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farmer boy

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Here are the results of my first hash run, I feel a little disappointed, it looks and smells right but is rather small, I was tempted by the obvious metaphor here but have resisted. The kitchen scales don’t really register on the gram level but I reckon around a 1/6 oz from around 6oz of material. I lost some down to general incompetence and my coffee filters splitting, curse you co op and your inferior own brand products.

Any guidelines as to an approximate return you should normally expect?



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lol, yeah those filters keep breaking on me too androo :headpain: If you know any chemistry or biology students (or you happen to be one yourself), get them to pinch you a few whatman paper filters (though if you can get them the polycarbonate, nylon or anodisc ones are even better/specifically designed for solvent extraction). What method of extraction did you use, and from what material? If that was a bubble run with good trim then 1/36 is pretty low, but quality to quantity is usually a sliding scale and that looks really good quality wise so.. :thisbig:

If it was indeed a bubble run then I'd definitely suggest drying it out and doing a bho/iso run (or two) too. :yep:

Edited by uBercaMeL
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Guest Sid-Vicious

A good ol thread last season, thought i'd re-fire it up FB!


Time to watch things GROW!!

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I lost some down to general incompetence and my coffee filters splitting, curse you co op and your inferior own brand products. :smokin:

lol, yeah those filters keep breaking on me too androo :headpain: If you know any chemistry or biology students (or you happen to be one yourself), get them to pinch you a few whatman paper filters (though if you can get them the polycarbonate, nylon or anodisc ones are even better/specifically designed for solvent extraction).

If you use a jam funnel with the filter papers you'll hopefully get less splitting. In fact; I've not had a co-op filter split since I started using the funnel. I also double up on the papers. Cost = £2

jam funnel


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Guest doze

OK here's a few to start this years off.

Blair witch or what?


Other side, the fluffy bit's the door.


Set in the bed of a dried up stream. Even had a fireplace made from an old filing cabinet. Hopefully it hasn't been used in years. Gave me the creeps getting 4 tyres through it.


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