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Graffiti Outline


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i have over 500 cans of paint in many difrent colours all ready for that train or white wall pls pm me for me details..

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should start a UK420 crew! i propose a trip to amsterdam to investigate the graff there. i recon with a bit of blagging we could get it paid for by some government art innitiative or summat, haha.

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heres some links if anyones interested

this website had loads of stuff by people i know, but its not running at the moment, dunno why :guitar:

theres loads of stuff from my mates cousin here.... he was voted the uk's best writer a couple of years back on N-Igma

i remember as a kid (i grew up in a little town of 50k people) the underpass next to our school got done, its under a dual carriageway so we're talking a good 150 foot long wall.....couple guys put up 2 robots argueing ready to fight, fucking top drawer it is, still there 20 years later.

20 years?? thats well good any chance of a flic??

stay safe lads and no smoking near them cans

no need mate, the cans get you high enough lol

i don't use Montana mate, its crap. last time i tried to use it, i managed to clog up 3 fat-caps (pink-dot) without even managing to get anyting out. i use Belton now man, a LOT better, easier to control and £2.50 a can near me

you no like the montana?? it was always my fave, some of beltons colours are a bit watery imo, still good paint though

i aint done a train yet, still want to tho man.

public trains are a lot harder to paint since 9/11, can still be done though

freights are the best though, a lot less security, and they normally dont get cleaned very often (public trains sometimes get cleaned in a day)

the worst thing about painting trains is trying to get a picture

i have over 500 cans of paint in many difrent colours all ready for that train or white wall pls pm me for me details..

how come youve got so much paint?? :guitar:

also what brand is it?


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just stumbled across this.....(ignore the question marks)

i met this geeza before he died, he must have only been 20 or something


Extract from London Evening Standard 16/7/02

Vandal?s death sparks surge in train graffiti

by Dick Murray, Transport Editor

London commuter train companies are reporting a dramatic increase in graffiti linked to the death of a well-known graffiti vandal killed by a train.

Connex and South West Trains have been worse affected but Thames Trains also reports an increase. On some days say the operators, 100 carriages are vandalise with paint covering the entire length of the cars.

Police link the sudden dramatic increase in damage to the death of James Dutka on 18 May. He was struck by the 13.47 Maidstone East to Victoria train. Investigators believe that Mr.Dutka was sitting over the edge of the platform at Catford Station when the tragedy occurred. He was known to use the tag of ?Moody?. Since his death others have used the tag ?Moody RIP? throughout the South and South-East as a memorial, with details being posted on a website. Inspector Colum Price of the British Transport Police (BTP), said: ?there appears to be an increase since that death as some form of memorial to his passing.?

The problem has been exacerbated because the vandals are now mixing their own paint, which is much harder than commercially purchased products and very difficult to remove. The gangs cut or climb their way into train depots at night.

Tom Fuller, Connex depot manager at Grove Park, said extra staff have been drafted in and depot security is being increased along with better fencing. Mr.Fuller said some of the graffiti ?come well prepared with up to 70 pots of paint and covering an entire side of carriage takes just minutes.?

Connex calculates it costs £500,000 a year to remove graffiti from its fleet with the problem most common in the south-east London area. A company spokeswoman said: ?Few people realise what an organised activity graffiti has become. There is even a website offering points for ?tagging? particular types of trains.?

She said defacing one of the new £1million-a-carriage 375 trains would be worth more in points than defacing old slam-door stock, and the aim of the vandals was to have their work seen by as many people as possible: ?But 80 per cent is removed before the trains go out.?

In addition to the cost of cleaning, graffiti also means carriages are out of stock, resulting in trains being even more crowded. She added: ? We prefer to remove the graffiti at the earliest opportunity. It is not ideal but that is sometimes why passengers have to travel in trains covered in graffiti.?

The train companies are also faced with an increase in ?Dutch? graffiti in which train windows are etched. This vandalism began in Holland and has spread to the UK. This cannot be removed and the only solution is to replace the window at £1,000 a time.

Mr. Price said all the train operating companies had been invited to meet with the police next week to decide how to combat the problem. A BTP spokesman said: ? The problem is turning into an epidemic, but we will do everything in our power to stamp it out.?

Edited by BushDoctoR
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey hey BushdoctoR...hows things?

like the photos man...have u anymore, any you've been playing with?

Like the sneeky peek at your style, would love to see more.

I have lived out in the sticks for my whole life - so when I see a piece, I get orgasmic...!

Ive been to art college, and all that crap, I mostly do music now (nu school breaks) but am still in touch with my 'rural graffiti' roots ;-)


Gotta say, Ive attacked a few places in my time...the village school was the most effective though, a day after doing the piece, I was contacted by the school...to clean it off, and to have a go at doing a mural inside the school!

I was only 16 at the time, cleaned up, packed up and fu*ked off...

I wish I knew then what I know now....

Actrually that gives me an idea <picks up phone>



Graffiti IS an art....because it is art...simple, you got paint, will paint, and get a picture...picture=art

Show me something on this planet that ISNT art...

I havnt got any pics of my old piece's apart from a scan of a practice for a piece I put under a motorway bridge.....cleaned off the day after....

All my photos & artwork were burnt in a fire a few years ago... :ouch:;):soap:

The attached scan is all that exists....

I do have a few photos of some pieces that turned up locally (Cumbria)

If its the same guy, he's talented...and if it aint, well....Id better do me a piece, and claim it back!

Ill post em here if anyones interested....or should I start a new thread.??


PS. Respects go to Moody, family and crew, never knew. RIP & PIP


Edited by The Mighty Scrogger
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easy m8, i dont have anything else as yet on cpu, im thinking of doing some fresh shit, i'll post it when ive done it

Ive been to art college, and all that crap, I mostly do music now (nu school breaks) but am still in touch with my 'rural graffiti' roots ;-)

cool, i know a few guys who are into nu skool breaks, "sons of mecha" they go by, have you heard of them?? they have quite a few releases out

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cool, i know a few guys who are into nu skool breaks, "sons of mecha" they go by, have you heard of them?? they have quite a few releases out

Yea, Ive heard of them...pretty damn sure Ive got a remix or single by them somewhere... :cat:

Still got 1000's of breaks 12s, ..things have been very slow in the last 6 months...aint touched a deck all year :ouch:

You heard of Koma & Bones?

I used to know em (before they jetted off round the world full time)....from up north, in Lancaster

They've written some beastly breaks.

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And - Oi! - MR CASTARSE...I PM'd you about some of that paint...

Still up for grabs?

mail me: aptom2@yahoo.co.uk

or leave a message here...mucho apprecionado :cat:

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