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Hi all,

i've just built this growroom, it's about 3.5ft square by 4.5ft high. I am using 125watt environlights and have a 240volt 140mm extractor fan at the bottom for bringing in air from outside and one at the top for taking air out.

My problem is that the temp never gets above about 60 f. Thats with the light on. I dont know what it is after a period at night with the light off but i reckon it will be quite a bit colder.

I think the main problem is the outside air temp, these fans do bring in a fair amount. Does anyone know of any way of heating this up a little - or is this temp of 60f good enough ? There isn't a lot of room in there for fan heaters. I was considering putting a fish tank thermostat in there in a small tank to try and add some warmth as well as a bit of humidity ??

From what I've read i should be looking for a temp of around 70 f. I havent started the grow so dont know what the results would be !

Thanks for any responses....

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thanks Rastakid,

more light ? Do'u mean enviro's or add sodium lights. I was thinking of having a 100watt light bulb mounted in front of the intake fan to try and warm it up a bit. But this would'nt work during dark hours. Would turning the fans off at night harm the plants ?


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Guest BushBandicoot

Why not get along to a garden centre or B+Q-type place and buy a small thermo greenhouse heater. Normally easily under £20, a good one should have thermostatic heat settings (can adjust so it comes on at say 20degC) and a cool air setting (for hot weather). You can get them real small. too.

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put your fan on a timer , it will allow the room to warm up between air changes,if your worried about it getting too hot then you can wire a thermostat across the timer to kick the fan in .

are you doing hydro ? keep the water around 22C if you are then the room temps arent quite so vitally important.

hope this helps


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Thanks to all,

the greenhouse heater (small) idea sounds good - i'm gonna head over to B&Q later and check that out. How does a thermo greenhouse heater work, is it electric or is one of those that burns a fuel of some sort ? If it burns, will this produce any light that may be harmfull to my plant if it is used during dark hours ?

It's organic (or will be when i start).

Cheers again....


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hi snuzzle, both bnq and homebase do small 700w oil filled rads.. around £19.99, these are by far the most safe and economical way to keep temps up m8 lol

i use mine with a plug in thermostat from argos, was £15..

i believe it to be a bargain... just set min and max temps and leave it running 24/7.... if you wanna be fancy put a small fan in behind it to blow lovely soothing warm air over yer ladies ;)

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Guest BushBandicoot

Mines is a 'pararsene', I believe. Electric fan heater/cooler, about 20x20x20cm.

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i've just built this growroom, it's about 3.5ft square by 4.5ft high. I am using 125watt environlights and have a 240volt 140mm extractor fan at the bottom for bringing in air from outside and one at the top for taking air out.

Did you mean 3.5ft square? That's 3.5ft x 3.5 ft which is 12.25 sq ft. One 125w envirolite isn't enough for that much area (only gives about 10w per sq ft). You really need to be looking at something like a 400w hid light, or throw in a couple of more envirolites. Once you sort the lights out you shouldn't have a temperature problem, or certainly not as much of a problem.

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