (unless you know it's good breeding stock).

i know it's been said female thc is at least 3 times stronger than male thc, but the risk of pollination is to much of a risk imo.... but saying that if you dont mind seed go for it...

Males only contain THC "inside" its leaves (females contain it in buds, stems, leaves, and on the outside too)
i didn't know that thc was inside the leaves...

i always thought the thc was produced in both male and female on the outside of the plant to protect the plant from harmful rays....:smoke:

interesting stuff kondor, have you got a link ??

nice one... ;)

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Guest Gigahertz

I read that the THC content of leaves was similar for both sexes.. about 3% THC according to what I read..

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interesting stuff kondor, have you got a link ??

It is mostly stuff from Greg Greens growers bible, only a bit more long winded here as I would rather folk had a go at some harsh males than dealt with a dealer because I hate dealers :wassnnme:

It actually says chop the top 6" - 12" off and take off the leaves, but I felt with a ruderalis version that 12" might be most of the plant!

I think the thoughts are based on the lines of - both produce THC, but males keep THC locked inside, as it would stop the pollon from leaving the plant as it would probably be stuck to the male if it was lined in THC.

Where as the female can actually use THC to grab particals of pollen which is too her advantage. Even if it would require a hungry spider mite to move it to where it was needed.

Exactly who tested to see where the THC lay in order for Greg Green to come to the conclusion in is only inside the leaves I dont know, but a general scout around the web did show me that there is a few folks using males in this way, alot of folk saying they just use double the amount.

Greg does feel the same about Males as most of us, only really usfull for breeding, but he says that it is always worth trying out a male off a new variety that you havent grown before because you never know, and the fact that most good strain males are more potent than most ruderalis females.

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Greg Green is puffing smoke out of his arse. Nearly all thc is synthesised by trichomes. There are very small amounts within the plant upper leaves but its tiny.

Males do make capitate sessile glandular trichomes. The thc in each head is just as potent as the thc in a trichome of a female of the same variety, plus and minus the variation within the variety.

The only difference is that females produce thousands of trichomes in comparison to a few for a male. ie the the female produces a much bigger quantity in relation to the leaf/flower matter.

I just took a pic to show you, sorry about the quality but the plant was in the dark and it was hard getting a focus lock.

What you are seeing at the bottom are a couple of empty stamin, ie empty pollen sacks that have dropped their load. The back of each stamin has a line of trichomes they protect the pollen inside the sack while it matures from mutagens like uv from sunlight. Male leaves and calyx may also have a few smaller bulbous and capitate trichomes, some vars are covered in them.

As a point trichomes in them selves do not mean a plant is potent, it is the thc and its complexity the trichome produces that determines how potent and psychoactive a plant is.

I hope this helps a little.


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great picture!

Are we saying you cant smoke leaves?

Ive got another book which states some folks with a low threshold do a vegative grow where you keep it in a constant veg state, not for clones, but for a weak, harsh smoke. Theres a ton of reports from folks smoking male leaves too.

Ive thought about this myself because its a question if I use 1/8 a month!

FlyinHigh, if you do this drying then can you post back to say if it worked or not?

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I'm in Desperado mode of some smoke.

even if it is shit...

might blend it up with ice and coffee filter it :smoke:

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