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Hi AT good idea (and i had considered it) BUT i doubt i could get three 2.5ft+ plants to a location i would regard as "safe" by foot (we don't own a vehicle) without at least someone spotting me. And it's a "small" neighborhood round here and if i was spotted/recognized it would cause far to much "heat".

I have one more "trick" to try. Tonight i will (when the lights go off) remove the CC AUTO and leave outside the Drobe (not good as it's getting to smell now :unsure:). I will then leave the S.A.D's in complete darkness for.... Well ideally 24hrs but to be honest as long as i dare and hope this gets them flowering.

If not the only other thing is 12/12 BUT this would mess the CC AUTO up AND to be honest i can't afford it stretching even one more inch (it's getting a good bleaching from the light as it is!!). So you could say we are in the s*** to be honest each grow we do can only really go on for X amount of time before we need to at least have something to smoke. We will be lucky as it is if the CC AUTO kicks out an oz or two (it's hopelessly "leggy" and only the top 6" is really getting "usable" light).

It all boils down to this: To make it (usually) until next harvest we need at LEAST 4oz BUT if the S.A.D'S don't give anything i doubt the CC is going to give us that then therefore this grow = FAIL!


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Well today I've gone from "I'll wait and see what happens with DS's plants in the dark" this afternoon, to seeing how badly two of mine needed potting up after lights on. So I've stuck my SAD in a dark cupboard as well, mainly to make space for the big pots of the other two, but also to get the other 7 back on 19/5 lighting.

I suppose I should feel lucky I only have one of the SAD's going at the minute (well, two, but the other's a youngun). Must be especially gutting for you, seeing as you're relying on 3 of them :(

As I've just got one, I'll likely throw her away if she doesn't deliver the goods. As you have three, it's probably worthwhile doing the opposite and sticking to 12/12 to make them flower like reg fems. That will at least mean you get bud, rather than binning them and getting nothing.

Just keep supercropping the CC to keep her away from the light.

I think the S.A.D's are suffering from some excess N to as the stems are soft and the leaves very dark green.

Just reading back in your thread and mine is the same, very soft stems, not "toughening up" at all *shrugs*

Keep an eye on "Sad Sack" in my grow, she's the next SAD I planted.

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Thanks for the advice m8. Yeah it's a real :censored: not sure what to do really in all the years i've been growing i've never had such a monumental fail of a grow!! If it was grower error i would except it and move on but in my eyes the 3 of us as far as i can tell did all we could for our girls BUT if what you say about non flowering after a week of 12/12 then we were doomed from the start.

Just don't understand how they just WON'T flower don't want to sound "thick" but is that even possible!!! Now i'm not sure if i should be KEEPING the CC AUTO and toe punting the S.A.D's like you said if a week of 12/12 hasn't started them who's to say 2 weeks will or 4.....6.....8!! I could give away our only chance of getting something out of this farce for three of what could be "waster" plants that do nothing!! (sigh) :angry:.

REALLY don't know what to do now but whatever i do has to be done SOON as the S.A.D's will soon be to big to 12/12 and i don't think i can hold out the few more weeks the CC AUTO needs to finish.

Weird about the floppy stems though some of the secondary branches are pointing down on mine and can't even support the weight of the NON EXISTING buds so i doubt even IF they flowered they would hold themselves up MASSIVE FAIL.


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I have PM'ed Tommy asking him if he has any theories on the "issue". For now the `S.A.D's are sitting in some extended darkness and the Creme Caramel is just sat on the floor "surviving" on some ambient light coming through the window :headpain:. NOT GOOD as although no smell can be detected NOW i'm sure that it won't be long now before it starts to honk I BOUGHT A RHINO FILTER FOR GOOD REASON and doing this goes against everything a grower "should" do. Not impressed that i'm risking MY familys. "wellbeing" just to see if some dumb idiot can't understand what packet the AUTO's go in! :wanker:.

I'm 99.9% sure these are NOT AUTO's because now a few things they are doing is leaving me with some WTF! moments such as: not stopping root production every time i pick up the pots and look at the drain holes there are fresh white NEW roots poking through (still vegging?). AND the compost is now ROCK hard (ie all root) and they now need watering every other day.

The CC on the other hand can go for 2 to 3 days without water and there are NO fresh white roots appearing PLUS the compost is still soft enough that you can push your finger in but the S.A.D's is like concrete!! This "test" can only go on for so long but sooner or later something has to give BUT if these three S.A.D's turn out like evertondave's "Sadie" and do jack s*** im going to be PROPER :censored:.


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What a dumb :censored::doh: i've been wracking my brain trying to think of somewhere to put the S.A.D's until i can find out exactly what to do with them and just couldn't think of an area that no one goes in and is nice and dark then it hit me..... The loft!! so the S.A.D's can get the **** up there and do what the hell they want. AND the CC AUTO can have the Drobe and carbon filter all to itself.

So tonight when the youngest is sleeping the S.A.D's will be put up there and the CC can go back into the Drobe. If the S.A.D's DO flower bonus if not at least the CC will put out something for our "troubles".


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Change of plan AGAIN!! :wassnnme:. It's 12/12 time!! the CC AUTO and "those bitches" have all been shoehorned back in the Drobe and the timer on me Plug N Grow set to the "magic" numbers and it all starts tomorrow (kind of ironic really as i figured i would be wrapping this diary up soon :rofl:) but instead it's really only beginning now.

This is going to be REAL interesting because me Drobe may not be prepared for the MONSTERS within it. I've just tried a bit of Supercropping on a random bit of S.A.D (worked better this time when i tried on the CC AUTO's top cola it .... er.... Came off :eek:). Pics of the three MONSTERS soon and also the next exciting episode of MY S.A.D DIARY: When an immoveable object (the S.A.D's) meet and irresistible force (my stubborn streak) and my need for this not to end in disaster.


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Change of plan AGAIN!!

Sounds a bit like me yesterday :lol:

Good luck with it, I hope it works out. Just had a quick look at mine, and it's possibly flowering, can't really tell at the moment.

Back in the cupboard she goes :nea:

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Hey DS. Tommy's been gone for the weekend, so you need to be a little patient for his response. :rolleyes:

Switching to 12/12 is surely better than putting them into the dark - the Cream caramel won't suffer too much going to 12/12h.

How much headroom you still got for the sads? I would top them right now! try to take as much height as possible from the plants and concentrate on a few lower shoots, which will turn out nice. Like that you can deal with the stretch.

AT :oldtoker:

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Hi AT i think i can cope (i hope!) with the S.A.D's it's just not "planned" for and another 8 or 9 wks THEN drying will push the finances maybe a LITTLE to far you see we spend sometimes upto £280 a fortnight on rubbish "dealer" weed and to be frank can't afford to.

By now we are usually wrapping the grow up and starting the drying process then we effectively have an "extra" £280 a fortnight available to us to spend on.... Well whatever really (the kids birthdays/home improvements/trips out.... more food even!!).

BUT this time we are unable to have this "extra" money (the Creme Caramel will go some way to help BUT this won't last 8/9wks) so we will be back buying more "dealer" weed in a few weeks. Not to mention the extra electric it will take that we didn't account for (not much MAYBE but when you use a "key" meter like us every £ counts to be honest). it's just "unplanned/unexpected" expense that to be honest we didn't account for (thats why my last few grows have been AUTO's.... Done and dusted in just over 2 months EVERYTIME like clockwork almost).

Except this time!!! I have emailed Sweet Seeds at Tommy's request and would like to say i don't bare any malice towards Tommy/Sweet Seeds i know that accidents can and DO happen it's just unfortunate timing really.

lol! evertondave i know the feeling..... Will they.... Won't they i'm giving them 2 wks or so and if nowt' happens i will have to reassess the situation!!


Edited by Darkstalker420
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Diary time again UK420.... (Best get used to it as it could go on a "while" longer :rofl:). Day 55 now and well much the same for the S.A.D's really they have been on 12/12 for a few days now and to be honest it's to early to tell.

The Creme Caramel is still soldiering on mind (Day 52/53). I have been asked by someone at the Sweet Seeds team to send some pictures of the S.A.D's so i figure might as well put them up here to.

This one shows the difference between the S.A.D's and the Creme Caramel (REMEMBER S.A.D's are "older" by a couple of days!).... CC on the right of course.



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Another BIG ASS S.A.D!! If these are just fem's im going to be in for a good "tustle" with these girls in a few weeks :headpain::rofl:.



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Hi mate!

I don't know what to say, hehehe, SADs are looking really good, but I can't tell you that because the plants were supposed to be flowering now... :unsure: Cream Caramel Auto is looking superb, but I also can't tell you that because you obviously expected a smaller plant and you are having difficulties in keeping the plant in the space you have available. I think she is not going to stretch more, maybe only some more 5 or 10cm for the size of the buds, if you know what I mean...

If Sweet Seeds asked you for pictures, please send them the ones you posted here and tell them which is CC Auto and which are the SADs. I think they will find it interesting to see the CC Auto so big when compared with the SADs...

We'll keep in touch, lets see if the SADs start flowering soon, fingers crossed :stoned:

Kind regards,


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Hi Tommy. I did send the pictures (and pointed out which was the CC AUTO)..... Would love to be in the room when they see that :mmmmmmm::eek:!!

Do the S.A.D's (the AUTO ones at least) not get that big then? I'm lucky with the CC as it's JUST stopped in time (phew!!)


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