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Echoes Of Ptsd From Bygone Grow Bust.


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i emphasise with you greatly, i was followed 5 times a day in my car my police, they would drive up and down past my house everday, and park outside waiting for me.

long story short i lost all value of my car and crashed it on the motorway... no-one i knew would give me a fair price for my car now it was the 'most wanted'

i was wrongly being tailed for crimes that where nothing to do with me.

i left the town to another town because of an agreement i made with the chief of police, but when i left my anxiety setted in and its been a long hard struggle.

what has happened to you is far werse and i feel for you, if it was me, i would grow some dank ass nuggets in your home, set up security cameras (they can do the watching for you!) and save up some cash for some nice holidays somwhere sunny for a break from home... :(

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+rep greenthumb, i wish i could hear that every time my mind wonders off to the (insert name of choice)

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i'm in full agreement with dr.greenthumb fck them dont let them grind ya down.

like dr.gt said get a grow going as long as u have a few plants for percy it a slap on the wrist if they call again.

i personly know how u feel cause i felt like it once i think what got me out of it was people keep telling me life's to short.

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wise words there greenthumb mate,

digit, listen to this man and follow it to the letter, then and only then, can your recovery start.

and no doubt you been buying of the street weed since, hows that helping anyone, eh, damn daft laws.

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I know the fear of the knock on the door mate. Mad panic jumping up when you hear a car door slam in the street or the door go. I just gave up peekin out the window, if the police are outside they are commin in no matter what and there is nothing you can do about it other than skin one up and try and chong it down before they get through the door. I think the old addage sank into me and i just dont care anymore.

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The problem here buddy is that you not being entirely irrational with your fears. If you were busted at 5am in the morning by someone knocking loudly at your door then if it happens again, that is exactly what your brain is designed to expect again. I don't like to say it but I don't think that you should be growing in your house if its causing you that fear.

Like with all things, how we feel and act are two different things to how we know we should feel and act. Its very hard to control feelings related to such a traumatic experience in your past and to put yourself in a position to relive that cannot be good for you regardless of whether you get busted again.

Talking to a professional will help but you have to remove the rational fear of this repeating. If there is no grow in the house then logically that knock on the door is not going to concern you no matter who is behind it. I don't tend to get paranoid but a few times when I have been growing in the past I have got the fear a bit when you have an unexpected knock at the door. Its part of the territory and its not a nice feeling to have.

Good luck with this and I hope you overcome this.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 years later...

revisiting this thread, not the first or last time.


got the calm wherewithal to reply this time.


-=DrGreenThumb=-, thnx.


@makeyourself, nah, missed the mark there.  i'm not now/then cultivating my own (as surely was made clear at least twice in original post), n that doesnt magic away the ptsd.  oh that it did work like that.


and to everyone else who gave sympathy, support, suggestions that i 'liked', thnx.  :)

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 Hi Digit, I have PTSD but dont suffer with the "sartled response", i did a bit but it was the least of my worries tbh. Ive had extensive therapy over the course of the last couple of years, its finished now and i have to honestly say im in such a better place touch wood and have been for a long time. I still have intrusive thoughts but not outburts anymore. The most important things i took away from anxiety managment, was that our past experiences shape our predictions, i know this sounds obvious but sometimes hearing this from others helps us put things into perspective, especially when we are traumatised and cant see the wood for the trees as it were. Those past experiences can have such a significant impact on our thinking that it stops healthy functioning.


The only way, or the best way to "get past" this is to test those predictions and that applies to all kinds of anxietty / PTSD. For instance if your fearful of water, desensitize yourself by walking near a beach, then on the beach, then paddling etc. Putting things into perspective is so important. If you cant grow through fear of being busted ask yourself whats the very worst thing that could happen to you for growing 2 plants? A slap on the wrist and a fine at worst, maybe just a caution. Your not going to go to jail and its unlikely you would have your name in the papers and even if you did, so fucking what, nobody cares. If youve had a bad experience with the police in the past, this has shaped your belief system and you need to break that cycle by testing your predictions. Its easier said than done but can make the world of difference. Putting things into perspective and proportion can help you move forwards.


Its like having a major anxiety attack/PTSD outburst..you might lose your temper, smash something, scream etc, have really intrusive thoughts but your not going to go ouit and hurt anybody, even though you might "feel like" revenge on those that have harmed you, they are just thoughts and to some extent normal thoughts and understandable thoughts..realising thats "all" they are, helps put things into perspective, it lessesns the anxiety and eventually those anxiety attacks will decrease and when you have one you can tell yourself, its ok this is just a normal and healthy response to stress, i can cope, im not going to do anything stupid..after a while youll find that they subside and when you do have an attack it will soon pass because youve now got the coping skills and perspective to manage your thoughts. This process literally saved my life.

Edited by Pot Committed
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